Posted on 02/15/2015 4:39:24 AM PST by WhiskeyX
(Reuters) - Ukraine's rebels disavowed a new truce on Sunday hours after it took effect, saying it did not apply to the town where most fighting has taken place in recent weeks.
Guns fell abruptly silent at midnight across much of eastern Ukraine in line with the ceasefire agreement, but the pro-Russian rebels announced that they would not observe the truce at Debaltseve, where Ukraine army forces have been encircled.
"Of course we can open fire (on Debaltseve). It is our territory," Eduard Basurin, a senior rebel commander, told Reuters.
"The territory is internal: ours. And internal is internal. But along the line of confrontation there is no shooting."
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When surrogates fight wars, the principles actions have no bearing
The solution to the islamic zealots are Christian zealots that are not bound by the flummery of lawyers
They want the Ukies in the Debaltselvo cauldron to surrender or to die.
It doesn’t mean there’s a ceasefire when you hold the upper hand.
Which is why the rebels went on the offensive as soon as the ceasefire talks were announced.
The Ukies are nuts - they’re relaying the same commands Hitler did to the entrapped German Sixth Army at Stalingrad - “No retreat” - to their besieged troops.
We all know how its going to end and it will not end well.
The Donbass armies are using the Operation Uranus playbook the Soviets used at Stalingrad. Attacking behind the enemy rear to close the hinge.
People should have seen this coming.
Sometimes you have to make a stand. Especially against scumbags.
Isn’t this the second time Ukranian military geniuses let their troops be encircled? I think it happened early on when they were backed up to the sea.
General Custer made a stand.
The problem is they don’t have a defensible line and they’re operating in hostile territory.
Kiev controls the northern part of Lugansk Oblast which is predominantly Ukrainian-speaking.
Taking back the Russian-speaking southern half of it and Donetsk is quite frankly beyond its present capabilities.
A lot has changed since the pro-Russian uprisings in the east of Ukraine in 2014.
I’ve studied that battle. Is the history available in Cyrillic, yet?
“Uprising.” I see what you did there.
You have two mentalities in Ukraine:
People west of the Dnieper who speak Ukrainian and feel closer to Warsaw and Berlin than they do to Moscow.
People east of the Dnieper who speak Russian and feel closer to Moscow than they do to the West.
That divide would have existed even in the absence of Russian intervention.
The Minsk Agreement simply papered over it and kicked the can down the road.
Suffice it to say, Russian speaker=supporter of Russia is a logical fallacy of the first magnitude.
There are exceptions of course.
You still have two groups of people living essentially in different countries and lining up sides.
The logical fallacy of first magnitude is your refusal to recognize that’s already occurred.
Like with Humpty Dumpty, putting Ukraine back together again is a tall order.
(2) Pro-Russian Irregulars: Stronghold (pro-Russia separatists living in Ukraine)
People's Republic of Donetsk
PBS Special Documentary on Netflix:
Well, it would’ve been easier if Moscow didn’t send the dregs of its society there to mess things up. But go ahead, when your neighborhood turns to crap, I’ll talk to you about Humpty Dumpty.
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