A few interests with visions of immense profit tried that in OH. Amazing.....OH voters actually read what it was, a money grab by the gov for taxes and some connected folks who would benefit from a profitable protected monopoly. It was voted down, and it wasn't even that close.
Even the stoners "got it" that "legalization would give the gov control over even more aspects of their lives. One provision was that people could grow something like four marijuana plants, for their private use. But they'd have to register, which would give the gov an excuse to inspect the marijuana plants in their home.
And if they were caught with marijuana that someone grew, or couldn't prove it was state sanctioned, they were criminals.
Pretty scary, huh? Some even hypothesized that growing or buying legal marijuana, because it's registered could lead to the loss of second amendment rights.
I have no doubt it’ll pass in NV come November.