“And we’re either going to face it in New York City or we’re going to face it here”
how much abuse did the Bush administration take for this same understanding of yet another rationale for opening a second WOT front in Iraq?
Fight them over there - or we’ll have to fight them here.
It is breathtaking to think of what a stupid, totally stupid government America has. We have done everything possible to allow these heathens to run rampant all over the world. We even have them in the WH.
The only thing they have not done is protect the American people. The American people are treated as garbage in their own country. I am sick of them, ALL of them.
We are not at all safe, we are compromised inside and out. We have no national security. Just a bunch of selfish power hungry morons at the helm. What a bungling bunch of fools.
Whole thing pisses me off to the max.
I saw photos of some of these butchers on a Twitter feed yesterday, and guess what...there were several blonds among them. I assume they were Chechens or Russians of some kind, but I suppose it’s possible that they were Northern European converts.
Just one question....what could possibly go RIGHT with this global mess?
But Obama is batting ZERO in all aspects of leadership. Who believes he can wage a successful war against ANYBODY?
I see no point in a repeat of the last 13 years; the huge waste of American lives & treasure.
Iraq will never be “tamed”, nor will Afghanistan or any other muslim craphole. They simply don't have the moral fiber to sustain democracy & the rule of just law, & the US does not have the enormous amount of money & time nor the leadership necessary to change their morals.
Furthermore, the US has its own serious problems with lack of moral fiber, especially in the ruling class. Our bureaucracy is as capable of civilizing the Middle East as they are in building a quality health care system.
Let them kill each other. If the problem is so serious, let the rest of the world stand up & do something about it, instead of whining for the US to solve the problem (with crippling ROEs, of course). The ME is after all, in their back yard, not ours.
After all, we are hiring enough baby sitters for the criminal gangs,... er, children who mysteriously showed up and somehow crossed our southern border and the millions of Religion Of Peace adherents brought in recently are becoming good American citizens, shopping at the malls and registering to vote.
What could go possibly wrong with an America lifting it's lamp beside the Golden Door and helping everybody...??