I very truly fear that it is coming to just that.
God help us find another way.
This from NY Sun ? Last time I saw something from it here it was fronting for the regime. Any New Yorker FR know anything about this publication ?
The Colonel has hit the nail on the head.
This thread should have at least 300 replies.
The day will come and when it does I will be ready
and for all those that say “Nay, we will die in vain!”
at least we went down fighting, less can be said for others
“When Injustice becomes Law, Resistance becomes Duty.” Thomas Jefferson.
Jefferson said a lot of things that were pertinent back in the day, and those same words — and the above is just one quote — are more pertinent today, because the assault on freedom is so much more intolerable today than it was in the 1770s. George III was a benign benefactor compared to Obama and his minions.
The messiness of revolutions isn’t limited to physical violence. Societies convulse as well.
We revolted, in part, against Great Britain because colonial administration did not provide for civil means to redress our grievances.
Our wise Framers provided those means, of peaceful redress. First among them is the fact that the people are represented.
Let’s say we fight and win. Then what? The same corrupted populace will remain. Will they demand a return to the Constitution?
Don’t bet on it.
It really is surreal, how much the country seems to be rapidly re-configuring itself into a one-party rule. You have the media transforming from age-old liberal biases to becoming an all-out “partner” to Obama and his agenda, while the GOP has all but given up being a genuine “opposition” party, capitulating and even colluding on every issue from budgets to amnesty to just about everything.
This one-party rule is a paradigm that leads to tyranny. Always. And very, very quickly. We’re at an incredibly dangerous stage.
Semper Col Sellin!
Gunny G
aka: Dick G
Think out of the box - what are small ways that everyone, young and old, can protest against the FEDS every day? A kind of protracted civil-disobedience campaign....
Any ideas?
Remembering Waco, Ruby Ridge and before that Kent State, I don’t see a scenario where Americans would sacrifice to interrupt their sports TV watching, shopping, talking and texting on cellphones (women), and Twitter tweeting in order to engage in a rebellion. Recall that they (”we”) wouldn’t do that to seriously consider our choices during the past election, despite hard times, gasoline prices twice what they were 4 years earlier, food prices going up, effective unemployment at 15%, and so on. Don’t bug me now, I’m watching Okrah!
It seems that there is a race to implode the US. The Leftists want a gradual implosion that results in a relatively smooth transition to a police state. The Left is implementing an incremental loss of 2A, 1A, and 4A, that way, there will be a weaker consensus for resistance. Publicly financed PR campaigns against guns, against hate speech bully comfortable moderates conservatives in to PC submission. TSA groin checks at airports and new check points are getting the plebs used to tyranny.
However, a rapid implosion will result in an over-reach and backlash. The, we at least might have a chance.
I very much disagree. Only GOD can save this country.
We are in this mess because, in many ways, we have ignored Him and His Wisdom.
As I’ve posted before, I am surprised that an “incremental” revolution hasn’t already begun; one in which certain corrupt politicians and some of their evil enablers in the media, have simply disappeared, never to be heard from again. One by one: poof!
If the way is cleared for a third 0bumble term (already proposed) it should be on.
I blame Congress as much, if not more, than Obama. Obama is a symptom of the crisis, Congress' failure to protect their exclusive legislative powers and their inability to manage the value of money IS the crisis.
In any event, because something has to change, it will. A cursory acquaintance with history suggests a Sulla, or a Cromwell. We were very lucky with GEN Washington.
Gestures of rebellion with the US Armed Forces on the other side, while gallant, are futile. As pointed out by ouchthatonehurt, there is a lot of political work to be done before the inflection point.
There must be a disloyal political movement. By disloyal, I mean a political movement that renounces the legitimacy of Congress' acts of pretended legislation and that denies their right to rule. This movement must not be armed - that's ANOTHER movement's job. Members of our movement elected to Congress will refuse to take their seats, but they will not face arrest.
As the rightness of the movement becomes better known, the righteousness of armed resistance will be understood by more than could understand it today.
The goal is to expel the corrupt occupation regime and to replace it with a legal, constitutional government. People who think that can be accomplished by patriot rifle squads fighting the US Army and Marine Corps are not engaged with reality.
The only good thing about a rebellion is that we can crush the politicians and news media responsible for this whole mess. Never to have to deal with them again.