Surprised that law never made it to the supreme court.
One of the stupidest laws of all time. But I’m sure the holy-roller FReepers will condemn Scott and say these couples are going to Hell or something.
I wonder if the Florida laws prohibiting homosexuality are still on the books?
Doubt it very much. Whether by court order or just a repeal - those probably went years ago.
In NC it is illegal to have sex in any other position than missionary. It is also illegal to have oral sex. Oh and you can’t buy alcohol before 12 on Sunday. A few of our arcane laws.
A rare victory for those opposed to the Nanny State.
This was a reflection of traditional values that our Founding Fathers adhered to. Believe it or not, it was once absolutely not allowed or at very least very frowned upon for unmarried men and women to live together. If that were still the case, imagine how much better society would be today!
Due to the number of rapes and murders, the governor will be repealung those laws as well tomorrow morning.
This was really necessary, wasn’t it governor?
Now you can get busy on some really important laws: unisex toilets.
This is one of those examples of why laws should have expiration dates. If nobody has ever been prosecuted based on a law for 25 years, just get rid of it, or at least put it up to a revote. Every state, probably every city, has these kinds of laws on the books (especially regarding those terrifying bits of technology the horseless carriage), and pretty much the only thing they do is provide fodder for satire websites, and once in a while somebody thinks to repeal them.
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say it’s none of the GD government’s business if folks want to shack up.
No good, busy-body, nanny-staters all need their asses beat!