Obama’s taking careful notes for when he decides to exercise the same Martial Law on our individual states.
Putin the perfect liberal. Use a word that is totally undefined and redefine it to suit your purpose. At least control freaks are consistent.
I guess its time for Obama to put Russia on double-secret probation.
1) oust the current regime in Washington DC
2) get the economy back on right footing by HUGE CUTS IN GOVERNMENT AND TAXES and letting the free market do what it does best: CREATE WEALTH,
2) Build the military back up once again to the world's strongest (weakness not strength invites war), 3) take down the NSA and other threats to American citizens
4) build up our intelligence community to make it first rate
Whatever aggressor-country hotspots including the Ukraine are relevant after 1-4 is done...
5) with good and verified intelligence, we should covertly work with the forces of freedom in the threatened country. In the case of the Ukraine if its still relevant, discern whether eastern Ukraine wants to join Russia and whether western Ukraine does not,
6) THEN, with actual and overwhelming force at our disposal, we should condemn the aggressor (Russia in this case) for threatening to invade the threatened country (Ukraine in this case) and move forces into the area with full intention of defending those that want to remain free.
7) we should seek diplomacy with the aggressor nation on the basis of our strength not weakness and any treaties or agreements should be based on trust but verify.
Did they not understand that Obama would cancel his trip to Russia if they do this.
Putin think about it, this is hugh and series!
Is “normalization” defined as re-establishment of the Soviet Union?
Sort of like when Russia invaded Afganistan,
Lots of dead Russian soldiers,
I hope
According to the disruptors here on FR, that means putting down those terrible “Neo-Nazis” who want freedom and handing Ukraine over to Putin. FR seems to have become rife with NSA types seeking to create opinion through propaganda.
Normalization means like 1952.
“the troops are needed to protect the safety of millions of ethnic Russians”
The exact excuse Hitler used to invade his German-speaking neighbors.