Posted on 04/15/2016 8:59:56 PM PDT by DoughtyOne
Welcome to the Free Republic Caucus
Please read the rules, and participate according to the guidelines provided. Thank you.
REMEMBER: To find the Caucus thread for the day, Search "Caucus"
The New York (95) Primary takes place in three days.
Only vote on this thread on: 04/16/2016 another thread will pop up moments before: 04/17/2016
Wait to vote until 12:00 midnight EST, and don't vote after 12:00 midnight EST at the at the end of the day. Look for the new thread.
Votes outside the 24 hour period, will not be counted. Give it three minutes or so on each end, so you are sure to get your vote counted.
If you have questions, FReep Mail me. DO NOT disqualify your vote by posting anything other than votes on the thread. No exceptions.
Extended Version of the Caucus Rules: LINK
Everyone should read these once.
This will be a formal election process, and I need your help to make it successful.
To Vote: pick from the candidates here, and type "Vote" and the "Name" as it appears here. You're vote should look just like one of these selections.
I do not wish to invalidate anyone's vote, but your creativity leads to others wanting to be creative. Be creative on other threads if you value your vote.
Vote Bush votes no longer accepted
Vote Carson votes no longer accepted
Vote Christie votes no longer accepted
Vote Cruz
Vote Fiorina votes no longer accepted
Vote Gilmore votes no longer accepted
Vote Graham votes no longer accepted
Vote Huckabee votes no longer accepted
Vote Kasich
Vote Pataki votes no longer accepted
Vote Paul votes no longer accepted
Vote Rubio votes no longer accepted
Vote Santorum votes no longer accepted
Vote Trump
Vote No
(Wouldn't Vote)
RESULTS: 04/15/2016 and other days results as well.
This link to the results will not work until I post them to my web site. Please be patient. Most nights the results will be up in 15 minutes after the caucus has ended for the day. Thank you.
Please note the "PREVIOUS" and "NEXT" on either side of the graphic just above the bottom one. You can move back to other day's Results Information using those..
There's already a "NEXT" to the page for tomorrow's results. It won't work until after the caucus tomorrow is closed, and the results are posted.
Vote Trump
Vote Trump
Vote Trump
Vote Trump
Vote Trump
Vote Cruz
Vote Trump
Vote Trump.
Vote Trump
Vote Trump
Vote Trump
Vote Trump
Vote Cruz
Vote Trump
Vote Trump
Vote Trump
Vote Trump
Vote Trump
Vote Trump
Vote Trump
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