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Man survives 60 hours at bottom of Atlantic, rescued after finding air pocket [w/-video]
FOX News Network ^
| December 04, 2013
| Associated Press
Posted on 12/05/2013 6:14:20 PM PST by daniel1212
GOS, Nigeria Entombed at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean in an upended tugboat for three days, Harrison Odjegba Okene begged God for a miracle.
The Nigerian cook survived by breathing an ever-dwindling supply of oxygen in an air pocket.
The other 11 seaman aboard the Jascon 4 died...
It was a shock for the diver while he was down there looking for bodies, and we (in the control room) shot back when the hand grabbed him on the screen."
Okene kept faith with the psalm he recited, that promises to "give thanks in your name, Lord," at a service at his Redeemed Christian Church of God.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Extended News; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: air; airpocket; atlantic; bottom; finding; harrisonodjegbaokene; hours; man; miracle; nigeria; okene; pocket; prayer; rescue; rescued; survives
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Fox news restricted. Rest of Amazing story and Video at link.
To: daniel1212; metmom; boatbums; caww; presently no screen name; smvoice; Greetings_Puny_Humans; ...
Amazing story and Video at link.
posted on
12/05/2013 6:15:20 PM PST
(Come to the Lord Jesus as a contrite damned+destitute sinner, trust Him to save you, then live 4 Him)
To: daniel1212
He didn’t see me mate’s Davey Jones locker aarrrgh!
posted on
12/05/2013 6:16:04 PM PST
Extremely Extreme Extremist
(Governor Sarah Heath Palin for President of the United States in 2016)
To: daniel1212
Lucky guy and his rescuers were prepared with a decompression chamber.
posted on
12/05/2013 6:25:21 PM PST
(The US has become a government with a country, rather than a country with a government.)
To: daniel1212
1. The Lord saved him. Psalms. They work.
2. Not so sure passages from the Qu'ran would have helped.
3. 100' or maximum recreational diving limit is "The Bottom of the Atlantic." CNN take note.
4. Today I looked up "Mary Jo Kopechne" in the index of TRUE COMPASS, Ted Kennedy's Autobiography. He devoted three pages to the event, in which he talked about his feelings, and how he was treated unfairly.
5. The coroner claimed Mary Jo Kopechne survived for as much as four hours in the submerged car, in a pocket of air, before she died.
posted on
12/05/2013 6:28:22 PM PST
To: daniel1212
I saw that on the news - did you see the look on the guys face like he couldn’t believe his own eyes. A miracle
posted on
12/05/2013 6:30:49 PM PST
(Once a Jolly Swagman camped by a Billabong.)
To: daniel1212
Bumping. I already saw all this elsewhere a few day ago, and it is a great, wild story worth seeing.
posted on
12/05/2013 6:32:22 PM PST
(Islam delenda est)
To: daniel1212
posted on
12/05/2013 6:37:28 PM PST
( Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin and Mike Lee speak for me, most everyone else is just noise.)
To: Moonman62
“...were prepared with a decompression chamber...”
If they did not have the chamber they would have had to use a full face mask and a stop stage ascent. It would have been really touchy for his breathing if they only had regular SCUBA mouthpieces as those can panic the inexperienced.
What would be the pressure in such an air pocket and what would be the pressure of the trapped water vs. the outside water?
posted on
12/05/2013 6:37:38 PM PST
(...even more American than a French bikini and a Russian AK-47)
To: daniel1212
Wow! What an ordeal. And what a testimony that is.
posted on
12/05/2013 6:37:59 PM PST
(For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ)
To: golux
1. The Lord saved him. Psalms. They work. While a miracle can be defined as that which violates the laws of nature, the Lord's providential working his evident here for sure. The story says he could not have survived much longer, and with so little space i am surprised he did for 72 hours. Wonder what could happened if he has hyperventilated and tried to surface.
Today I looked up "Mary Jo Kopechne" in the index of TRUE COMPASS, Ted Kennedy's Autobiography. He devoted three pages to the event, in which he talked about his feelings, and how he was treated unfairly.
And wrote to the pope commending himself before he died. Pope thanked for his prayers as i recall. Pope did not reprove him.
posted on
12/05/2013 6:38:43 PM PST
(Come to the Lord Jesus as a contrite damned+destitute sinner, trust Him to save you, then live 4 Him)
To: Monterrosa-24
I saw the video on live leak and it indicated they were at 130 meters (~425 feet). The body revcovery guys were breathing heliox mix. They apparently either put him in a bell after getting him out of the ship or all got into one.
Crazy huge miracle for the dude...
posted on
12/05/2013 6:41:32 PM PST
(Government blows, and that which governs least, blows least...)
To: Axenolith
The article said he was 100 feet down, not 425.
posted on
12/05/2013 6:48:25 PM PST
Kickass Conservative
(A Communist is nothing more than an honest Democrat...)
To: Monterrosa-24
I got the impression that the water was cold, so I think they would have risked hypothermia with a stop stage ascent. Plus he was at 100 feet for three days. That would take some time.
What would be the pressure in such an air pocket and what would be the pressure of the trapped water vs. the outside water?
Except for the air pocket, his compartment was flooded, so the air would have been the same pressure as the water.
posted on
12/05/2013 6:49:14 PM PST
(The US has become a government with a country, rather than a country with a government.)
To: daniel1212
Fascinating story. The power of prayer worked for him.
posted on
12/05/2013 6:51:26 PM PST
(If you think signing up for ObamaCare was fun, wait until you try to use it.)
To: golux
posted on
12/05/2013 6:54:30 PM PST
(This is not a statement of fact. It is either opinion or satire; or both.)
To: daniel1212
Either I am having deja vu all over again, or this is the same story I recall from last summer. Is this an old story?
posted on
12/05/2013 7:03:03 PM PST
To: golux
posted on
12/05/2013 7:14:49 PM PST
doug from upland
(Obama and the leftists - destroying our country one day at a time)
To: daniel1212
posted on
12/05/2013 7:15:14 PM PST
Delta 21
(If you like your freedom, you can keep your freedom. Period.)
To: Rodamala
posted on
12/05/2013 7:28:23 PM PST
(Name your illness, do a Google & YouTube search with "hydrogen peroxide". Do it and be surprised.)
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