In our area, the highway patrol officers have a list of people to call if there’s fresh road kill. I would think Louisiana would know better. I’m guessing that a huge black market in deer meat will now grow.
If anyone is interested in the comments:
State deer herd hit with hemorrhagic disease (LA):
Louisiana Forces Homeless Shelter To Destroy $8,000 Worth Of Deer Meat ^
Health Dept.: Homeless Cant Eat Deer Meat ^
The “Health Dept.” is just another gestapo agency of bureaucrats, exercising authority they don’t have.
They will use the excuse of “protecting from roadkill” to pretend there’s a reason for the ban.
THEN, they decide they need to protect animals from scavenging!!
<Its not ever been shown to be contagious to humans, LaCour said.>
It reminds me of the Robin Hood movies. You can’t eat the king’s deer.
The Missouri Department of Conservation encourages donating venison to the poor.
What’s wrong with Louisiana ?
“EBT Not Accepted Here” said the new sign at my fishmonger last night.
“What’s with the sign?” I asked.
“People were coming in here ordering the most expensive stuff I have, King Crab legs, lobster, everything! Then, they’d get to the register and hand me their EBT card. I don’t take that! I sell the highest quality products to good clients. I don’t want to take EBT!”
Why culdn’t it be returned to the hunters?
The diseases that afflict deer are not a worry here, as deer hemorrhagic disease is not transmissible to humans; and the more worrisome chronic wasting disease (prion), though not known to afflict humans, can be avoided by not eating the deer’s brain, spinal cord, eyes, spleen, tonsils, or lymph nodes. Which you probably wouldn’t anyway.
Concern for either of the diseases can be mitigated by having someone experienced with healthy deer meat visually examine the meat. If it looks bad, it probably is. So don’t eat it. Likewise if it looks good but tastes bad, don’t eat it.
The bottom line is that state legislators are already looking to change the rules of their state health department to permit this again, so it should be thought of as a temporary, if expensive, glitch.
Had it not come about because of some homeless guy who didn’t like venison, it would happen because some nuts like PETA, who think all homeless should be forced to eat vegan, would have raised a stink.
Fortunately it wasn’t the federals involving themselves, as that would have been a much greater nuisance. Eventually they will, almost guaranteed. Pain in nass.
By what authority would the state seize and destroy privately owned meat once it was no longer going to be offered to the public?
In Shreepoot, the freeby eaters prolly preferred racoon or possum.
It’s a wonder we all got by before big brother.
When dining in Cajun land, you are ahead to refrain from asking what is in the stew.
Trust me, you don’t want to know.