Posted on 04/21/2016 6:53:01 AM PDT by xzins
Republican Donald Trump says he'd be fine with Caitlyn Jenner using the bathroom of her choice at Trump Tower. (AP File Photo)
( - Republican Donald Trump, appearing on Thursday's "Today" show, said transgenders should be allowed to "use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate."
"So if Caitlyn Jenner were to walk into Trump Tower and want to use the bathroom, you would be fine with her using any bathroom she chooses?" host Matt Lauer asked Trump.
"That is correct," Trump said.
Asked for his view on the North Carolina bathroom controversy, Trump said the state has "paid a big price" for requiring transgenders to use the restroom that corresponds with their biological sex.
"Leave it the way it is," he said.
"One of the best answers I heard was from a commentator yesterday, saying 'Leave it the way it is right now.' There have been very few problems. Leave it the way it is. North Carolina, what they're going through with all of the business that's leaving and all of the strife, and that's on both sides -- you leave it the way it is.
"There have been very few complaints the way it is. People go, they use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate. There has been so little trouble. And the problem with what happened in North Carolina is the strife, and the -- the economic punishment that they're taking."
Trump said he doesn't know if he has any transgender people working for him. "I probably do, I really don't know."
Trump noted that there's a "big move to create new bathrooms" for transgenders.
"First of all, I think that would be discriminatory in a certain way. It would be unbelievably expensive for businesses and for the country. Leave it the way it is."
Okay, Mr. Lewis, I’ll give you a chance.
Would you like to hear my point of view on this matter, even assuming the worst? Are you willing to engage my points?
Because I really don’t want to spill my heart to someone only to have that person turn around and call me a stupid dupe. Which is what has happened many times over.
You wrote: “He blamed the Chicago hardcore left on Trump.
He blamed the Brussels terror attack on Trump.”
No. He. Did. Not. Post proof of those claims or don’t make them.
That's a good point and why I hope he appoints the best people as he has done for his companies. For all I care about Trump, he can be a figure head if he has a knowledgeable, competent, and conservative cabinet. That's the best I'm hoping for. Still, I don't believe he can beat Hillary beast in debates.
Good question. Maybe he never intended to win this thing in the first place. Maybe he wants a brokered convention. Maybe he wants the GOP to steal the nomination from him so he can play the victim, go third party and screw the GOP in every way he can.
I dont know. But right now anyone who numbers Donald LGBTrump among constitutional conservatives either has his head stick in the sand or is a fool.
>>I could care less about the issue.
What symbol's do Bat Man insider/outsider crony perverts like Cohn and Stone prefer on the door?
1500 Syrians, Somalis and Sudanese muslims were settled in smalltown, USA
50 ISIS terrorists crossed our sieve-like border into the us
3 Naval battle ships were decommissioned due to age
1000 Mexicans walked past the Border Guard into the USA
Cruz was making more plans for the North American Union.
The Federal Government spent 350 million dollars.
15,000 jobs were moved to Mexico and China
15,000 Americans were fired and replaced by Indians
4 vets waiting for care at the VA died
I could go on...
Or just wants Hillary defeated. Bathrooms are not a federal issue. The 10th amendment leaves it to the states.
How 'bout you tell us how all of the above fit into the strategic subversion and demoralization of American culture Yuri Bezmenov warned us about -- (and Illustrated by the amorality of Donald Trump)?
What about the tax comments Jim?
I thought that was limited govt.?
What is a sacred cow to you is not to me. I don't want Sharia policing. I could care less about these Podunk issues. Social conservatives are for small govt except on social issues - then they want large govt interventions.
I personally would like the private sector to police their own bathrooms. And have this on a state by state basis.
- but honestly - there is no wave of trans people lurking in bathrooms. All this fuss for like a dozen people in a whole state or something like that. All the crimes a man would do are still illegal even if he is in a dress. untold numbers of illegals are raping people and killing people in America but the establishment brings out this red flag to distract the social conservatives and to trip up the candidates.
His track record just doesn't support the "conservative" hyperbole Jim.
I'd like to believe him - but this is who he IS.
Look at the insiders he's surrounded himself with -
And what sort of "conservative" picks a campaign manager who worked for a COMMUNIST like Yanukovych?
Bezmenov predicted this:
"What it basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country.It's a great brainwashing process which goes very slow and is divided into four basic stages.The first stage being "demoralization".It takes from 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation. Why that many years? Because this is the minimum number of years required to educate one generation of students in the country of your enemy exposed to the ideology of [their] enemy. In other words, Marxism-Leninism ideology is being pumped into the soft heads of at least 3 generation of American students without being challenged or counterbalanced by the basic values of Americanism; American patriotism.Most of the activity of the department [KGB] was to compile huge amount / volume of information, on individuals who were instrumental in creating public opinion. Publisher, editors, journalists, uh actors, educationalists, professors of political science. Members of parliament, representatives of business circles.Most of these people were divided roughly into two groups: those who would tow the Soviet foreign policy, they would be promoted to positions of power through media and public manipulation; [and] those who refuse the Soviet influence in their own country would be character assassinated OR executed physically, come Revolution. "--KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov--Soviet Subversion of the Free Press (Ideological subversion, Destabilization, CRISIS - and the KGB)
You have it correct to a good degree, but it’s more than that.
In NYC, the mentality is if you lie, steal, or act violently, you’re going to be smiled at with nodding approval as a lure to get you out of sight where you may disappear forever or emerge in need of large repair.
If it’s a matter of public scrutiny, then the ‘out of sight’ place may be a jail or prison where the outcome is the same.
“You lie to me or about me, and I’ll smile and approve as I take you in the back where you may disappear forever because you deserve it”. That’s the NYC Schtick. The smile and nod are counterintuitive, but that’s how they operate.
Liberals in NY operate the same way but with a different set of terms. They define what a ‘wrong’ is and they decide the punishment. There is no Rule of Law except what is inside their own minds. They have different rules but they also smile and nod. Just look at Chuck Schumer, he does it all the time.
Donald Trump knows the national media has lied relentlessly about him in thousands of ways. Unlike liberals he doesn’t invent his own definition of what a lie is. He is going to smile back at the national media and answer their gotcha questions with a shocking response that floors them, and then follow it up with a ‘leave NC alone’ line. He knocks them senseless and they deserve it.
Believe me, if you’ve done something wrong to a NYer and they smile at you with a nod, you’re done, you’re finished. With a liberal NYer you may have done nothing wrong at all, but unless you’re a fellow liberal they will invent something you’ve done wrong just so they can smile at you and begin the process of your demise.
“I personally would like the private sector to police their own bathrooms.”
“All the crimes a man would do are still illegal even if he is in a dress.”
But what about women just being uncomfortable with a man in a dress, who might or might not be attracted to women, using the same bathroom? I guess I’m not seeing where the crime component comes into it anyhow. Seems to me having laws that stop businesses from addressing the concerns of those women by not allowing that is the real problem, right?
Screw incrementalism. Why do I have a feeling the GOP establishment is using this as a shiny metal object to get the base worked up over an almost non-existent problem (is there a tranny bathroom crime wave I don’t know about?) so they can be distracted and not think of border security and the trade deals?
And it was the decision of North Carolina to hold fast to a 10,000 year moral tradition that is causing all this politically correct firestorm. Donald LGBTrump decided to side with the PC crowd and join in the condemnation of North Carolina on this issue. He didn't raise the 10th amendment excuse. If he was thinking that way , then he would have declined to state an opinion.
Political correctness will destroy America, be it Federal or State. It is sad to see so many people blinded by their hatred of the GOP that they would fall for this snake oil salesman.
What would it take right now for your unwavering support of LGBTrump to cause it to waver?
He wants to liberalize the decades old GOP platform on abortion. He wants men to have a right to use women's bathrooms.
What will it take?
She should get her priorities straight - she has zero chance of encountering such a "man" in her lifetime in a bathroom/changing room. She has a good chance an illegal alien and or Muslim will rape and kill her. The rest is designed to distract you like a red flag distracts a bull before the matador stabs it to death.
Lyin’ Ted just for you:
“”It is striking that the day after Donald Trump called for weakening NATO, withdrawing from NATO, we see Brussels, where NATO is headquartered, the subject of a radical Islamic terror attack,” Cruz said Tuesday in a news conference hours after terrorists struck civilian targets in Brussels, where the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is headquartered.
“Donald Trump is wrong that America should withdraw from the world and abandon our allies. Donald Trump is wrong that American should retreat from Europe, retreat from NATO, hand Putin a major victory and while he’s at it hand ISIS a major victory,” Cruz said.”
Nato was once funded 50% by the US and 50% by the European Allies. Now it’s funded 70% by the US and 30% by the Allies.
Trump called for going back to 50% because he thinks the Euros should pay more.
But Lyin’ Ted when first confronted about the Brussels terror attack did not even bother to pay respects to the innocent dead and their families. He launched immediately into a tirade about Trump on Nato and twisted it into a lie that only a person with a screw loose could concoct.
Trump zeroed in on the real cause of the Brussels terror attack: lax immigration policies. Cruz never mentioned this. To Cruz it was all about Trump, always about Trump.
Now you’ve had your 15 minutes with me. From now on do not post to me again.
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