Posted on 11/23/2015 5:49:14 PM PST by GilGil
As millions of Americans prepare to travel for the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, the State Department warned that potential attackers could target private or government interests.
"Authorities believe the likelihood of terror attacks will continue as members of (Islamic State) return from Syria and Iraq," it said. "Additionally, there is a continuing threat from unaffiliated persons planning attacks inspired by major terrorist organizations but conducted on an individual basis."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Obama has just finished saying that he is not afraid of ISIS. At the same time the State Department is saying to be very afraid of ISIS because there is credible evidence you could be blown out of the sky, or murdered in a mall during the Thanksgiving holiday. Obama wants to let in up to 250,000 Syrians by next election as refugees the same types of refuges who killed hundreds in Paris recently. The borders are in free fall with no one guarding them.
It seems the government is creating panic and has lost complete control.
As I said this is ridiculously laughable if it weren't so gruesomely serious.
P.S. This should get Trump over 50% support!
Thanks to a weak American president.
I’ll be at the VFW.
I recommend they steer clear.
Why do we even have a Homeland Security then? This entire government is a fat, sick joke.
Obama wants to let in up to 250,000 Syrians by next election as refugees the same types of refugees who killed hundreds in Paris recently and they are pouring into the country as I write this. Wow!
Is the president weak or is he an accomplice with the terrorists?
Obviously a CYA in case there actually is an incident.
“Authorities believe the likelihood of terror attacks will continue as members of (Islamic State) return from Syria and Iraq,” it said.”
Abd why, pray tell Obama and your corrupt regime, are they even being let back into this country after fighting overseas for the enemy ISIS, hmmmm? Because in your black (as in evil) heart, you are one of them.
“P.S. This should get Trump over 50% support! “
Cold comfort! We have more than a YEAR to go before we get a new President, Trump or not!
I’m not giving up, but before The Fat Lady sings, we are in for another 9/11 ON STEROIDS! There is no doubt in my military mind.
None, whatsoever.
Abd = and, above. Typo.
But we all must remember the infernal words of our esteemed former SOS. Islam has nothing whatsoever to do with all these Muslim terror attacks! What difference at this time can it possibly make?
When people ask why isn’t the president doing anything, the answer comes back over and over again that he is one of them, their accomplice and all is going according to his plan.
Meanwhile the democrats are more concerned about protecting the party and could not care less and the republicans want their interests intact at the cost of the rest of the country.
Then everything makes sense.
The fat lady hasn’t sung...
But, she’s clearing her throat.
This is no longer a joke. If true, and it appears to be, Obama is enemy number 1.
Kind of on edge here. I have people in Brussels and there is no way for them to get out, right now.
The last year of Obama we will see things none of will believe. He is in no way done with his sick stuff for USA!
You mean you have family trying to get back?
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