How can they let him get away with this?
Ah the intimidating power of militant angry raging man-hating feminazis! Grown men cower. Presidents grovel. Mere mortals tremble in their boots. Do NOT cross the NOW gang!
Yeah. Maybe someone else murdered those babies, caused the death of that immigrant woman, left baby body parts in other women, left baby parts in the refrigerator, snipped them necks, and so on and so on...
Culture of death.
As the secular progressives reject Judeo-Christian values, the US will drift into ever greater atrocities.
Progressives are just Nazi’s or Stalinist’s waiting for their chance.
The Hitler wannabe gets away with MURDER..figures..if this guy had used an AR-15 he would have gotten the death penalty
Was he actually “acquitted”, or did the judge just drop the charges?
Remember, this is in Philadelphia. OJ verdict is not unlikely.
This God fearing woman is trembling for her country.
What about torture? This isn’t just about murder, it’s more about TORTURE, IMO. He seemed to have enjoyed PROLONGING the suffering. Murder pales in comparison to the perverse enjoyment he got from torturing these babies.
Which is it?
There is a minimum of 20 years of horrifying here for those opposed to abortion. They should do an extended media blitz with books, pictures, quotes, videos, all outside the MSM and broadcast it everywhere. Especially those inner city areas where PP focuses its harm.
I would especially recommend making such materials available by any means to high school aged children, many of whom are raised in intellectually and emotionally sheltered situations. They especially would have their minds blown by this, and many of them would be passionately opposed to abortion thereafter.
I would guess the defense argued that these babies were scheduled for legal murder, so what Gosnell did was assure that the legal murder was carried out.
See, he is innocent. /sarc
gosnell acquitted on 3 counts murder of babies and 5 counts of corpse abuse but stays on trial for 4 counts of murder of babies & 1 adult
about 1 hour ago via webReplyRetweetFavorite
Alveda King
He is not worried. The fix is in.
He may walk on the baby killing, but he killed the woman who died from is incompetence...
The jury will find him guilty on that...
He will go to jail....but hell awaits him...