Everyone was promised extra money. Now they are getting LESS extra money.
So, they have all they had last year, plus they have some extra. They don't have as much extra.
It raises the question: why not just run it the way they ran it last year and try not to spend any of the extra cash they STILL are getting?
LaHood doesn’t even qualify as a RINO anymore. He’s just a plain LIAR.
Republicans have been proposing sensible budget cuts that would not impact services.
Democrats have been refusing to vote on those sensible cuts.
Obama approved the Sequester. He owns this.
Obama asked LaHood, as a Republican, to provide cover for the administration, and help make the Republicans look like the bad guy.
LaHood could have blown the cover off this game, and played hardball. But Republicans don't do that. They are dainty.
This whole hand-wringing over the devastation that 85 Billion in total government cuts (reductions in projected budgeted amounts -— we still have NO budget, I remind!) will cause is patent horseshit.
85 billion of a 3.6 trillion dollar budget is about 2.3 or 2.4%. Oh Noes! Devastating! Draconian! Jobs lost for First Responders, jobs for teachers, TSA, DHS, ATC, FAA, retirement! Anything and everything you can think of Obama the Liar is threatening as a consequence for a frigging condition (sequester) HE SUGGESTED! H-O-R-S-E-S-H-I-T!!!!!!
He, government, doesn’t pay teachers, he doesn’t pay firemen, policemen, dog catchers or private company employees.
His willing media is abetting these lies by hyping all of this up. They should all be taken out and shot. They are worse than Congressman or even Senators - and that is pretty damned bad.
It is as though they designed these to cause as much pain to the taxpayer as possible
I wish I could find the Y2K episode of Family Guy with all the planes, trains, trucks, etc crashing in the front yard all at once.
Flight delays in New York and LA, too bad, you idiots voted for this.
As a direct user of the system, this is good news. Much easier for aircraft to get in and out of rarely-busy sparse-trafficked non-towered airports than when they have towers.
Another example of "make-work", as only a national govt knows best how to do.
One possible answer- inflation.
Canada privatized the air navigation system two decades ago and it is funded entirely on a user-fee basis. The result has been reduced costs, better service and modern equipment.
Does that mean that Pelosi will lose her personal taxpayer-paid-for 787?
Let me just guess
The control tower at that beehive of activity known as James Murtha Airport in Central PA will not be affected but the lines at Dulles will increase by an hour
assign military air controllers if necessary
(and retrain the guys that steal little bottles of jam from innocent passngers... send them to air controller school...give them useful jobs ...and get rid of the Official Gropering)