I would want to know if marijuana had any role in the increased crime rate. Are more people driving under the influence of marijuana? Is there more public intoxication? Are people high on drugs committing violent crime?? I just wonder if we are seeing cause and effect here.
I’m no expert on weed; I’ve never even tried it. But when I talk to people over on reddit who have relationship problems, one common theme I always notice is this: they’re miserable with their family/lover/roommate or whatever, but they don’t have the money to move out. They “can’t” work. They have too many “issues” to work. They “need” weed to stay calm. They play games and smoke weed during most of their free time, and some of them report paying up to $400 a month for the weed. So legal or not, I can see how it contributes to people’s problems.
While I don’t think marijuana use itself is causing the increase in crime, the legalization is attracting a criminal element.
Marijuana use is linked to the development of psychosis, especially in those who use it before brain development is complete (at about age 25). Psychosis is closely linked to criminal behavior. That could contribute to the crime wave.
The legalization of pot is not, and never has been a good idea. This extends to other drugs too.
I understand the libertarian argument, and simply disagree.
No, it’s not going to make you insane as “Reefer Madness” implied, but it is...without question a gateway drug that opens the door to other substances.
Stoners are not laid back, especially with modern pot. Paranoia and irrational rages, in fact, have long been known as side effects of heavy or regular marijuana use. Many (if not most) of the perps of these current crime waves have the active ingredient of marijuana in their blood at the time of arrest, and this is also true in the case of DUI arrests now, Where marijuana impairment exceeds alcohol impairment.
One of the other problems is that legalization is considered approval, and furthermore, has meant that little attempt is made to enforce minimum age limit laws, etc. This has resulted in a huge surge in adolescent marijuana use. Someone I was talking to when I was in Colorado this fall told me she is taking her children out of public school precisely because marijuana use among the students is so tolerated there. Pot is very easy to get now, and the kids literally stand in front of the school taking up before class.
Weed-delivery driver carjacked in San Francisco
Coming soon to weed delivery service near you?
A few interests with visions of immense profit tried that in OH. Amazing.....OH voters actually read what it was, a money grab by the gov for taxes and some connected folks who would benefit from a profitable protected monopoly. It was voted down, and it wasn't even that close.
Even the stoners "got it" that "legalization would give the gov control over even more aspects of their lives. One provision was that people could grow something like four marijuana plants, for their private use. But they'd have to register, which would give the gov an excuse to inspect the marijuana plants in their home.
And if they were caught with marijuana that someone grew, or couldn't prove it was state sanctioned, they were criminals.
Pretty scary, huh? Some even hypothesized that growing or buying legal marijuana, because it's registered could lead to the loss of second amendment rights.
Oregon is next...pot shops popping up EVERYWHERE
I have several potheads in my circle of friends. Here are some their summaries:
Doug is married and the father of two. He smokes recreationally, mainly on the weekends. Until recently he worked for a major high tech firm, but he has taken “voluntary termination” which gives him about 6 months of reduced pay without working. He has decided that the time off will be best spent hiking the Appalacian Trail. His wife is struggling to hold down a job that leaves little time for her to take care of her family. He often announces on Friday that he is going camping by himself for the weekend.
Jim is in my son’s band. He smokes basically whenever he can. He claims it helps with digestive issues. Raised in the LDS church, he has turned his back on religion and calls himself an Athiest Socialist Anarchist. He has many bodily piercings and just got a giant anatomically correct tattoo of a heart with a red X over it on his upper arm. At 20 years old he lives with his girlfriend’s family because he can’t afford a place of his own.
Bob is 60. He has smoked weed his whole life. He just got divorced from his 4th wife. He lost his job when it was discovered that he was telling people that he owned the company and had opened bank accounts in it’s name. After being fired he has launched a vendetta against his former employers who he says “had it in for him”. He has vandalized company property and lied to customers causing the company to lose over 100 clients.
I could go on, but for every casual smoker who thinks weed doesn’t hurt them there are many more who just don’t realize how it is ruining their lives by impairing their judgement, delaying maturity and destroying their motivation.
Only possible connection I can make is that some of the criminal element have lost their source of income when the state took it over. Perhaps these newly unemployed are trying to take out their competition in other non legal drug traffic.
In the end the increase in violent crime is a direct result of the BLM lie. Cops are less involved, the criminal element is emboldened. A bad combination.
I’m opposed to the legalization of marijuana.
As a Coloradan, I voted against it.
That said, I’ll bet there is a bigger correlation to be found with the increased number of Muslims and/or illegals than marijuana use.
Denver is a Sanctuary City with a mayor who has welcomed the Syrians.
I think marijuana is dangerous to society as a whole.
Illegals and Muslims are deadly.
Libertarian Utopia is as false as all utopias
More Reefer Madness hysteria from the American ‘Thinker’.
“It’s hard to tell if the 15 percent increase in total crime was directly related to cannabis or following an earlier trend, however, as crime in Denver rose 40 percent from 2010-2013” - http://www.westword.com/news/marijuana-study-is-rise-in-denver-crime-linked-to-pot-6839696
Might also have something to do with all those gun control laws the democrats passed in 2013, too.
More gun control laws always result in more crime.
'Experiment', lol. Throughout recorded history, mj was never illegal anyplace until the Progressive Era. Some experiment.
So crime is up in Denver. American Thinker claims this is due to the legalization of cannabis. Yet they offer no evidence to tie the two together.
This “article” doesn’t pass the laugh test, IMO.