*snickering!* You bad..very Bad. *grin!*
"With vocal fry, people's voices drop below normal levels, and, at least according to the study, that makes them less hirable. For example, study participants who reported making hiring judgements preferred a normal female or normal male voice 87% of the time over those with vocal fry, mostly because they found that person less trustworthy."
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/speech-trend-vocal-fry-is-normal-2014-8#ixzz3AO0sSR8p
It sounds like a ridiculous affectation, totally seperate from a southern accent, which I often like.
I’m really rush homed in on it.
Not endearing at all —just foolish.
I believe he was mocking the recently fired editor of the NYT. Jill Abramson I think that who it is.
It will ruin women’s voices if they continue that nonsense - it’s an affectation that hurts the vocal cords.
Anna Wintour, editor Vogue, comes to my mind, especially with her and “just don’t be late” to the local fundraiser/dinner party that she and Sarah Jessica Parker hosted and some ordinary Obama contributor won the right to attend.
add that to the Canadian female accent of ending every sentence with an upward, question-like, sound and you have the two most irritating sounds on the planet.
Other than Moochelle’s long “ahhhhhhhhhh” sounds.
He was mocking the Editor of the NYT Jill A-who’s name I can’t spell. It is an annoying voice fluctuation technique used by liberals IMHO to make them sound smart.... Queue the Fredo Corleone I’m Smart video clip from Youtube please ;-)...
I’ve never heard of this before, which is a good sign I’ll hear about it several times over the next few days.
I heard her, she sounded like a typical liberal elitist, with her nose up in the air, attempting to choose her words carefully so as to sound , ah, shall I say, intellectual...
Hmmm. Never heard of Vocal Fry.
Less trustworthy? I’m sure that’s entirely because of the association with Diiiiaaaannneeee Rrrrrrrreeeeeeeaammmmmmsssssss on Ehhhnnnnnnnnpeeeeeee-aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrr.
Speaking of speech patterns, and not to change the subject, but am I the only one hearing what sounds like a disagreeable gravel creeping into Rush's voice, and disharmony in his higher pitches?
It's nothing at all like those warbles that surfaced before his general deafness was announced, but, if genuine (and not just some problem with my reception or my own ears) then this may be related to some narrow-ness in the bandwidth of his cochlear implant that needs tuning or replacement.
Thank you! I’m only now informed by your post and happy to hear that Rush has taken notice and taken “vocal fry” to the bin of ridicule.
I didn’t know such a thing existed but it sounds exactly like Jill Abrahamson, (recently fired editor at the New York Times) has perfected, if her horrible voice pattern is an example.
I heard her “speak” in the interview with GRETA.
Sheesh! In any other time this would be considered a severe handicap for any public speaking/public relations positions.
Jill is now employed at some university (Hahvad, I think) so this should really spread. LOL!
I heard it too, man it was irritating. I am sooo glad Rush picked up on it..what a hoot!
Example: John Paragon.
Heard that. Thanks for posting this - did not know it had a name. I love this place (most of the time).
The dumped NYSlimes editor was speaking a strictly-downtown New York City, metrosexual, pseudo-intellectual, artsy-fartsy, more-sophisticated-than-thou intonation spoken by many at the more elite levels of the city's professional class.
Ms. Jill really had her very-studied word pronunciation down to an art form. Although she gave me worms, I could have listened to her forever...it was that funny. She should be on Saturday Night Live.