Good! Texas doing what is right.
I love that they have the cajones to do this, but the GOP’s candidates had better have answers ready for a rabidly pro-homo press corp. As soon as this law goes into effect, lawsuits will be filed in an effort to overturn it, and the media will be there every step of the way, trumpeting and stirring-up emotion for each new development.
We need our nominee to be able to speak clearly, forcefully, and honestly on this issue. It isn’t going away, no matter what Anthony Kennedy does in June.
Texas takes the lead, AGAIN.
I knew Governor Abbott, who was our State Attorney General before becoming governor, would do something to deter a Supreme Court decision if it tries to strike down states’ rights to determine the definition of marriage.
With Abbott as governor, we spit in the face of Obama. Abbott, in his wheelchair, is larger than life and Obama is an infinitesimal piece of bacteria.
This needs to start a wave of defiance among other states, if TEXAS will just pull this off.
A lesson for private institutions and businesses also, to resist tyrannical regulation that serves to feed only the state.
It is late and the clock is ticking.
That would lead to the National Guard being ordered to enforce the federal law.
Massive Resistance, part two. The first wave should never have been abandoned - let’s hope this one has a better spine!
The Texas Human Rights Campaign is burning up the phone lines with robo calls urging people to call House Speaker Joe Strauss’ office to voice their opposition.
May God bless Texas greatly.