If Cruz voters (that's 30% of republicans, so even a fraction of Cruz voters would be a big deal) sit out the general election, what happens to Trump? We all know what that would mean - Hillary would put the final nail in the coffin for American freedom. Why not stick to the issues and give the personal attacks a rest? No one will be offended if you attack Cruz for his positions on gun rights, on Obamacare, on education, or even on abortion. Give it a shot:
https://www.quora.com/What-does-the-NRA-think-of-Ted-Cruz-and-why - literally the highest rating the NRA has ever given!
http://www.proliferecord.com/ - not perfect, but better than the other candidates this year.
If you read his positions, his ratings, and his voting record, it's hard to find anyone better on the major issues. I'm still voting for Trump because I want the Republican Convention decided on the first ballot. However, besides being counterproductive in the long run, the attacks on Cruz are avoiding issues for a very good reason. Ted Cruz is the most consistent conservative to generate significant support since Ronald Reagan.
Oh, stuff it. I’m quite familiar with his record. In fact, it’s his record that has caused me to stop supporting him.
As soon as Lyin’ Ted Cruz stops lying about Trump all the damn time we’ll stop calling him that.