To: thetallguy24
It’s interesting that liberals, who say there is nothing wrong with being gay, often accuse others of being gay in order to slander and destroy them.
11 posted on
01/07/2014 9:36:36 AM PST by
Cowboy Bob
(They are called "Liberals" because the word "parasite" was already taken.)
To: Cowboy Bob
It’s like adultery. They not only practice it frequently but consider it virtuous . . . until a member of the Evil Party engages in it.
To: Cowboy Bob
Its interesting that liberals, who say there is nothing wrong with being gay, often accuse others of being gay in order to slander and destroy them.
I'm not sure that's the issue here.
From what I can tell, if you're gay you're expected to march in lockstep (er, goosestep) with the gay agenda. If you're gay, but don't support things like gay marriage, you are considered at traitor who has escaped the plantation and must be punished (vous encourages les autres).
In fact gays, and Liberals for that matter, just don't comprehend how one can both be gay AND not support agenda items like gay marriage. And that which cannot be comprehended to Liberals must be destroyed. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson