One can only hope... maybe the pain will be wide enough and deep enough for even the dimmest of dimbulbs to understand.
I think Pat is a little too optimistic here. In the late sixties, anarchist radicals were on the fringes of the Demonicrat Party, not in charge as they are today.
The pendulum has to swing all the way to totalitarian Marxism now.
There is too much momentum to stop it.
There is a continuum from anarchy to total state control, and the inertia is always toward total state control.
We have long since passed the point of no return.
Wishful thinking. Liberalism is way too appealing to an ever growing greedy and Godless society.
NO. The free-sh*t brigade will be with us for generations, probably forever.
“Though you grind a fool in a mortar, grinding him like grain with a pestle, you will not remove his folly from him.”
Proverbs 27:22
I have no faith in Americans. If the pain isn’t constant, if the media drumbeat isn’t ever present, Americans will crawl back into their smart phone zone of oblivion.
Liberalism will never die. It’s relentless, and virulent.
Obamacare is a blip. The media will circle the wagons, and by election time, the Democrats will take some losses, maybe, but not a big deal. I suspect they’ll keep the Senate.
Yes, Americans are THAT stupid.
This is delusion. You have a largely compliant media mixed with the left’s virtual control of every government institution on the federal level. Combine that with the education system in virtual control by the left for generations, cranking out true believers by the thousands year after year.
The right has to do some fast educating. That has been our downfall. Reagan was the last national leader to even attempt this.
No, liberalism is ingrained in Western society because of Whitey’s unfounded guilt complex.
But Obamacare will be the death, unemployment, bankruptcy and other miseries of many American citizens.
Sorry - I won’t even read the article. The takers don’t care about the intricacies of the failure of ObamaCare, they just want their free stuff. And when the left trots out single-payer it will be fully embraced.
Without a massive shift away from the “looter mentality” now espoused by the majority, we as a nation are in a death spiral.
Sorry for unloading my pessimism on you...
See, I agree with Pat. But with a BIG IF.
IF Obamacare brings about a victory for conservatives in the midterms and we control the house and sentate and IF Ted Cruz (or someone equal to him) takes the WH in ‘16, then yeah maybe. Maybe conservatives can control Congress and the White House. And soon we can replace the useless libs in the Supreme Court. And d-bags like Hillary, Reid, Pelosi and those suckers will be impotent.
The failure of FUBOCare can be the turning point. The proverbial straw. I hope so.
No. Just look at how liberals have reacted to the abject failures of the Great Society and Department of Education, they’ll just insist the failure is because it didn’t go far enough. Heck they already are, I know libs that are quite sure the reason OCare is failing is that it didn’t go all the way to single payer.
Of course we're all wondering, now that they've ruined the "progressive" label, what will they rebrand themselves with. "Moderate" doesn't really fit anymore. "Lefty" is too out there . . . Any suggestions?
Only the death of the liberals will be.
Feel good liberalism is being replaced by iron fisted tyranny. All that is happening is that the mask is coming off.
They don't plan on giving us a choice.
Plus, we have steamrolled past just liberalism some time ago. We are well into leftism. Moving to authoritarianism. On the road to communism.
Look at the British. Doesn’t bode well.
Before long only a small percentage of the paying or benefit receiving entities...will remember what it was like to be free.
And the Global Warming scam..
And multiculturalism......
All on their death bed....right...