Posted on 12/12/2013 3:53:59 PM PST by Gipper08
Ayes Noes PRES NV Republican 169 62 1 Democratic 163 32 6 Independent TOTALS 332 94 7
---- AYES 332 ---
Aderholt Amodei Andrews Bachus Barber Barletta Barr Barrow (GA) Beatty Becerra Benishek Bera (CA) Bilirakis Bishop (NY) Bishop (UT) Black Blackburn Blumenauer Boehner Bonamici Boustany Brady (PA) Brady (TX) Braley (IA) Brooks (IN) Brownley (CA) Buchanan Bucshon Bustos Butterfield Calvert Camp Campbell Cantor Capito Capps Capuano Cárdenas Carney Carson (IN) Carter Cartwright Cassidy Castor (FL) Chaffetz Clark (MA) Clay Cleaver Clyburn Coble Cohen Cole Collins (GA) Collins (NY) Conaway Connolly Cook Cooper Costa Courtney Cramer Crenshaw Crowley Cuellar Culberson Cummings Davis (CA) Davis, Rodney DeGette Delaney DelBene Denham Dent Deutch Diaz-Balart Dingell Doggett Doyle Duckworth Duffy Edwards Ellmers Engel Enyart Eshoo Esty Farenthold Farr Fattah Fincher Fitzpatrick Fleischmann Fleming Flores Forbes Fortenberry Foster Foxx Frelinghuysen Gabbard Gallego Garamendi Garcia Gerlach Gibbs Gibson Goodlatte Granger Graves (GA) Graves (MO) Grayson Green, Al Green, Gene Griffin (AR) Griffith (VA) Grimm Guthrie Gutiérrez Hahn Hanna Harper Hartzler Hastings (FL) Hastings (WA) Heck (WA) Hensarling Herrera Beutler Higgins Himes Hinojosa Honda Horsford Hudson Huffman Huizenga (MI) Hultgren Hunter Hurt Israel Issa Jackson Lee Jeffries Jenkins Johnson (GA) Johnson (OH) Johnson, E. B. Joyce Kaptur Keating Kelly (IL) Kelly (PA) Kennedy Kildee Kilmer Kind King (NY) Kinzinger (IL) Kirkpatrick Kline Kuster LaMalfa Lamborn Lance Langevin Lankford Larsen (WA) Larson (CT) Latham Latta Lewis Lipinski LoBiondo Loebsack Lofgren Lowenthal Lowey Lucas Luetkemeyer Lujan Grisham (NM) Luján, Ben Ray (NM) Lynch Maffei Maloney, Carolyn Maloney, Sean Marino Matheson Matsui McAllister McCarthy (CA) McCaul McCollum McDermott McGovern McHenry McKeon McMorris Rodgers McNerney Meehan Meeks Meng Messer Mica Michaud Miller (FL) Miller (MI) Miller, Gary Miller, George Moore Moran Murphy (FL) Murphy (PA) Nadler Napolitano Neal Noem Nolan Nunes Nunnelee O'Rourke Owens Palazzo Pascrell Pastor (AZ) Paulsen Payne Pelosi Perlmutter Perry Peters (CA) Peters (MI) Peterson Petri Pittenger Pitts Polis Price (GA) Price (NC) Quigley Rahall Rangel Reed Reichert Renacci Ribble Rice (SC) Rigell Roby Roe (TN) Rogers (AL) Rogers (KY) Rogers (MI) Rokita Rooney Ros-Lehtinen Roskam Ross Rothfus Roybal-Allard Royce Ruiz Runyan Ruppersberger Ryan (OH) Ryan (WI) Sarbanes Schiff Schneider Schock Schwartz Scott (VA) Scott, Austin Scott, David Sensenbrenner Serrano Sessions Sewell (AL) Shea-Porter Sherman Shimkus Shuster Simpson Sinema Sires Smith (NJ) Smith (TX) Smith (WA) Southerland Speier Stewart Stivers Stutzman Swalwell (CA) Takano Terry Thompson (CA) Thompson (PA) Thornberry Tiberi Tierney Tipton Titus Tonko Tsongas Turner Upton Valadao Van Hollen Vargas Veasey Vela Wagner Walberg Walden Walorski Walz Wasserman Schultz Waxman Welch Westmoreland Whitfield Williams Wilson (FL) Wilson (SC) Wittman Wolf Womack Woodall Yarmuth Yoder Yoho Young (AK) Young (IN)
---- NOES 94 ---
Amash Bachmann Barton Bass Bentivolio Bridenstine Brooks (AL) Broun (GA) Burgess Chabot Chu Cicilline Clarke (NY) Coffman Conyers Cotton Crawford Daines DeFazio DeLauro DeSantis DesJarlais Duncan (SC) Duncan (TN) Ellison Frankel (FL) Franks (AZ) Fudge Gardner Garrett Gingrey (GA) Gohmert Gosar Gowdy Grijalva Hall Hanabusa Harris Heck (NV) Holding Holt Hoyer Huelskamp Johnson, Sam Jones Jordan King (IA) Kingston Labrador Lee (CA) Levin Long Lummis Marchant Massie McClintock McIntyre McKinley Meadows Mullin Mulvaney Negrete McLeod Neugebauer Nugent Olson Pallone Pearce Pingree (ME) Pocan Poe (TX) Pompeo Posey Richmond Rohrabacher Salmon Sánchez, Linda T. Sanchez, Loretta Sanford Scalise Schakowsky Schrader Schweikert Slaughter Smith (MO) Smith (NE) Stockman Thompson (MS) Velázquez Visclosky Waters Watt Weber (TX) Webster (FL) Wenstrup
My rep, Adrian Smith, voted right, but Jeff Fortenberry and Terry Lee both voted wrong. I guess they want to fit in with the crowd. Maybe I shouldn’t take Smith for granted. He almost always votes right, but I’m disappointed that he doesn’t realize the need for bold action in desperate times.
As ever, thanks for your efforts here, ma'am! God bless you and yours!
If this budget passes with republican support in the Senate, then it is time to say goodfreakinbye to the GOP.
The GOP had the House Senate and Presidency for howmany years? 4 or 6?. Did they build a stinking fence? Did they deport the Illegals? Did they Balance the Budget? NO NO NO.
I am in favor of destroying the GOP if this budget passes. 23 billion after ten years? Please. Nope .....if it passes we start a new Party....not from the bottom up....that takes a million years. From the top down. Maybe 50 in the House and 20 in the Senate could form a new Party overnight.
If you Repubs pass this budget because your AFRAID of a Shutdown of the Government, its WAR....BECAUSE WE KEEP THIS CRAP UP AND THERE WON’T BE A GOVERNMENT TO SHUT DOWN.
At least I didn’t use freepmail, which is obviously your inclination to deal with a rumble.
FR probably won’t be, altogether, your chummiest venue for that “adaption” and “compromise” spew you’re trying to run here.
Take an early hint.
The big vote will be the cloture vote and they are signaling there intent.
With 53 Democrats and two independents expected to back the measure, four Republicans
John McCain of Arizona, Susan Collins of Maine, Jeff Flake of Arizona and Richard
Burr of North Carolina said that they would vote to cut off debate on the budget,
putting proponents just one vote shy of advancing the measure to final passage.
Several additional GOP senators signaled Friday that they may also vote to advance
the deal, including Sens. Bob Corker of Tennessee, Lisa Murkowksi of Alaska and
John Hoeven of North Dakota, giving proponents new confidence that a messy and
acrimonious first session of the 113th Congress appears close to ending just before Christmas
end snip
if THE senate passes this crap these Republicans should form a new party before the NewYear.
It is unbelieveable ....this GOP will close its eyes at the suffering of the American people in the hope that their pain will move them to vote for the GOP. WORTHLESS.
“The Not As Bad As Them” strategy is hopeless
I am going to ping a few people to remind them to take a look at this thread and your, ummm, contributions here as well as your home page. As with most discussions, the more the merrier.
1. Is that despicable POS Boehner, golfer and drunken Weeper of the House extraordinaire and all purpose suck up for the GOP-E and the Demonrat agenda masters, the donors Almighty, and servant of Muffie, Skipper and the folks down at the polo club, YOUR congresscritter or YOUR brother-in-law???? Otherwise, after the many, many historical examples of the abject failure of the policy of GOP-E quislingism which you applaud, what possible justification can there be for further abject groveling before such a cretin? The well-being of Muffie's trust fund? The perceived best interests of Mitt Romney's class of the clueless? Apropos of the season, the financial lusts for crony capitalism of Banker Potter, portrayed by Lionel Barrymore in It's a Wonderful Life? Even from his wheelchair or his grave, old Potter would do a better job than Boehner and McConnell and their ilk.
2. Herbert Hoover, Alf Landon, Wendell Willke, Tom Dewey, Dwight David Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Barry Goldwater (as a social revolutionary and Planned Barrenhood acolyte), Richard Nixon again, Gerald Ford, George Herbert Walker Bush, Robert (Tax Collector for the Welfare State) Dole, George Walker Bush (to a lesser extent than several others), John McCain, George Romney. Conservatives (social, fiscal 2nd Amendment and military) have been patient enough. NO MORE PATIENCE! We ARE the base of the party as the Green-Eyeshade crowd are not. Gerald Ford, not only a POTUS by appointment but also a former GOP "leader" in service to Demonrats of his time in the House is the permanent poster boy, along with Herbert Hoover for that GOP-E "moderation" that is simply no longer acceptable. If the GOP-E does not like that, TOOOOO BAD!
3. Then there is the pretense that liberalism (the actual creed and accurate description of the "GOP" "moderates") is "smart." Ronaldus Maximus ran on unrestrained conservatism and crammed it down the throats of the liberals in the GOP, in the nation and even in the former soviet union, rendering it former.
4. Wow, "our" leaders and their quisling followers, made a deal with their leftist masters: to fund Obozocare, to lock in all sorts of leftist outrages and fund them, to kiss the posteriors of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Schmuckie Chewmer and even Obozo Almighty and his whole gang. We should be soooooo proud that they took their "smart pills," or their hemlock or their orders from elitist headquarters or whatever. One of the most ridiculous pretensions of the left and their love slaves is that it is "smart" to be their love slaves or their actual slaves or whatever.
5. Gollee!!! It's such a shame. "We" could have re-elected Richard Lugar. "We" could have elected Mike Castle or Charlie Limpwrist Crist. "We" could have elected David Dewcrap instead of Ted Cruz. "We" might have begged Kay Quisling Hutchinson to run just one more time. Maybe "we" could talk Lowell Weicker out of retirement, always a reliable trustfunder senator. BUT NOOOOO. Those "extremists" would have none of these. A good thing, too!
6. If "we" win the 2014 election and carry the Senate as well as the House, then the quisling excuse will be that Obozo is still in the White House and will veto everything "we" might do. So there is no point in doing anything unless and until "we" can elect Chatsworth Worthington XXXII as "our" new POTUS. Old Chatsworth can be counted on to name "our" sort of polo clubbers to the SCOTUS and extend the mass murder of the unborn and embrace perversions scarcely yet imagined as worthy of status as "marriages" under law (14th Amendment treasure chest don'tcha know), disarm the peasants (RTKBA be damned!), and dozens or even hundreds of other elitist judicial agenda items. Think of all the lovely promises "our" "leaders" and their faithful legislative lapdogs can break!
7. Damned straight we will rage on. There you will be adapting and compromising until there is literally nothing left to compromise away. And from another of your posts here, you bet it isn't a popularity contest. RitaOK certainly does have you pegged. For every "Republican" like you, there are three Democrats waiting to hear from a principled Republican Party for the first time since Ronaldus Maximus left office.
8. Not one nickel to the national GOP, its Senate and House campaign committees, or its other fronts, nor to anything attached to Karl Rove or to any other GOP-E figure. No votes for any of their candidates unless it is clear that the candidate can be trusted to reject and terminate the influence of the GOP-E over the GOP. NO PATIENCE WITH or TOLERATION of the quislings and their consistent brainless breaking of any and all promises to the base because the GOP-E somehow hallucinates that it knows better what is good for us than we know for ourselves.
9. If your mother had been inclined to abort you, would you prefer that she be governed by morals and by principle or by convenience and by temporary comfort? Same thing with "GOP" leaders who crawl on their bellies like reptiles indulging the fantasy that it is somehow "progress" to abort our nation and its constitution retroactively.
10. Even Goldwater once asked whether you would want a cashier in your employ to be "extremely" honest or "moderately" so. I prefer my party and its legislators to be extremely principled and to lead the nation, state and county of my residence accordingly. Reagan did that nationally. My county officials, despite imperfections from time to time, do that on a county level. If Illinois should ever have an actual Republican Party (not a wholly owned subsidiary of the Chicago Demonrat Machine and not some sorry thing reflected by Senator Nancyboy Kirk), that Republican Party should do well on a state level. An active effort to suppress vote fraud would make such a party win, even in Illinois.
11. Meanwhile, I will NEVER vote for Kirk nor for my Congressquisling Kinzinger nor for any other candidate like either. When the current Illinois faux GOP has been reduced to a radioactive ash heap, we can rebuild and it should not take long.
12. If you don't want to be part of an actually principled political party, you won't be missed and you won't be alone. The USA is still marginally a free country no thanks to such slime as the Boehners, the McConnells, the Kirks, the Kinzingers, and their ilk. If a principled Republican Party wins and governs, you can benefit from the free ride while contributing nothing. You are welcome. If such a party (and consequently, our nation) fails, see you in Gulag II. What WILL you tell your grandchildren, if any, you found more important than our nation and its freedom?
Republicans voting to raise taxes and spending and pissing off their own base helps the Republicans how?
If this keeps on, I will be hoping they lose. The country is going down and the Republicans are pissing on it.
I'd watch throwing around the n00b bit, Boyo. You come in with an arrogant 'tude and make provocative and insulting posts and then vanish for months at a stretch. That's the textbook def of a troll.
That is a real game changer there, shooter. You, on FR before me. (Applause all around.)
You sitting at the knee of strategy and hollow victory chasing tells me all I need to know. I am going to coin a phrase. You’re going to be my poster child for an *Establishment Runner. Count on it.
Peddle that strategery schlick, and that “must adapt” and “compromise”, elsewhere, and just settle on the truth here at FR.
Just go ahead and say it. Say that you are really just open to Establishment ritual caving, but with even more regularity, and that you would like to bring other freepers along. You know, wise them up.
Bring it, boys. The seasonal freeper trolls are working the corner lamp post again.
I am fairly certain that such talk of rock ribbed moral requirements for exemplary and virtuous governance goes over the top of heads today, among these slick, quick young players of strictly pinnash politics, in it for the thrill of the game.
Thank you. Rita
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