Certain forms of mental instability show rather well on the outside.
Sotomayeer, like Obama, would not be where she is without affirmative action. We can assume she doesn’t deserve her lofty perch because Obama needed a Latina woman, and she had been at Harvard, a post she filled because she was a Latina.
Beauty is only skin deep but ugly goes clear to the bone.
Them’s some ugly ass bones.
Affirmative action has been dying for 40 years, remember the Bakke case when the white guy was denied medical school to give preference to someone who had the right color skin?
Dear Justice Sotomayor: In your face bee-atch!!
Not meaning to be cruel but when the career, writings and real accomplishments of Sotomayor are examined, it is the prototypical case study of affirmative action. It pads statistics and assuages white guilt but almost nothing worthwhile is achieved.
There’s no getting around the fact that “affirmative action” means lowering standards based on skin color or ethnicity.
Sotomayor’s logic is incredible! Affirmative Action means that certain minorities are given preferential treatment because of the color of their skin. She argues that the removal of this preferential treatment will unfairly impact these minorities. Of course, she ignores the fact that Affirmative Action, as currently practiced, unfairly impacts non-minorities.
It’s like saying that there is an umpire who uses a big strike zone for Black pitchers and a smaller one for White pitchers. A rule stating that he must use the same strike zone for all pitchers would negatively impact those Black pitchers who are currently gaining an unfair advantage. In other words, removing an unfair advantage disadvantages the ones who have gained from that unfair advantage. It makes my head spin.
Liberal is ugly to the bone!
I have never seen so many editorial mistakes in an American Thinker article. AA hire?
As expected, Sotomayor’s dissent represents the Whining, Bitchy, Resentful, Moocher view.
Is the Democrat Partys lingering support of the unconstitutional Affirmative Action Law mainly due to their guilt that the Democrat Party founded the KKK?
Without Affirmative Action she would have never become a judge.
Pray America wakes up
Only in America goes the saying, but in reality it exists everywhere. Totally incompetent people occupying seats they neither deserve nor can handle properly.
Hey, affirmative action worked for Elizabeth Warren.
Looks like Obama will have to delay another tee time to sign this Executive Order.
I believe the KKK is “race sensitive”.
The Wide Latina weighing in with her victimology agenda. These leftists are really invested in their equal outcome social theology.