Oboingo & the Democrats seem to think it's OK for everyone to protest and demand roll-back of some laws, but not ObamaCare or DOMA.
Oh, the hypocrisy.
Legislation to build a LONG border fence along the Mexican border was settled law at one point as well. Somehow it got de-funded...
Obama and his dem stormtroopers aren't real good at logic, are they?
Jim Crow...
The DOM act was “settled law” too!
A law that originated in the Senate and was not voted on by the House after ‘conference’ but ‘deemed passed’ by the House Majority leader is not a law in my book.
Secondly, a law that originated in the Senate as I said that was ruled a TAX by the SC is retroactively a tax bill in my book. As such, originated by the Senate was a violation of the Constitutional dictate that ALL tax/financial bills originate in the HOUSE.
It is not a law; it is treason.
So was ‘Prohibition’. But is was repealed!
And what about existing immigration laws that the Obama administration refuses to enforce in Arizona and California, then attempts to prosecute local law enforcement agencies for their attempts at enforcement? Isn’t that also settled law?
When did we allow women to vote?
ObamaCare is the law of the land. . .”settled law”. . .like that is supposed to stop debate and end all discussion to repeal or amend.
Jim Crow segregation laws were also the law of the land too, but that didnt mean efforts to repeal or amend them were to be halted because the Supreme Court held them constitutional.
Slavery and prohibition were “settled law.”
So was Dred Scott.
so was slavery...and prohibition....
The 2nd Amendment is settled law, but the Left keeps trying to subvert it anyway.
If it’s settled law, why has Soetoro been changing it piece by piece? Sounds very unsettled to me.
There is no such thing as “settled law.”
The people have it within their power to alter or repeal any statute through their elected representatives.
And the House of Representatives can choose to withhold or eliminate funds from any agency or department it chooses. And neither the senate nor the president can do anything (within the law) about it.
Here’s settled law. If you come illegally into our country the government must deport you.
Whenever I hear the phrase “It’s the law of the land” I think about the many laws preventing illegal entry into the land. None of them are being enforced.
- we have immigration rules which are the laws of the land, but obama refuses to enforce them....
- we have border rules which are the laws of the land, but obama refuses to enforce them...
- DOMA was the law of the land the first 4.5 years obama was in office, but he brazenly refused to enforce it...
Compliance with Obamacare violates Doctor Patient Confidentiality.
Obamacare is in violation of the Doctors Hippocratic Oath as follows:
- - - All that may come to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession or in daily commerce with men, which ought not to be spread abroad, I will keep secret and will never reveal. - - -
Another line of legal reasoning involves comparing Obamacare to all the dos and donts the Federal Government has put into Law about our privacy rights such as HIPPA, questions that future employers can and cannot ask at ones job interview, etc.
A criminal at arrest time has the right to remain silent which is not an option for any of us - - - , as our Doctors have been forced by the damn Federal Government to betray us over our very loud protests.
Class Action Law Suit anyone?
Might be something for Senators Cruz and Lee to file on our behalf ?!