Posted on 04/17/2016 5:26:43 PM PDT by gg188
The "ground game" or whatever other euphemism it goes by consists of one thing: BRIBES. Bribes to party bosses and to delegates to circumvent the decision of the voters. Trump took the moral position that he was not going to participate in a rigged system of PURCHASING influence and delegates. Cruz DID not. (Cruz is more accustomed to SELLING influence than buying it, so I guess he gets a point for that.)
"We didnt play in Colorado, because I heard that it was going to be for the bosses, the RNC, so Im not going to waste a lot of money, dont forget that I am self-funding, so when I spend money its my money, its not some PACs money where people are giving it just because they want to have influence, and they want their local politician or their politicians to do what they want them to do. So we didnt play because the game was rigged.
"You take [the delegates, bosses] on trips, put them in hotel rooms, I dont want to play that game. Im winning with the voters and Im winning big. The party bosses do this thing in Colorado, Wyoming, Florida. I dont want to play the game. Youre buying these people. You ARE BUYING THESE PEOPLE.
Donald J. Trump, April 17 - Staten Island press conference
"I could have gone to Colorado and met the head guy and sent him all over the place, YOU ARE ALLOWED TO PAY OFF THESE DELEGATES. It shouldnt be allowed. Lets dont play the game. They go out and wine and dine, you have no idea, crooked process, dishonest process. ITS NOT THE RIGHT THING TO DO WE HAVE A BAD SYSTEM AND THE SYSTEM HAS TO CHANGE." CONTINUED IN COMMENTS
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Donald J. Trump, April 17, 2016 -
Rules for primaries, from Washington Post, 4/11/2016 (Yes, there are FEC rules for party primaries)
Under regulations established in the 1980s, delegates cannot take money from corporations, labor unions, federal contractors or foreign nationals. But an individual donor is permitted to give a delegate unlimited sums to support his or her efforts to get selected to go to the convention , including money to defray the costs of travel and lodging.
This is so sad. The scruz people blame the rape in the victim— the robbery on the robbed. I’ am sick of this. This s disdain for the people. This is why Cruz in plummeting in the national poll. 27%of his supporters LEFT him LAST WEEK!! HE is finished. Maybe he can rally on Tuesday and re-instill confidence?
I was just watching that. GOPe is losing this battle, big time. And are too stupid to realize it. Trump is controlling the narrative. Trump is KILLING Cruz and the establishment hes in bed with using whats happening in CO, WY and elsewhere.
Let Me Ask America a Question - Donald J Trump
Plus Trump is talking about it in every rally speech, interview and press conference. His RSBN youtube rally videos have been viewed 1.6 million times since Colorado. His tweets reach 7 million, his facebook posts 7 million.
Pretty much what I predicted;
“But it’s the RULES! It’s the RULES! King’s time out! You’re on double-secret probation! It’s our club, and we get to make the RULES and you DON”T! WAAAAAHHHHH!!!!”
You Trump supporters actually believe Cruz paid these people off? You don’t believe they did this because they want to see Cruz elected? Seriously?
Why not? Cruz Super-PACs were also paying off talk radio hosts to stump for Cruz. It’s not too much of a stretch to believe this.
People need to be paid to support a lying bread faced mutant like Ted Cruz.
And absence any facts, sure why not believe it. Like the six women with Cruz, the madam’s black book, etc etc.
Can you think of just one thing Trump does not do well? Out is he perfect?
They do that n fact believe that. And “The Rules” that have been in place and agreed upon by all the candidates somehow were drawn up recently by the GOPe and Cruz.
Misinformation abounds when your sacred leader isn’t #1 in everything he does.
Trump has admitted to paying off politicians in the past. It’s the price of doing business. I don’t remember if he admitted working with the mafia.
But he’s above buying off delegates.
I strongly disagree with Trump’s decision. If he doesn’t like the system, he should change it once he is the nominee, and thus the leader of the party. However, he has an obligation to win under the rules of the game, particularly if he wants those rules changed. He didn’t have to fly delegates to a resort to win Wyoming (although it would be smart to do that with his pledged delegates to keep them loyal at the convention). He just had to get more supporters to the caucus sites than Cruz did. That doesn’t even take big numbers.
If Trump had set a rather mild goal of 1,000 supporters spread over the Wyoming Caucuses, he could have swept the state. I dont mind a lot that Cruz did it with the 644 supporters who showed up, since that limited Kasich to one delegate, but I would have preferred to see Trump make the effort to beat both rivals at that game.
I blame Trump for not playing the game under the rules he knows and for not doing his very best. Or does anyone believe Trump really could not have gathered more than 70 total supporters in that state - without “spreading bribes”?
Amazing how the great deal maker can’t make a deal. He can’t get anyone to work with him except the leftists and unions.
He’s pretty tight with unions too
If Cruz voters (that's 30% of republicans, so even a fraction of Cruz voters would be a big deal) sit out the general election, what happens to Trump? We all know what that would mean - Hillary would put the final nail in the coffin for American freedom. Why not stick to the issues and give the personal attacks a rest? No one will be offended if you attack Cruz for his positions on gun rights, on Obamacare, on education, or even on abortion. Give it a shot: - literally the highest rating the NRA has ever given! - not perfect, but better than the other candidates this year.
If you read his positions, his ratings, and his voting record, it's hard to find anyone better on the major issues. I'm still voting for Trump because I want the Republican Convention decided on the first ballot. However, besides being counterproductive in the long run, the attacks on Cruz are avoiding issues for a very good reason. Ted Cruz is the most consistent conservative to generate significant support since Ronald Reagan.
Trump making crap up again.
It’s dominating every news show and Donald has taken control of the narrative again!! This losing the battle to win the war strategy is brilliant and he’s going to clean up in actual elections as the crooked schemes of Lying Ted and the establishment have been revealed.
Nobody’s taking about the Cruz win.. Just whether the system is rigged.. Brilliant.
Everyone knows that is how this works. It’s why they subvert the will of the people.
>>> You Trump supporters actually believe Cruz paid these people off?
I believe that Cruz delegates actually support Cruz. BUT, I believe that somebody who was paid off (or politically influenced in some way) made sure as to which delegates represent the state. And he/she made sure the delegates were Cruz delegates.
Anyone part of a large organization knows the way the game is played.
My thoughts exactly! Trump more than likely has worked with/paid off the mafia. Not a whole lot of truth coming from his
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