Could this possibly be legal? Jury of peers or jury of and by the world?
Welcome to the place that knows a lot and can turn you into a politics/religion/social-issue junky too.
Good thing for Obama they didn’t try to pass this when he was a student at Occidental College, or he might have had to serve on a jury.
That’s one way for illegals to get a jury of their criminal peers.
Auto-damn-matically a mistrial. In the US, non-citizens are NOT any citizen’s peers.
Can you imagine NOT appealing on those grounds?
The “I no speaky Engrish” crowd is going to be pretty mad at that. That is how they all get out of jury duty.
Sat behind an old Asian guy and his daughter whispering in English. The Clerk calls his name from the jury pool to sit as an alternate on the Jury. Pa and Daughter approach the bench and the Daughter says, “My father doesn’t speak any English”.
Dismissed. Simple as that.
As long as you are not white, all you need is a liar in the family to perjur herself in court and deny you speak the common “Engrish”.
I use to have high hopes that immigrants would save us because the would appreciate the huge difference between the freedom they have and the oppression they left.
Nope. Most are ingrates that take advantage of the freedom they now have, while voting for all the socialism they left.
US immigrants used to assimilate. Now they colonize.
“Critics have questioned the rationale...”
I question the irrationale.
California Democratic,any questions?.
I believe that's the first time I've ever seen that phrase in a news article. 'Course, we use it all the time here, but I just think it's interesting that someone in the media has taken notice too.