Let me guess....illegals and criminals will get jobs before the legal, unemployed?????
Meaning that law abiding citizens who are not felons and have families are not helped.
Just do a covert background check including fingerprints on everyone who is in the final stages of being hired. That will solve the problem.
And, of course, these convicted felons will be allowed to vote again for Democrats in future elections.
Keep in mind he also wants to force more affluent areas to build HUD housing. In other words, he is importing criminals to your area.
“There comes a time in the history of every people when they become so pathologically soft and tender that they actually side with those elements that harm them; i.e. criminals”- F. Nietzsche
So.. in addition to illegals, convicted felons will become a protected class?
Doing what the Mob has done for 100 plus years. Now having moved part of their op into the Alinsky WH admin operation. The real outside mob will not like this.
some jobs are such that criminal background checks are necessary
but then again,
bringing more criminals into our federal government is consistent with the great old Danish wisdom teaching that
‘a fish rots from its head...’
Some Republican districts need more democrat voters.
They could sell crack in his neighborhood.
Also help finding the voting booth(s), I’m sure.
And in a few years we’ll be hearing (from the UK press only) horrifying stories of things these same people have done since their early release.
No government jobs.
Lawsuit reform so employers can’t be sued.
That would be about all you can do.
As a vet I would just like to say.... Not surprised
How about getting our vets a job Barry. Oh wait I forgot they are potential low level domestic terrorists.
Getting them jobs with the Democrat Party machine is not legit.
Mayor Ras Baraka is the son of the late Communist Party member Amiri Baraka (aka Leroy Jones) and brother of CPUSA member Amini Baraka.
Mayor of Newark: Seems the people there are still stupid as dog shit. Corey Booker was okay but never lived up to the media hype that he was the great Black Hope. He could have been but got coopted or allowed himself to be coopted by the politically corrupt dreams of power that dominated the Democrat Party. “Party Uber Alles”.
Better get more body bags, folks.
Mayor Ras Baraka is the son of the late Communist Party member Amiri Baraka (aka Leroy Jones) and brother of CPUSA member Amini Baraka.
Mayor of Newark: Seems the people there are still stupid as dog shit. Corey Booker was okay but never lived up to the media hype that he was the great Black Hope. He could have been but got coopted or allowed himself to be coopted by the politically corrupt dreams of power that dominated the Democrat Party. “Party Uber Alles”.
Better get more body bags, folks.