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What If a Republican Congressman Got Outed and Nobody Cared?
Slate ^
| 01/06/14
| David Weigel
Posted on 01/07/2014 9:22:48 AM PST by thetallguy24
Edited on 01/07/2014 9:29:56 AM PST by Sidebar Moderator.
On Friday a producer and former CBS reporter named Itay Hod put up a Facebook post intended to out Illinois Rep. Aaron Schock. The tabloid media, for years, has played a game with the young Republican
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society; Government; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: 2006electionbias; 2006redux; 2014electionbias; congress; cultureofcorruption; culturewar; depressthevote; dnctalkingpoints; gay; gaystapo; homosexual; homosexualagenda; howtostealanelection; lavendermafia; lcr; logcabinrepublican; outing; pelosicongress; pelosilied; pinkjournalism; republican; rino; smearcampaign; socialconservatives; stealingcongress; toetapper; whispercampaign
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Looks gay to me.
To: thetallguy24
If that republican says its his own personal business and has nothing to do with anything, I shrug my shoulders and move on.
posted on
01/07/2014 9:24:31 AM PST
To: thetallguy24
He is what he is-—and I’m not sure you can tell by looking at a photograph.
posted on
01/07/2014 9:25:24 AM PST
To: thetallguy24
Oh darn. I thought this was about BONER....wishful thinking.
posted on
01/07/2014 9:26:12 AM PST
To: thetallguy24; GeronL; Revolting cat!
A Schock to ... no one. Did the Joun-o-list at Slate mean to write "SCHLOCK" or "SHOCK"?
posted on
01/07/2014 9:26:37 AM PST
a fool in paradise
("Health care is too important to be left to the government.")
To: thetallguy24
Men’s Health is a homosexual oriented magazine? Who knew? < /sarc >
HOMOSEXUAL, because there’s nothing GAY about it.
posted on
01/07/2014 9:29:24 AM PST
(Excise the cancer before it kills us; feed & water the Tree of Liberty! TERM LIMITS NOW & FOREVER!)
To: a fool in paradise
To: thetallguy24
As long as he continues voting as a conservative and keeps his personal life to himself, I could care less.
posted on
01/07/2014 9:35:27 AM PST
( Santorum-Bachmann 2016 for the future of the country!)
To: thetallguy24
Old news for those of us who spend time in Illinois.
posted on
01/07/2014 9:35:28 AM PST
Dr. Sivana
(Five years, my brain hurts a lot.)
To: basil
The lapdog media tries to expose this young republican, while they continue to ignore the homosexual who is sitting on Reggie's lap in the oral office.
posted on
01/07/2014 9:36:05 AM PST
(I'm Not A Racist, I Hate Douchebags of All Colors)
To: thetallguy24
It’s interesting that liberals, who say there is nothing wrong with being gay, often accuse others of being gay in order to slander and destroy them.
posted on
01/07/2014 9:36:36 AM PST
Cowboy Bob
(They are called "Liberals" because the word "parasite" was already taken.)
To: Cowboy Bob
It’s like adultery. They not only practice it frequently but consider it virtuous . . . until a member of the Evil Party engages in it.
To: cripplecreek
They lost me at “journalist for a reputable network”.
posted on
01/07/2014 9:49:01 AM PST
(if any alphabets are watchin', I'll be coming home right after the meetin')
To: napscoordinator
At this point I don’t care if they’re axe murderers. The ‘Rats never take out the trash in their house.
posted on
01/07/2014 9:50:18 AM PST
(This is not a statement of fact. It is either opinion or satire; or both.)
To: thetallguy24
Schock’s problem is that he’s a RINO and a fan of Peter King.
To: Cowboy Bob
Its interesting that liberals, who say there is nothing wrong with being gay, often accuse others of being gay in order to slander and destroy them.
I'm not sure that's the issue here.
From what I can tell, if you're gay you're expected to march in lockstep (er, goosestep) with the gay agenda. If you're gay, but don't support things like gay marriage, you are considered at traitor who has escaped the plantation and must be punished (vous encourages les autres).
In fact gays, and Liberals for that matter, just don't comprehend how one can both be gay AND not support agenda items like gay marriage. And that which cannot be comprehended to Liberals must be destroyed.
To: cripplecreek
If that republican says its his own personal business and has nothing to do with anything, I shrug my shoulders and move on.
If he is asking for my franchise then it is my business.
If he is a drunk, druggie, homosexual,women abuser, etc. and wants to run for political office then it is the business of the voters.
posted on
01/07/2014 9:58:50 AM PST
(Where can I go to sign up for the American Revolution 2014 and the Crusades 2014?)
To: thetallguy24
1) If someone says "I'm gay. I was born that way. It's what I am." -- I say, "I don't care how you feel -- are you engaging in inappropriate acts?"
2) If someone says, "I engage in inappropriate acts." -- I say, "Would you repent, change your ways and seek the Lord?"
3) If someone says, "I engage in inappropriate acts and make no apology for it." -- I say, "Looks like you will not find favor in God's eyes, but that is not for me to say; it's really not my business."
4) If someone says, "I'm a politician and I'm also gay, and --" I'd just stop right there and say, "Skip the unimportant stuff: let's see your voting record. Nothing else matters."
To: a fool in paradise
To: BenLurkin
“At this point I dont care if theyre axe murderers. The Rats never take out the trash in their house.”
I entirely agree.
posted on
01/07/2014 10:57:00 AM PST
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