Posted on 02/01/2016 12:52:20 AM PST by Cincinatus' Wife
AMES, Iowa - Rep. Steve King , an Iowa Republican and Ted Cruz supporter, says Donald Trump bought his endorsements. Trump recently received high profile endorsements from Maricopa County Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, and Liberty University president Jerry Falwell, Jr.
King reiterated his statement about the endorsements to the Daily Caller on Saturday during a Cruz rally at the Gateway Hotel and stressed that he "knows things."
"He has, from a regular person's perspective, unlimited resources and he's willing to use whatever access he has in order to get the endorsements that he wants," King explained.
"Among those are the assets that we would naturally think of, including the attraction that might be for, oh who knows, a reality TV show, a job in the Trump machine," he said.
King added: "There's fame and fortune, and there's also the fear factor of retribution, which Donald Trump has not been shy about delivering against people. So all of that affects a person's judgment under those circumstances."
The conservative Iowa congressman would not get specific, but would only say, "I know things, but I'm saying what is appropriate, so that people will know enough, and I'm wanting to keep this on as high a plane as I can, but I don't think my conscience can allow me from not saying anything."
I would have been content with Cruz but I have seen way too much evidence that says he isn't even eligible. He's a liability and even if he slipped through, he's not eligible.
Unfortunately, it's also easy to see her and her family as getting perhaps too full of themselves and missing out on what could have been a much greater blessing for all involved.
As it is, no one won, though her pride or her ego came away with a smile and some accusations and excuses to toss around.
Oh well...some gift horses just aren't good enough to accept and ride away on, I guess.
Do you think creditors
In his case banks mostly .....are angels
I’ve studied Trump company failures of which only one was notable in Atlantic city
They all decided bankruptcy protection was the way to recover
It’s a negotiation process
Trumps exact words to this consortium of lenders was who wanted to be first to pull the plug?
No banks wants to be because then they have to take that loss first
Bankruptcy gives order to dissolution
It’s hard to vet a billionaire businessman. why?
Here is what I learned from his history. Being liberal at the time, there is no reason to doubt the NYT reporter?
My reply on another thread:
“Nothing has changed much...
NY Times 1983...
“His alternating skills of charming some individuals and riding roughshod over others has earned Donald Trump a reputation in some quarters as someone not to be trusted. He reneged, for example, on a promise to donate to a museum the Art Deco bas- reliefs on the facade of Bonwit Teller’TMs - bulldozed to make way for Trump Tower. It was a sin deemed unforgivable by landmark preservationists. But the only negative comments about Donald Trump these days are given off the record. [WHY - I wonder?]”
[end of my previous post]
Remember the threat from Trump’s lawyer to kelly? He has apologized but lawyers threatening to destroy someone sounds like they would do a great job within the department of injustice specifically targeting employees at the VA. Why aren’t there more whistleblowers?
Licensed to Lie by Sidney Powell
Is Trump’s lawyer one the “great guys” he knows who will help “fix” America?
I like Jim Gilmore too.
Forgive them for they know not what they do...pray that all eyes and ears are opened all over the globe before the coming of the wrath of God.
“Using MRI machines, researchers at the University College London found that “feelings of love lead to a suppression of activity in the areas of the brain controlling critical thought. It seems that once we get close to a person, the brain decides the need to assess their character and personality is reduced.””
Wow. Supported by my other post...intimidation. Guy can’t take rejection AT ALL. Serious sociopath.
To quote Daniel Moynihan's famous line, "You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts."
It is hardly a quibble, denial or dodge to correctly read the U.S. bankruptcy law and conclude that Trump's statement was correct and referred to personal bankruptcy during a severe market downturn when many were forced to declare personal bankruptcy, as even the link you provided explains. He did not file for personal bankruptcy, nor did his parent corporation, the Trump Organization.
What occured were legal business debt restructurings. Words have meaning. Those words mean something limited and specific to persons with business knowledge and experience. They do not mean what you are futilely striving to imply. Go back and read the article you linked again and again until you get it; because clearly you are pouncing upon innuendo and wishful thinking out of a demonstrated animus, giving your posts a reputation for unverifiable or misleading claims.
Fourth Time's A Charm: How Donald Trump Made Bankruptcy Work For Him
Hating success, the private sector and the financial instruments used to create profitable companies and jobs is not a conservative value.
Hate success?
Able to spot a liar?
The two FR online polls I'm aware of are open to all FReepers, but have not been individually pinged to all FReepers. People have found them on the Forum list, in the sidebard, or by being pinged to them by other FReepers.
To get on a pinglist for the FR Caucus threads, contact freeper DoughtyOne:
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Again this post demonstrates your financial illiteracy. Please stop boring us. We’re trying to help you, but you are seething in unhealthy hatred.
I'm shaking my head and refraining from saying my opinion of this astonishing behavior.
Is Cincinatus' Wife an honest person? That's what Cinciinatus' Wife needs to evaluate. Rational freepers cannot take CW's "concerned" posts at face value.
Nice save, there!
Here is what I've noticed:
1) Trump has operated on the top levels of business and finance, in a world few people ever experience or know about.
2) Ignorance of the workings of finance, conracts and the private sector is displayed emotionally every day on FR by attacks on his business dealings, most of which required the unemotional legal oversight of local, state and Federal regulators at many points along the line.
3) Business-experienced freepers attempt to explain this financial illiteracy and provide education around the frequent misstatements about legitimate business processes.
4) When they do so, many of those with emotional opinions often do not attempt to research the point or gain greater understanding of how business works; they instead "feel attacked" and claim victim status.
Victimology is not a conservative value.
Both sides are complicit. There are folks on both sides who attempt to be civil, but then there are folks who are merely engaging in flame bait.
For me, the worst has been an image of Jonestown, one where the dead are lying all about with the word “Cruzers” super-imposed over the bodies.
Gross generalizations about supporters of either candidate are inappropriate, but based on what I’ve seen, condoned and sometimes encouraged.
Then there’s the cheering and celebrating about long time FReepers who have been goaded into saying something inappropriate in response and getting the zot. Not counting the number of opus’.
Not something FR should be proud of, IMO.
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