Posted on 03/26/2015 9:23:24 PM PDT by concernedcitizen76
JERUSALEM -- Egypt is now on the front lines of the battle against ISIS, and some of its leaders are making new accusations about the Obama administration's war on terror.
They accuse the United States of playing a double game, fighting terrorists abroad while meeting with them at home.
A recent White House meeting between President Barack Obama and Muslim leaders sent shockwaves through the Middle East, specifically in Israel and Egypt.
The cause of the uproar: the group included leaders with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
"We just don't understand because we know the history of the Muslim Brothers," former Israeli Ambassador to Egypt Zvi Mazel told CBN News. "We know exactly who they are. So how come the United States, the president himself and the State Department, receive delegation[s] of the Muslim Brothers?"
Of the 14 leaders attending the meetings, at least three represented groups that were founded by or tied to the Muslim Brotherhood.
One is an active lobbyist trying to convince the United States to remove Hamas and Hezbollah from the terror group list and put Israel on it.
One photo showed a Muslim leader giving the Muslim Brotherhood salute in front of the State Department seal.
"President Obama has some, how do you say, weakness toward the Muslim Brothers," Mazel said.
Founded in Egypt in 1928, the Muslim Brotherhood spawned many terrorist organizations, including al Qaeda and Hamas, the Palestinian faction ruling the Gaza Strip. The organization is now outlawed in Egypt; yet the White House refuses to designate the group as a terrorist entity.
"Muslim Brothers is now the driving force of radical Islam," Mazel explained. "Muslim Brothers, I mean an organization like al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram and all the others, they base their behavior on the teachings of the Muslim Brothers."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Al-Sisi is on the frontline of these islamist bastards. I’d trust him over hussein any day.
Al Sisi knows the deal....
ISIS is a creation of the US admin. The more I hear the more I know it is true. We could have destroyed them but did virtually nothing. Where are the pictures of the carnage from our airstrikes? The US is on the wrong side and history will not be kind-if there is a history after this mess.
Supporting both sides in a “war” is just good diplomacy generally. The “oldest trick in the book”.
But when one side is an enemy it’s “the oldest mistake in the book”.
I wonder if our low-info voters who still like this guy would wake up if Obama decided to fly over to the ME and join ISIS like many of our brainwashed Muslims and angry black Muzzie converts are doing? They probably would. Totally ‘under the influence’ of this guy.
ISIS is also an offspring of Juan and miniJuan.
Obama “gets the connection between Muslims and terror”. He supports and promotes and funds and arms them. To try to educate him about Muslims and terror in the hopes he will then suddenly decide to stop — is very naive. Very very very naive. Just saying. These folks need to wise up about what they’re dealing with. And so do a number of other people too
Nice. That’s a good one to remember.
News item stated: “One photo showed a Muslim leader giving the Muslim Brotherhood salute in front of the State Department seal. ... ‘Muslim Brothers is now the driving force of radical Islam,’ Mazel explained. ‘Muslim Brothers, I mean an organization like al Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram and all the others, they base their behavior on the teachings of the Muslim Brothers.’”
Wally Shoebat has done excellent work in outing Malik Obama’s close ties to the Sudanese government-sponsored Islamic Dawa Organization (IDO).
Malik Obama, Barack’s bosom buddy half-brother with whom he is in frequent contact, is Executive Secretary of IDO, an organization whose mission is to spread Wahhabist Islam across the African continent. Wahhabism is the ultra-orthodox, fundamentalist branch of Islam practiced by ISIS, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, and segments of the Taliban.
There are four countries on the US State Department list of state sponsors of terrorism—Sudan is one of the four. This is the same State Department—whose seal a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood saluted during his visit with Obama in Washington, D.C.
McCain and
He’s surely their CIC rather than mine.
Beat me to it!
Well, both sides are the enemy. Pick both sides. Encourage both sides. Attack both sides. Praise both sides. Supply a side, while denouncing it. Attack a side, while praising it. Play both sides.
We support them with spec ops troops on the ground illuminating and guiding airstrikes. So you want US spec ops fighting each other ?
O supports Islamonazi terrorist murderers all over the world, including as many as he can sneak into USA in the next 22 months
This is an understatement. The Muslim Brotherhood is the grandaddy of all modern Islamic extremism. They go way back.
The jug eared magic Negro who resides in the White Hut is making me very ashamed for my country. He has not changed what our shining and wonderful America truly is but as the front man, no, just figure head, he surely shows us in a bad light to the world. Ne is not our President.
If youd like to be on or off, please FR mail me.
They're right of course.
One is an active lobbyist trying to convince the United States to remove Hamas and Hezbollah from the terror group list and put Israel on it.
Isnt it weird how “Sisi” is “ISIS” backwards?
Is sisi isis? I just made an entire interrogatory sentence with two letters.
ON SISI, ISIS NO! or perhaps Sisi v. ISIS. Palindromes!
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