Maybe he went silent, as was the time honored custom of all Presidents IN THE PAST out of consideration for the difficult job those following them had, to remain silent and let them do their job.
A custom that was broken by the Rat Bastard Jimmy Carter, and every other Democrat Rat Bastard President, but has been maintained unilaterally by every Republican President.
Maybe that is why Ex-President Bush has been silent?
I think George W. Bush kept his mouth shut for years because he understood that the election of a jug-eared exchange student from Kenya was a thorough repudiation of him and his entire administration.
Once the tradition was broken, GWB allowed himself to be defined by his opponents. This pattern was not confined to his status as a former President; as President, he allowed Democrats to savage him without mounting a defense.
For W to finally appear in a Quixotic defense of his hapless brother’s faltering campaign, it is a true measure of the desperation felt by Jeb and the rest of the Bush clan.
Exhibit # 10,200,000,304 why we continue to lose. “Let’s be polite in the face of evil and deception.”
Yeah...time-honored tradition.. right up until Clinton left office. Billy never shut his mouth. Bush never offered an opposing viewpoint, thought or otherwise about Obama that I can recall.
No wonder the GOP is called the Stupiid Party. The Dems are on the cusp of being the permanent majority party thanks to mass immigration and minority birthrates. Custom is meaningless when it stands in the way of winning.
The Bushes have been a disaster for the GOP and the country.
I was a big supporter of GWB but it infuriated me that he allowed the mainstream media to bully him and establish the general opinion that GWB was not too bright and very weak. It also infuriated me that Obama was able to cash in on that during the election, talking about how GWB and establishing the narratives that the Republicans drove this nation into a ditch and whatnot. And not one word to the contrary from GWB. The man simply didn't defend himself and as a result, he did not defend the Republican Party.
Donald Trump's mass appeal does not surprise me. The man fights.
and it hurt the Conservative movement because it looked like he was hiding in a hole escaping his record.. he left it to poor heart transplant Cheney to do all the defending of those 8 years.. that’s another reason Bush isn’t an icon down here in SC
Once again Trump shows himself the a$$hole we don’t need
“Maybe he went silent, as was the time honored custom of all Presidents IN THE PAST out of consideration for the difficult job those following them had, to remain silent and let them do their job.
A custom that was broken by the Rat Bastard Jimmy Carter, and every other Democrat Rat Bastard President, but has been maintained unilaterally by every Republican President.
Maybe that is why Ex-President Bush has been silent?”