9 more say they will vote for the winner of the CD, so that should put the count at at least 40.
Yep that’s what I saw last night bumping the PA delegate election to Trump’s delegate list. :-)
Are the 31 counted toward the 1237 total?
Impossible! Cruz stole those delegates fair and square!
Shouldnt that read YOOOGE Pennsylvania Delegate Update?
Any data comparison on number of voters who came out for primary 2012?
Any comparison on number of voters who came out vs. GENERAL ELECTION 2012?
CNN is showing Trump with 52 total in PA:
Current delegate count according to them, and I have found them to be fairly accurate is:
Trump: 991
Cruz: 568
Kasich: 154
As I predicted on the Primary Thread yesterday, Trump got over 100 of the delegates last night.
I expect he will go well over the top (probably by 50 or more delegates at this point), on June 7th.
If Cruz is interested in the GOP (without any “e”) winning in November, then he needs to concede next week after Trump (in all likelihood) takes Indiana.
I pray to God that is what he will do. He has the power to:
1) Unite the party by so doing.
2) Deliver a huge blow to the GOPe by so doing.
3) Set up for a big GOP NOvember win.
My Open Letter to Ted Cruz
I say all of this as one who has diligently supported Cruz...but recognizes the truth of the situation and the absolute need to defeeat the Dems in November.
Trump even won in the 13th, where I live, which I figured had a fair chance of going for Kasich.
Trump won every single county in every single state. Think about this for a minute. Just in Pennsylvania:
He won Philadelphia and suburbs. He won the old steel country around Pittsburgh. He won Amish country. He won the agricultural/rural areas.
In Maryland, he won Baltimore and the DC suburbs. He won in Annapolis with so many vets. He won in Southern Maryland.
He won the Wall Street suburbs in Connecticut. He won the working class areas of Rhode Island.
I don't know much about Delaware, but he won ALL of it.
The scope of this victory stretched beyond just "states and delegates."
Cruz’s ground game team got schooled...
CNN is showing Trump getting 52 delegates for PA. 17 Bound and 35 assumably from being Trump delegates or following the CD vote.
woooooooooo hoooooooooooooo!
Tucker and Havley in the 2nd leaned toward voting for the winner so I took a chance and voted for them. I just saw a rather fetching Liz Havley say she was going to vote for the winner even though she leaned Kasich. I didn’t vote for Aaron Cohen because he sent out an expensive mailer with a picture of he and what I assume was his smoking hot wife and my envy didn’t want him to have everything. Besides, he smelled like a Crusty.
I voted in the 6th.
Wert showed pledged for Cruz in the research I did, so she’s probably a “no”
Costello pledged to go with the state-wide winner, so he’s a “yes”.
District 18 now showing Thomas Uram who came out for Trump, instead of Sue Means, who came out for Cruz. Change from last evening’s report.
I’ve heard so many different delegate numbers for Trump. I even heard that he got a total of 130 delegates last night. I couldn’t tell you if that’s accurate or not because of the plethora of numbers floating around.
Trump won every County in PA, the first time I’ve ever seen that in a contested primary.
Love threads like this.. Go Trump Go!! :)