Mitt, please just go away.
Lysergic acid diethylamide
I LIKE IT that Romney is bragging. It will make folks think twice about voting for anyone but Trump. On a subconscious and conscious level they don't want to think that someone else controls their vote.
Like the scumbag Romney gives a crap about Ted Cruz or anyone else, other than his worthless self.
Romney’s Bain Investment Record: Three Times the Bankruptcies of Fed Investments
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Jon Stewart lacerated the myth of Romney’s alleged expertise as a venture capitalist the other night. (See video here.) Quite simply, under Mitt’s leadership, Bain Capital had a worse investment record than the federal government’s backing of alternative energy companies (e.g., Solyndra).
In fact, Romney’s record at Bain showed him picking firms that went into bankruptcy at three times the rate of the fed record.
Stewart started by quoting part of Romney’s “closing argument” to the American voters:
The government of the United States is not a very good venture capitalist . [Obama] doesn’t just like picking winners and losers, he likes picking losers. Half of the ones [alternative energy companies that the government has invested in under Obama] have gone bankrupt.
But, as Stewart pointed out, a CNN Money article from October 22 analyzed Romney’s claim and found:
So just how many federally-funded energy companies have failed?
A total of five have gone bankrupt, according to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce. All of the failed companies that the Committee identified came from just two programs that received significant dollar amounts from the Department of Energy. Those two programs funded 63 firms. The other 58 are still in business. That’s a failure rate of about 8%.
Whoa! So Romney’s accusation of a 50 percent bankruptcy rate as a result of Department of Energy financial support (in loans and subsidies) to alternative energy firms is at best actually 8 percent.
Furthermore, The Daily Show, which has a far better rate at connecting dots than most major media, went on to quote from an article in the Wall Street Journal that analyzed Bain Capital investments while Romney headed the firm. The Journal found that 22% of the companies went bankrupt within eight years.
So that’s 8% failure for government investments in alternative energy firms vs. a 22% bankruptcy record under Mitt Romney’s leadership at Bain.
“The government can’t even beat Mitt Romney at picking failure,” Stewart quipped.
When Romney’s bankruptcy record, as he ironically promotes himself as a “job creator,” is just about three times the rate of Obama’s as president, it’s clear the “job creator” is really (particularly when combined with his slash and burn labor strategies) a job destroyer. He’s also a liar, and his dissembling is meant to hide one of the greatest myths of the campaign: that private investment is more effective at stimulating the economy, when Romney’s own record as the CEO of Bain Capital shows that it isn’t.
Mitt’s speech was successful in that it reminded everyone of us who held our noses to vote for him in 2012 what a pathetic POS choke artist he is. Now we find out he’s vicious and filled with petty jealousy on top of it. He’s a sorry loser.
I wish we were all focused more on why people should vote for our guys and then deal with the threat of Socialism, liberal SCOTUS (for 30 years) and stay focused on that. We have probably done more oppo research and been copied by more Slate and DU writers than any other source on the net.
I think Mrs. Reagan’s husband was right when he cautioned about this kind of trash talking. No one here is going to affect the outcome of the steaming pile of a “Presidential” campaign with comparing organs and sliming each other. If our candidates were not so blissfully unaware of the state of the country and the repulsion that many of the Reagan Democrats are feeling, maybe they would stop.
There’s a lot of people who are with us that will drift away if we aren’t aware of this. I’m more than happy to be fighting it out with these socialists, especially now that they are officially out of the closet, but this isn’t the smart way to do this. Let them bring out their champion, let them start some good old fashioned bare knuckle politics, then let’s smash them. We are losing kids who don’t even know about socialism and what there lives will look like.
But, then, we would have to care more about the country than our egos. No one on our side will win if they keep this up. There is the same 30-40% floor under both sides.
Think about America after 4-8 years of Clinton and 3-4 liberal justices on the SCOTUS. Think about it.
Why aren’t we focused on defeating THAT. Mittens has a right to sound foolish just as much as anyone. Everyone does. Well, except Louis C.K. He needs a good ass kicking. If Hillary does get ensnared and knocked out, we know they aren’t going with Weekend at Bernie’s. I don’t know who it is, but Trump/Clinton is nowhere near a lock. Why are we getting suckered into being the boogie man again?