Posted on 07/09/2013 5:49:40 PM PDT by Mount Athos
A coalition of legislators and religious freedom advocates warned Tuesday about the growing hostility toward Christians serving in the military and called for a federal statute to protect the religious liberty of troops.
The Family Research Council distributed a report, A Clear and Present Danger: The Threat to Religious Liberty in the Military, at the press conference on Tuesday at the Capitol detailing incidences of that hostility, including the July 27, 2011 cancellation of a 20-year-old ethics course taught at the Vandenberg Air Force Base in California because it used Scripture.
On May 31, 2013, a painting that included a Scripture citation was removed from Mountain Home Air Force Base in Idaho after the Military Religious Freedom Foundation complained.
Theres a long list of things that have been happening in very recent years that for those who do the most for us uniformed members who put their lives on the line and who have done that over 237 years, those who have fought for our religious liberties the most are the ones today who are having those very liberties taken from them, Rep. John Fleming (R-La.) said at the press conference.
Fleming sponsored and the House passed an amendment to the 2014 National Defense Authorization Act to create a statute designed to protect the religious liberty of service members, including the freedom to live out and talk about ones religious beliefs.
The only group that it is politically correct to be intolerant of are Christians who had such a profound effect on the founding of this country, including about a third of the signers of the Declaration of Independence being ordained Christian ministers, Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) said at the event.
The coalition also spoke about a website that was launched by the coalition and includes a link that allows members of the military to submit their claims of religious discrimination for review by legal experts.
When asked by to give specifics examples of the hostile actions singling out Christians, Ron Crews, executive director of the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, responded.
One of the chaplains I endorsed a couple of years ago was briefed on the ending of the Dont Ask, Dont Tell policy, Crews said. At the end of the briefing he asked this four-star general Sir, will those of us who hold biblical views of what it means to be married be protected in this new military.
Whereupon, this four-star general told him, Chaplain, if you cannot get in line with this administration, resign your commission, Crews said.
We have an Air Force officer. For 23 years, everywhere he set up his shop, he would always put a Bible on his desk, Crews said. He came to a new location, put his Bible on his desk.
His superior officer told him, You cannot put your Bible on your desk because it may offend someone, Crews said.
Members of the coalition also announced that some 170,000 people have signed a petition urging Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to put in place policies that protect the religious liberties of military members.
Others who spoke at the event include: Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.), Frank Gaffney, president of the Center for Security Policy, Christian Robey, political director at the Media Research Center, Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, executive director of the Family Research Council, Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, and Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch.
It appears as though “the government” has declared war against Christians in this country. The commies do it everywhere they go.
Gotta promote the homosexuals and the Muslims in order to destroy the military.
obama needs a military run and manned by misfits miscreants and flat out pervs—people more likely to murder American citizens at his command
I am highly suspicious about Obama cutting 10 Brigades. Who wants to bet that 100% of those cut will be Christians?
Tribulation coming down.
I think what they have in mind is culling the Christians from the military herd now, so those remaining will follow without question the orders from above if and when a Marxist president issues the “Final Solution.”
The list, Ping
Let me know if you would like to be on or off the ping list
How about this?
Obastard picks and chooses which laws he will follow and which he will ignore. What is to prevent him from ignoring the Posse Comitatus, also? The military officers will be promoted according to their sexual preference (homo), skin color (anything but white), and religious affiliation (Muslim) and none of them care about the US that was.
Gotta promote the homosexuals and the Muslims in order to destroy the military.
Homosexuals and Muslims are going to clash. It’s just a matter of time.
Beat me to it. I agree, the end goal here is a military that is willing, actually eager, to subjugate the American people.
And they are getting to that goal a lot faster than even the pessimists expected.
Well, the military now works for the federal government and the federal government is the US citizen’s greatest enemy. The states need to exercise their constitutional rights and form their own military.
Gee when did this start? Maybe Jan 2009?
The sun will come out tomorrow
So you got to hang on till tomorrow
come what may!
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow
You’re only an election away
Sorry Annie
I agree that there is a war on Christianity, and MEN. Women have already taken over most high post in the government, military, churches, and the man’s role in the family.
Well, my money is on the muslims.
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