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Intellectual Dishonesty, Ted Cruz Supporters, and The TPA Argument…
The Last Refuge ^ | 18 Apr 16 | Sundance

Posted on 04/19/2016 7:40:31 AM PDT by xzins

It really is quite stunning to see the voices who support Ted Cruz try and reconcile his prior support for the Trans-Pacific Trade issue.  Their obtuse position is fraught with intellectual dishonesty, and, quite frankly, a necessary head-in-the-sand approach.

We’ve previously outlined the issue HERE.   Senator Cruz supported the legislative trade-passage vehicle of TPA (Trade Promotion Authority) because ultimately the trade bill itself (TPP) benefits Wall Street’s interests.

However, the best way to understand the issue of his support is to actually listen to Ted Cruz explain in 2015 why he supported, then stopped supporting TPA:

You can clearly see, in his own words, Senator Cruz stating he stopped supporting TPA because Senator Mitch McConnell lied to him about buying votes for a later re-authorization of the Import-Export bank, which Ted Cruz does not support.

cruz McConnell

An intellectually honest person would admit, given the reasoning Cruz eloquently delivered, that absent of the Import/Export bank issue the Senator supported the legislative vehicle TPA and the final product TPP.

Ultimately, the simple question: “why would a Senator support the vehicle for trade approval (TPA) if the Senator had doubts about the actual trade deal itself (TPP)” ?

Secondly: “why would a Senator support Fast-Track TPA, the change for 60 vote legislative support for approval to a simple majority of 51 votes, if the senator did not want to grant easier authorization for the president” ?

The bottom line is Senator Cruz supported TPA.  Senator Cruz admits he supported TPA in the video above.  Remember also, this was HIS BILL along with Paul Ryan.

TPA is HR2146 (TPA “Trade Promotion Authority” containing “Fast Track”): This House Bill #2146 originating April 30th ’15, became the vehicle for passage of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal.

HR2146 was originally introduced in the House of Representatives as a bill to address issues with retirement funds of federal law enforcement officers and firefighters.

In the beginning of the congressional session, with Republicans now in control of both the House and Senate, in Feb-March-April of 2015, Senator Ted Cruz and House Ways and Means Chairman, Representative Paul Ryan, supported Trade Promotion Authority being added to HR2146.

Their support was most notable when they posted the following Op-Ed which appeared in the Wall Street Journal on April 22nd:

ted cruz 1paul ryan 1

On May 12th, 2015, HR2146 passed/agreed to in House: On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended. Agreed to by the Yeas and Nays: (2/3 required): 407 – 5 (Roll no. 220). (text: CR H2848)

The bill passed the house 407-5 because it was not controversial. It was simply a bill for benefits toward LEO and Firefighters retirement funds.

However, as planned, on June 4th 2015, the senate passed the house bill “with changes”. The Trade-Deal was added and notably included an amendment “adding TPA” (thanks to Ted Cruz) and TAA (needed for Elizabeth Warren coalition).  TAA was an amendment by the Elizabeth Warren coalition to add union retraining funds in the event the trade bill resulted in job lay-offs.

TPA with TAA passed by unanimous consent thereby avoiding a roll vote on record.

On June 18, 2015 the House accepted the TPA change (Paul Ryan spearhead).  The change was the addition of TPA and TAA to the original fire fighters retirement bill.

However, Ryan removed TAA (the financial assistance package for training of union workers – this angered the base of the progressive caucus, Pelosi, Warren, etc). The Senate Democrats, who generally oppose TPP were hoodwinked – TAA was never originally going to be allowed – Senator Elizabeth Warren was furious.

The Democrats in the Senate were furious. They turned to Nancy Pelosi for help in getting the entire fiasco eliminated. However, the White House (President Obama) supported the entire construct of the TPP.   Minority leader Nancy Pelosi had to be arm twisted by the White House to go along with HR2146 with TAA spending removed – she acquiesced to President Obama.

Without the training amendment (TAA), HR2146 passed again in the House – only this time with a much closer vote of 218-208, and went back to the Senate to resolve differences. (Remember because of the way it was constructed, the only difference now was the removal of TAA – the training spending)

On June 24th HR2146 (TPA without TAA) Then passed the Senate (Ted Cruz did not attempt to block or filibuster because this was the original plan all along). The bill passed in the Senate 60-38 (3/5ths passage rule).

President Obama now had “fast track trade authorization” to complete the Trans-Pacific Trade Deal and thanks to Ted Cruz Obama only needed 51 votes to pass it.

On June 29th 2015 Obama signed Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) and HR2146 became law.

President Obama now has the legislative vehicle (TPA) he needs to see TPP (the actual deal itself) get through the Senate. It would now take more votes to block the Trans-Pacific Trade Deal than to approve it. Thanks to Ted Cruz and Paul Ryan the threshold for legislative approval was lowered.

Senator Ted Cruz voted for Cloture on TPA Fast track trade authority removing the hurdle and concern of further amendments and clearing the way for passage.

Again, just like “unanimous consent” cloture votes are not recorded roll call votes. Thereby Ted Cruz could obfuscate his support. He figured to hide, see how that works?

However, Cruz advocacy could not be hidden entirely. On another bill HR 1314 Cruz voted against an amendment to the Trade Deal that would require congress to be consulted if China (or other nations) were to join after the fact:

Senate Amendment 1251 “To require the approval of Congress before additional countries may join the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement”…

Cruz voted NAY. Directly saying he did not want congress to be consulted before other countries, namely CHINA, could join TPP.

♦ The China Back Door – Remember during November 2015’s GOP debate, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were saying China is not part of TPP; contrast their voices against Donald Trump who was honestly saying TPP carries a backdoor for China (and Russia) to join.

NOVEMBER 4th – In an interview with Russian interstate channel Mir TV, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry invited China and Russia to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

“We invite people to come join other initiatives, like the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the TPP. We welcome China, we welcome Russia, we welcome other countries who would like to join, as long as they want to raise the standards and live up to the highest standards of protecting people and doing business openly and transparently and accountably,” said Secretary Kerry. (read more) State Dept Link HERE

Donald Trump was entirely correct. Senator Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were factually incorrect.  Everyone knows China will ultimately join TPP, it’s not a big secret.

BOTTOM LINE – It might hurt Cruz supporters to admit what took place, and worse – to accept the transparency of motive behind what drove his decision making, but it makes no sense at all to ignore the truth of what took place.

Unfortunately, Ted Cruz is part of the Wall Street purchased construct that is currently infecting our entire body politic. The connections to the U.S. CoC legislative agenda, and Goldman Sachs are evident within action not words, along with KtP and obviously his wife Heidi Cruz [ employed by Goldman Sachs, and adviser to Council on Foreign Relations].

cruz donors 2

For those who still find it challenging to accept the truth in the video below Ted Cruz Explains why he supports (TPA) Trade Promotion Authority:

@01:56 of the video, again:  “I support TPA” ~ Ted Cruz

Don’t pay attention to what Cruz says, pay closer attention to what Cruz does !!

TOPICS: Editorial; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: blogging4trump; cruz; nuthouse; panamapapers; sundance; tafta; tisa; tpa; tpp
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To: Theo

And because you don’t like Sundance, then that means that Ted Cruz really didn’t support TPA, TPP, and the like?

41 posted on 04/19/2016 9:52:04 AM PDT by xzins ( Free Republic Gives YOU a voice heard around the globe. Support the Freepathon!)
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To: xzins

Sundance skews everything he touches. Everything he writes is extremely biased. I don’t trust a single interpretation of his.

42 posted on 04/19/2016 9:55:12 AM PDT by Theo (Trump = French Revolution. Cruz = American Revolution.)
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To: xzins

And his name is Mark Ivor Bradman, not sundance.

43 posted on 04/19/2016 9:55:37 AM PDT by Theo (Trump = French Revolution. Cruz = American Revolution.)
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To: Theo

Fine. BUT, the facts remain that Ted Cruz was one of the originators of TPA/TPP.

44 posted on 04/19/2016 9:57:43 AM PDT by xzins ( Free Republic Gives YOU a voice heard around the globe. Support the Freepathon!)
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To: generally

DT does know how to buy politicians and is also connected to wall street.

While I’m at it I did a little research into DT’s investments...

Title:Study: Trump investments underperformed in 2015

“Trump also argued that several of his individual stock picks, like Apple and Goldman Sachs, have done very well for him.

“I hit the market exactly perfectly,” he said.”

Title:Know Who Else Has Received Loans from Citibank and Goldman Sachs? Donald Trump.

“He’s made the nonsensical claim repeatedly that Ted Cruz can’t “protect people” from Citibank or Goldman Sachs or whoever, because he has taken out loans from them or personally guaranteed loans to his campaign from them.”

“As for Goldman Sachs, Trump is himself a shareholder in Goldman Sachs, which means he has a direct financial interest in its success. One would think that would make Trump even less enthusiastic about protecting me from Goldman Sachs (whatever that means) than Cruz would.”

[DT is super owned by the banks. In fact I think his fear of losing everything is the biggest motivations for running, the other is another psychotic reason]

45 posted on 04/19/2016 10:07:57 AM PDT by huldah1776 ( Vote Pro-life! Allow God to bless America before He avenges the death of the innocent.)
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To: xzins

Same stuff different day.

ICYMI: Cruz: TPA in this Congress has become enmeshed in corrupt Washington backroom deal-making
Cruz News | June 23

Writes op-ed in Breitbart

HOUSTON, Texas — Today, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, wrote an op-ed in Breitbart explaining why he cannot continue to support TPA, specifically stating, “TPA in this Congress has become enmeshed in corrupt Washington backroom deal-making, along with serious concerns that it would open up the potential for sweeping changes in our laws that trade agreements typically do not include.” Full op-ed may be read here or below:

ObamaTrade Enmeshed in Corrupt, Backroom Dealings
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz

The American people do not trust President Obama. And they do not trust Republican leadership in Congress. And the reason is simple: for far too long, politicians in Washington have not told the truth.

Both President Obama and Republican leadership are pressing trade promotion authority, also known as TPA, or “fast-track.” Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) both oppose it.

As a general matter, I agree (as did Ronald Reagan) that free trade is good for America; when we open up foreign markets, it helps American farmers, ranchers, and manufacturers.

But TPA in this Congress has become enmeshed in corrupt Washington backroom deal-making, along with serious concerns that it would open up the potential for sweeping changes in our laws that trade agreements typically do not include.

Since the Senate first voted on TPA, there have been two material changes.

First, WikiLeaks subsequently revealed new troubling information regarding the Trade in Services Agreement, or TiSA, one of the trade deals being negotiated by Obama.

Despite the administration’s public assurances that it was not negotiating on immigration, several chapters of the TiSA draft posted online explicitly contained potential changes in federal immigration law. TPA would cover TiSA, and therefore these changes would presumably be subject to be fast-track.

When TPA last came up for a vote, both Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) and I introduced amendments that would have barred fast-track treatment for any trade agreement that attempted to impact immigration law. Two other Republican senators objected, and we were both denied votes on our amendments. Instead, the House inserted substantially weaker language in related legislation.

At the time that Sessions and I introduced our amendments, many said our fears were unfounded. But now we have far more reason to be concerned.

Second, TPA’s progress through the House and Senate appears to have been made possible by secret deals between Republican Leadership and the Democrats.

When TPA first came up for a vote in the Senate, it was blocked by a group of senators, led by Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), both of whom were conditioning their support on the unrelated objective of reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank.

The Ex-Im Bank is a classic example of corporate welfare. It is cronyism at its worst, with U.S. taxpayers guaranteeing billions of dollars in loans for sketchy buyers in foreign nations. Ex-Im is scheduled to wind down on June 30. But powerful lobbyists in Washington want to keep the money flowing.

After witnessing several senators huddle on the floor the day of the TPA vote, I suspected that to get their votes on TPA, Republican Leadership had promised supporters of Ex-Im a vote to reauthorize the bank before it winds down.

At lunch that day, I asked Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)what precise deal had been cut to pass TPA. Visibly irritated, he told me and all my Republican colleagues that there was no deal whatsoever; rather, he simply told them they could use the ordinary rules to offer whatever amendments they wanted on future legislation.

Taking McConnell at his word that there was no deal on Ex-Im, I voted yes on TPA because I believe the U.S. generally benefits from free trade, and without TPA historically there have been no free-trade agreements.

But then the vote went to the House. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), to the surprise of many, led House Democrats to oppose TPA en masse. (Technically, they voted against TAA, which was wrapped into the deal on TPA.)

At that point a group of House conservatives went to Speaker Boehner and said they could support TPA if Boehner agreed not to cut a deal with Democrats on Ex-Im, and just let the bank expire.

Boehner declined. Instead, it appears he made the deal with Democrats, presumably tossing in the Ex-Im Bank and also increasing tax penalties on businesses.

Moreover, the Speaker punished conservatives, wrongly stripping Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) of his subcommittee chairmanship, and reportedly threatening to strip other conservatives of their chairmanships as well.

Why does Republican Leadership always give in to the Democrats? Why does Leadership always disregard the promises made to the conservative grassroots?

Enough is enough. I cannot vote for TPA unless McConnell and Boehner both commit publicly to allow the Ex-Im Bank to expire—and stay expired. And, Congress must also pass the Cruz-Sessions amendments to TPA to ensure that no trade agreement can try to back-door changes to our immigration laws. Otherwise, I will have no choice but vote no.

There’s too much corporate welfare, too much cronyism and corrupt dealmaking, by the Washington cartel. For too long, career politicians in both parties have supported government of the lobbyist, by the lobbyist, and for the lobbyist – at the expense of the taxpayers. It’s a time for truth. And a time to honor our commitments to the voters.

46 posted on 04/19/2016 10:10:11 AM PDT by huldah1776 ( Vote Pro-life! Allow God to bless America before He avenges the death of the innocent.)
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To: xzins

Why invest? To make money. Why borrow? To pay it back. hmmm.

47 posted on 04/19/2016 10:11:24 AM PDT by huldah1776 ( Vote Pro-life! Allow God to bless America before He avenges the death of the innocent.)
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To: ifinnegan; All

That post, like many others before it, by you and other Cruz supporters(?) exhibits a number of intersting things.

01. no actual rebuttal of the information in the article
02. the non specific charge of lies...
03. the non specific charge of intellectual dishonesty...
04. insults toward a candidate other than Cruz, despite that candidate not being the source of the charges
05. insults toward a candidate other than Cruz, despite that candidate not having done the same things Cruz is documented as having done
06. insults toward the supporters of another candidate, despite them not being the source of the charges
07. a charge another candidate screwed up...
- a. the other candiate didn’t make these charges
- b. the other candiate was not mentioned in this article
- c. the other candiate didn’t make the mistakes mentioned in this article
- d. the other candidate didn’t provide any trivia here
- e. the other candidate didn’t do anything reported here that was petty
08. there is an assumption on your part Trump is running to enhance his chance at greatness
09. no evidence of Trump blowing it was included in the presentation
10. your indifference to the view other FReepers would have of you, for such a clear propagandist approach to responding to the information
11. humans don’t act the way you are here, with no reason behind it

48 posted on 04/19/2016 10:13:01 AM PDT by DoughtyOne (Hey Ted, why are you taking one for the RNC/GOPe team, and not ours? Not that we don't know.)
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To: huldah1776

An investor can disinvest.

A lendee must PAY BACK borrowed money.

The investor is free, the man who borrows money is not.

You, of course, know the difference between having a savings account in your favorite bank and having a car loan from that same bank.

49 posted on 04/19/2016 10:14:38 AM PDT by xzins ( Free Republic Gives YOU a voice heard around the globe. Support the Freepathon!)
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To: xzins
Cruzers can't handle the truth.

TPA is serious bad news for the USA, as bad as anything else you can name. Or worse. Cruzers refuse to even know what it is and what it consists of and what the consequences will be.

Of course, 99.999 out of every 100 Cruz supporters could not provide one coherent fact about TPA. The just don't care. Globalist tools of Ted and Heidi, Obama and the globalists.

Will this thread even hit 50 posts? Cruzers: determinedly, proudly uninformed.

50 posted on 04/19/2016 10:15:10 AM PDT by gg188 (Ted Cruz, R - Goldman Sachs)
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To: gg188

Yes, for some it appears their dislike for Sundance means that Ted Cruz is not married to Heidi if Sundance writes that Cruz is married to Heidi.

51 posted on 04/19/2016 10:17:01 AM PDT by xzins ( Free Republic Gives YOU a voice heard around the globe. Support the Freepathon!)
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To: xzins

There are two other similar contradictions, or examples of `cognitive dissonance’ (among many other examples), held by Cruzers.

Many of the resident Cruz supporters argue vehemently now that Cruz is a “natural born citizen.” However, even Cruz himself admitted back when he was running for the Senate that a NBC was “of two American parents and born on American soil,” as argued then as well by his supporters here, although the international man of mystery then was Obama. You can bet your boots the transcript of that interview will be used.

Next, they take the position that their guy is the Underdog fighting for the average American conservative, and that if he can just deny Trump the 1,237 delegates he needs for the nomination, at a contested convention Cruz will receive the nomination.

This is a two-pronged contradiction. If Cruz is as hated by the GOP establishment because he wants to right the milquetoast GOP as Trump—as evidenced by the herculean efforts they are making now to deny Trump the nomination (a zest for battle they never showed against the left wing of Uniparty), then why in the name of all that is reasonable would they give it to Cruz if things go sideways in Cleveland in second and third votes?

If Cruz is the standard bearer, then for whom? He is pwned now by McConnell, Ryan and Priebus. The GOP, which is ordinarily supposed to be neutral in primaries and which agreed to be “fair” to Trump as long as he agreed to support the eventual nominee, is actively assisting Cruz with money and party assets.

Many of us Trump supporters have been accused of anarchism, of wanting to “destroy the GOP”. No.
All we want are two parties.
Who do you think is more likely to effect change for the better to reverse the type of change that Obama promised and delivered upon by aiding the ongoing, deadly invasion of our country by third world extremists, killing jobs with Obamacare and draining the pocketbooks of productive Americans, degrading our military, ending government subsidies to the practice of infanticide and retailing aborted body parts, ending the practice of “War is Peace” Who will spur-on our economy on instead of doing everything possible to cripple it through arrogant, overweening federal bureaus and agencies?

So finally, and perhaps most importantly, the ultimate goal is to win back the White House. If Cruz cannot win contested primaries, particularly Florida and others critical to victory, relying on GOP-led caucuses and counting on delegates committed to Trump on the first vote, but inveigled by GOP Ring wraiths—how is he supposed to prevail in November?

Because the GOP will instruct them to vote for Cruz? Because angry Trump supporters will flock to him?

Those are negligible concerns because if Trump is blocked due to the efforts of the GOP, through its use of the ever hopeful Ted Cruz, you can be sure we will be expected to cast yet another vote for yet another GOP designated loser.

52 posted on 04/19/2016 10:39:05 AM PDT by tumblindice (America's founding fathers: all armed conservatives.)
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To: generally

No mention of TPP/TPA? For many of us who are supporting Trump, this issue is the battlefield. Those who favor these global trade deals are the ESTABLISHMENT, and this thread is suggesting that Cruz, despite any positives which you have mentioned, is on the wrong side.

53 posted on 04/19/2016 11:05:34 AM PDT by jobim
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To: xzins

Whoever wrote this must have been a student of the Phd’s in academia that re-wrote the history of the new world and the evil white man conquering the poor native peoples.

54 posted on 04/19/2016 11:19:10 AM PDT by biff
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To: generally
Three more for your pro Trump list:

Trump knows how to form a narrative over the heads of the media.
He has demonstrated he can beat the media.
He brings in the Reagan democrats for the first time since the eighties.

I take exception with the following cons, they are untrue, this one belongs in the pros IMHO:

inherited wealth and power He didn't inherit his wealth. He used some inherited wealth and built it to be huge. It's the same with his power. Both grew from small to huge under him, it's a big positive.

The idea that he is not bright is untrue, and far from a negative.

I think you should revisit Jim Robinson's last two posts about who Trump is, and rethink.

55 posted on 04/19/2016 11:33:11 AM PDT by Lakeshark (One time Cruz supporter who now prefers Trump. Yes, there are good reasons.)
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To: stratboy

One sided trade is not good. Besides, why did he vote for it, and then say he was lied to and washed his hands of it?


that was about reauthorization of the export import bank..

56 posted on 04/19/2016 11:37:32 AM PDT by SPRINK
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To: xzins
How about I say, “The only 3 still competing.”

No, my point is that once you get to a contested convention, they are all competing. Ryan has said so. Priebus has said so. If you don't have 1,237, it is up to the convention. Rubio is not releasing his delegates.

If you adhere to rule 40b, then only Trump and Cruz are eligible to compete. I suspect that the rules committee that meets a week before the convention begins will seek to modify it. Each change must be approved by a majority of the total delegates. Most of them are GOPe types and will probably agree to a change that allows others to compete as well.

Cruz and Kasich are the stop Trump candidates. They have no way of reaching 1,237 thru the primary process. Once Trump is defeated on the first ballot, if we get to a contested convention, then it is a free for all. Trump will be cast aside and the horse trading will begin. It is imperative that Trump win on the first ballot, otherwise we will get a GOPe candidate. If Cruz were really an outsider, he would have dropped out after FL.

57 posted on 04/19/2016 11:40:56 AM PDT by kabar
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To: kabar

And my sense is that there are 3 remaining. The others have quit. They’re out. Then there are those who didn’t run at all.

In my mind, if someone other than Trump gets it, then I’m looking for fraud. Definitely if someone other than Trump or Cruz. But Ryan, Romney, Bush, etc. In my mind it’s fraud.

As I’ve said frequently the last few weeks, just because you have rules doesn’t mean the rules aren’t crooked.

58 posted on 04/19/2016 12:49:57 PM PDT by xzins ( Free Republic Gives YOU a voice heard around the globe. Support the Freepathon!)
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To: xzins
There is no reason for Kasich to be in the race other than trying to stop Trump. And Cruz will have no shot mathematically of winning 1,237 delegates thru the primaries by April 26th. If Kasich and Cruz wanted to unify the party, they would get out and cede the race to Trump.

Jeb said he could lose the primaries and still get the nomination at the convention. Cruz is doing what Jeb planned to do.

59 posted on 04/19/2016 1:35:22 PM PDT by kabar
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To: ifinnegan

isn”t Trump for the same trade deal?

Cruz is still the best choice.

Thats intelectual honesty

60 posted on 04/19/2016 3:22:16 PM PDT by LtKerst
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