The problem with adopting the enemy’s methods is that you become the enemy. Do we really want conservative judges shredding the Constitution and the law, even if it is for worthy ends?
Yes. The passage I got stuck hard at was celebrating Roberts’ collusion on the ObamaCare win the first time it came up to the USSC. While one might think the decision was liberating the sense that it should free conservatives from the mores of rule of law and unbiased interpretation, there is a very dangerous aspect to this. What starts out as good intentions can often end in bad policy.
There is truth in the saying that “the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.”
I think it is perfectly fine to completely ignore, belittle and berate ridiculous liberal bleats or RINO ‘concerns’ about dissention, etc., but it is completely something else to adopt the same duplicity they both harbor.
Vehemently standing for your ideals, even to the point of arms is not a bad thing. Rebellion is the ultimate “reset” button. To become your enemy is another.
Agree. Moreover, fundamental conservative views (small govt, individual liberty, fiscal responsibility, etc.) are all contrary to these new rules.
You dance with the devil, the devil don’t change. The devil changes you.
Two responses. First, to quote Hillary, “ At this point, what difference does it make?
Second, leftists, like all bullies, will only stop when they are given a dose of their own medicine. Country Club Republicans have never been willing to do this. So, here we are. The way to stop a schoolyard bully is for some other kid to put a fist in his face.
No. But that does not negate the idea that we need to play by different rules than we have been.
And frankly, they are far better at it.
It’s satire - Get A Life!