Posted on 01/13/2014 2:29:57 AM PST by South40
Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates sharply questions President Obama's "passion" for military matters in his forthcoming memoir, and claims that practically the only time he saw that in the president was during his push to repeal "don't ask, don't tell."
The former Pentagon chief said in an interview aired Sunday that he was "disturbed" by Obama's "absence of passion" when it came to his military strategy. But in the book, "Duty," reviewed by Fox News, Gates hit Obama harder -- and in personal terms -- by contrasting his style with that of former President George W. Bush.
"One quality I missed in Obama was passion, especially when it came to the two wars," Gates wrote. "In my presence, Bush -- very unlike his father -- was pretty unsentimental. But he was passionate about the war in Iraq; on occasion, at a Medal of Honor ceremony or the like, I would see his eyes well up. I worked for Obama longer than Bush, and I never saw his eyes well up."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Obama is a gay anti-American pothead. The only issues he’ll “have passion” about will be those that promote the slacker, self-indulgent lifestyle.
He seems very passionate about he and his family's extravagant lifestyle funded, of course, with taxpayer dollars. I have never despised a president more.
Not the least bit surprising, if true.
Gates was absolutely pathetic on DADT.
Obama was just advocating for his “body man” Reggie Love.
Destroying the military through his social experimenting says it all. Obama hates America PERIOD. I still work proudly with “most” the military daily but I’m damn glad I’m not in it anymore.
I ride regularly with veterans from the Korean War, Vietnam the Gulf War and more. They vary in ages from the early 70s to their 20s. Universally, they do not like this president. It goes beyond that. They absolutely loathe him for what he has done to this country and to the military.
Obama, the first “down low” President.
Obama is a defective human being as well as a defective president and defective American.
It has been my experience that discussions with them leave me with the same conclusion.
It has also been my experience in those discussions that, even with the negatives Bush deserved for his stance on bi-partisanship, No Child Left Behind, Immigration and such, he still maintained a high degree of respect and approval from veterans and military personnel.
I think it is because they knew that his respect for those in uniform was genuine, not some cocked-up stance to present an appearance or win political points as often appears to be the approach of the current occupant of the White House.
If he even bothers to go that far. They are fortunate when it is just detached contempt they see...that would be preferable to his military-despising meddling in both operational and budgetary aspects.
The only things he seems to care about involve his own personal needs and wants - such as getting elected, or people hurting his wittle feelings. At least the much maligned Nixon loved this country.
Zero has skin in the game with “Don’t ask”. Of course he’s passionate lol.
“I would see his eyes well up. I worked for Obama longer than Bush, and I never saw his eyes well up.”
F-U Robert Gates. President Bush spent countless hours visiting the sick, wounded and maimed soldiers from both wars. Obama rarely does.
don’t tell me this marxist mooselimb punk isn’t a closet fag.
Bet the farm he’s been with other males
“In my presence, Bush — very unlike his father — was pretty unsentimental.”
Thats different then his public image.
Obama is GAY and he HATES the military and LOVED to DESTROY it!!
He’s saying the Bush would tear up and Obama NEVER did.
homosexuals get emotional about homosexual acts... no surprise the poofter in chief was very motivated... being one and all.
The “fag” president certainly would support his kind.
If Gates wrote all that damning stuff about the fag, how come Gates is still alive? In Clintoooons day, he would be history and his name would be added to the long list.
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