1 posted on
11/30/2014 6:03:09 PM PST by
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To: Olog-hai
2 posted on
11/30/2014 6:06:27 PM PST by
(Enough of "Who is John Galt?" Who is Patrick Henry?)
To: Olog-hai
3 posted on
11/30/2014 6:07:50 PM PST by
(Plea$e $upport Free Republic.)
To: Olog-hai; All
I have a serious question. Are the effects of marijuana increased in high-altitude environments? Does it slow down response time? Because if that’s the case, CO would be about the worst place to legalize marijuana.
4 posted on
11/30/2014 6:07:56 PM PST by
To: Olog-hai
Elections have consequences.
5 posted on
11/30/2014 6:08:49 PM PST by
Veggie Todd
(The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. TJ)
To: Olog-hai
If the author has so many excellent data points, why doesn’t he use the absolute number instead of the relative change?
If there used to be a whopping TWO mary-jane related fatalities and it increased to FOUR, that would be a 100% increase from danged near nothing to still nothing.
I suspect he’s embarrassed by the paucity of his counts, otherwise, he’d use them.
7 posted on
11/30/2014 6:09:16 PM PST by
Uncle Miltie
('The HERO of the (0bamacare) story is Mitt Romney' - "Stupid" Jonathan Gruber)
To: Olog-hai
Whether it is legal or illegal has no bearing at all on whether or not people use it or do not use it.
It is always there regardless of its legality.
People choose to use it or choose to not use it for their own reasons.
If a any given person has this personal demon, then that person will have to battle that demon on his own. Wether or not that battle is won or lost is entirely up to that person and God.
Laws cannot save people from themselves.
12 posted on
11/30/2014 6:11:34 PM PST by
To: Olog-hai
It was never about the “medical” aspect as in California, it was about getting high. I know people who are stoned on grass 24 hours a day. I see young high school students smoking pot while waiting for a bus, oblivious to anyone and unashamed. I see people smoking behind gas stations while waiting for their tank to fill, so anticipating the buzz, they cannot smoke the joint fast enough. There are strains that have the “medical” ingredient without giving the user the buzz but it is rejected by proponents, it is the buzz they crave. I could go on but I will not waste my time just as grass is a waste of time and a life.
13 posted on
11/30/2014 6:16:18 PM PST by
To: Olog-hai
14 posted on
11/30/2014 6:16:34 PM PST by
(Hillary Clinton was a "great secretary of state". - Texas Governor Rick Perry)
To: Olog-hai
>>have gone up 100 percent
Is that 2, up from 1?
Percentages without numbers are lies 80% of the time. </sarc>
15 posted on
11/30/2014 6:17:37 PM PST by
(Sic semper tyrannis)
To: Olog-hai
Perhaps people are also aware of new scientific studies pointing to the inherent dangers of marijuana Have Alcohol related DUIs, etc. showed a corresponding drop?
17 posted on
11/30/2014 6:18:31 PM PST by
(We have a rogue government in Washington)
To: Olog-hai
"Pot-Positive Traffic Fatalities Up 100% in Colorado"Typically, this kind of statistic means the total number went from 1 to 2, and that it was a passenger that tested positive.
18 posted on
11/30/2014 6:18:37 PM PST by
(A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.)
To: Olog-hai
if drugs/drug users truly affected only themselves, i’d say let em do it.
but they don’t. we are not living in some fantasy libertarian vacuum where the negative personal acts of someone only affect that person and nobody else.
and the law of unintended consequences has killed more people than i’ve got nickels.
26 posted on
11/30/2014 6:26:27 PM PST by
Secret Agent Man
( Gone Galt; Not averse to Going Bronson.)
To: Olog-hai
Only 100%? So did Cheech or Chong collect the stats.
To: Olog-hai
anyone with half a brain knew people high on pot would start killing people in their cars when their reaction time diminishes.
29 posted on
11/30/2014 6:27:34 PM PST by
(Obama lied .. the economy died.)
To: Olog-hai
In Colorado and Washington state, the legal limit for DUI is 5 nanograms of THC per milliliter of blood.
Michael Brown had 12 nanograms.
31 posted on
11/30/2014 6:27:55 PM PST by
To: Olog-hai
Anything for the government to keep its power over the people.
34 posted on
11/30/2014 6:29:26 PM PST by
Blood of Tyrants
(Good Muslims, like good Nazis or good liberals, are terrible human beings.)
To: Olog-hai
I’m pretty sure we’re about to see the traffic fatalities caused by the Obamnesty illegal alien invaders start to skyrocket too..
36 posted on
11/30/2014 6:32:29 PM PST by
(Remember! When the GOP wins, it means the stupid American voters want bipartisanship.)
To: Olog-hai
Testing positive can mean they smoked a couple of weeks ago. Id be careful with this stat,,
45 posted on
11/30/2014 6:39:18 PM PST by
(I was standing with a rifle, waiting for soviet paratroopers, but communists just ran for office.)
To: Olog-hai
Legalize Marijuana
Hay man, Like Wow what could go wrong??
48 posted on
11/30/2014 6:40:05 PM PST by
(DemoKKKrats: Leaders of the Free Stuff World)
To: Olog-hai
51 posted on
11/30/2014 6:40:41 PM PST by
(If you are Tea Party, the Republican Party does not want you.)
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