1 posted on
06/19/2014 4:24:57 PM PDT by
To: Bratch
Good. This is the kind of statement from a prominent republican that gets the GOPe’s attention.
2 posted on
06/19/2014 4:26:19 PM PDT by
To: Bratch
Run for POTUS in 2016 first...
To: Bratch
WE could always have a golf off for the party.. Or a softball game winner takes all.. Followed by a 21 dud salute.
4 posted on
06/19/2014 4:32:03 PM PDT by
(Semper Fi - Revolution is a'brewin!!!)
To: Bratch
Backstabber and sore loser Mitt Romney:
"I bought and now represent the GOP
and we don't any conservatives or their children."
To: Bratch
I hope Sarah is getting serious.
6 posted on
06/19/2014 4:32:55 PM PDT by
roses of sharon
("Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise." Luke 23:43)
To: Bratch
Sarah’s silhouette should be at that third podium...
Just sayin....
7 posted on
06/19/2014 4:36:20 PM PDT by
( " We would not die in that man's company, that fears his fellowship to die with us...." Henry V.)
To: Bratch
Way ahead of ya, Sarah. Give in to temptation.
It is said that: "The strong give up and leave, while the weak give up and stay."
If you can't ignore them or fix them, then fight them!
10 posted on
06/19/2014 4:45:11 PM PDT by
(Here in the Matrix, life is but a dream.)
To: Bratch
Ah - yeah - sure.
12 posted on
06/19/2014 4:46:01 PM PDT by
To: Bratch
The point is to destroy America. Anyone on board is a traitor with a noose fetish.
13 posted on
06/19/2014 4:53:09 PM PDT by
The Toll
To: Bratch
Sarah, you’re late to the party.
14 posted on
06/19/2014 4:53:44 PM PDT by
(Abolish Slavery, Repeal the 16th Amendment)
To: Bratch
I’m glad though, that crony capitalism and the plight of blue-collar and middle-class workers are starting to get attention. If Palin is the bullhorn, Ross Perot was the canary in the coal mine.
To: Bratch
I have a theory as to why Republicans keep on going for amnesty. Illegal immigration is like a relief valve for Mexico. The ruling elite of Mexico are quite rich and don’t want some revolution ruining their tidy lives. Perhaps they are paying Republicans (And RATS of course) under the table.
21 posted on
06/19/2014 5:56:23 PM PDT by
(If liberals are not screaming you are doing it wrong!)
To: Bratch
Maybe it's time for the
Ex-Military, Pro-American, Free Market, Limited Government, Secure our Borders, No Amnesty, Constitutional Patriot Party with Sarah Palin as its leader.
26 posted on
06/19/2014 6:45:07 PM PDT by
Art in Idaho
(Conservatism is the only Hope for Western Civilization.)
To: Bratch
Right on, Sarah. Let’em have it.
When they can’t even follow the rule of law, why support
To: Bratch
I don't know how to change the 2012 to 2016 or I would have.
30 posted on
06/19/2014 7:45:49 PM PDT by
Texas Eagle
(If it wasn't for double-standards, Liberals would have no standards at all -- Texas Eagle)
To: Bratch
32 posted on
06/20/2014 3:42:19 AM PDT by
(I will raise $2Million for ANY 2016 pro-2nd Amendment candidate.)
To: Bratch
I would vote for Sarah Palin if she changed parties as long as the change would not be to the democrat party..
33 posted on
06/20/2014 6:22:18 AM PDT by
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