To: paratrooper82
That’s nice, but who is going to ACTUALLY impeach him?!
2 posted on
01/15/2013 7:11:26 AM PST by
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To: madison10
(Texas) Rep. Steve Stockman already threatened to write and introduce “Articles of Impeachment” against obzozo if he signs an Executive Order attacking the 2nd Amendment.
5 posted on
01/15/2013 7:14:01 AM PST by
(82nd ABN Div. 1/508th BN "Fury From the Sky")
To: madison10
7 posted on
01/15/2013 7:14:39 AM PST by
(Whom the Son sets free is free indeed!)
To: madison10
Do you suppose Meese is unaware the Constitution means nothing to Obama, Reid and Holder? Beside that, Boehner couldn't care less...
8 posted on
01/15/2013 7:15:51 AM PST by
(If Barack has a memory like a steel trap, why can't he remember what the Constitution says?)
To: madison10
“Thats nice, but who is going to ACTUALLY impeach him?!”
Read your Constitution. It is always the House, as was done by Clinton.
Clinton was neutered when he was impeached. He only recently is regaining any stature.
10 posted on
01/15/2013 7:16:02 AM PST by
(Anyone who votes for Obama after these 4 miserable years needs to take a mandatory citizenship test.)
To: madison10
“Thats nice, but who is going to ACTUALLY impeach him?!”
Read your Constitution. It is always the House, as was done to Clinton.
Clinton was neutered when he was impeached. He only recently is regaining any stature.
12 posted on
01/15/2013 7:16:20 AM PST by
(Anyone who votes for Obama after these 4 miserable years needs to take a mandatory citizenship test.)
To: madison10
The US House of Representatives can IMPEACH (highly unlikely) by voting to impeach, but, the Articles of Impeachment then go to the Senate for a trial. No imagination necessary to assume the outcome here.
16 posted on
01/15/2013 7:20:04 AM PST by
(82nd ABN Div. 1/508th BN "Fury From the Sky")
To: madison10
Thats nice, but who is going to ACTUALLY impeach him?!Yeah, who . . . (waiting) . . . (crickets not only chirping, but sleeping) . . .
And, can you really impeach someone who's not eligible to even hold that office? Hmmmmm?
18 posted on
01/15/2013 7:20:57 AM PST by
To: madison10
"I'll take my chances with those chumps!"
20 posted on
01/15/2013 7:21:52 AM PST by
(kak-is-toc-ra-cy: Government by the least qualified or most unprincipled citizens. See: GOP-e)
To: madison10
If he issues a blatantly unconstitutional EO, the Joint Chiefs should frog-march him out of the White Hut and rendition him to Gitmo that very instant.
21 posted on
01/15/2013 7:22:40 AM PST by
E. Pluribus Unum
(TYRANNY: When the people fear the politicians. LIBERTY: When the politicians fear the people.)
To: madison10
"T... who is going to ACTUALLY impeach him?!" Absolutely no one. Obama has pigmentation immunity. Anyone daring to oppose him will be ripped to shreds by his media.
22 posted on
01/15/2013 7:24:46 AM PST by
(Those that work for a living are now outnumbered by those that vote for a living.)
To: madison10
You may remember from civics class that the purpose of executive orders is to implement the will of Congress and I don't remember Congress voting for gun control.
Using executive orders to deny us our Constitutional right is abuse of executive power. The American people should and could demand impeachment. It's out DUTY to defend ourselves from a rouge administration. (Where is our military when we really need it at home? )
To: madison10
The House of Representatives impeaches by simple majority vote. IOW, the current House has enough GOP votes to impeach.
However, the Senate conducts the trial for removal from office after the House impeaches. It requires a 2/3 vote, so that would be 67 Senators must vote to remove from office.
Given that Harry Reid and the Democrats are the majority party in the US Senate, there’s not a snowball’s chance of removing Obama.
27 posted on
01/15/2013 7:28:50 AM PST by
(Retired Army Chaplain and Proud of It! True supporters of our troops pray for their victory!)
To: madison10
I’d expect Obama’s response to someone filing Articles of Impeachment would be to declare it an illegal attempt to use the power of the House for harassment, and send someone from Justice to arrest the filer. Or some other similar legal-based action against the filer.
That would be the Alinsky way.
28 posted on
01/15/2013 7:30:35 AM PST by
To: madison10
Yeah, right. By whom?
Nobody, that is who.
If we aren’t headed for a showdown by the people for the people and for freedom it will never happen. We will become like the Jews of Warsaw who took up arms too late.
To: madison10
Won’t happen with Boehner in charge. He does not have the guts.
31 posted on
01/15/2013 7:35:35 AM PST by
("Dumb, Dependent, and Democrat is no way to go through life" - Louie Gohmert (R-TX))
To: madison10
Call and order your Republican House member and demand impeachment of both King Obama and Biden. Lets get it rolling. And if done and the Senate does not support impeachment the time for the civil war.
To: madison10
Perhaps we should let Mr. Obama have some more rope, so to speak. As he imperially defies the Constitution on one matter after another, the best course of action may be to bide our time until he has essentially “hung himself” with enough evidence of malfeasance of office to successfully impeach him and, possibly, remove him from office.
The Senate will resist, but there may be ways to persuade or get around Senate loyalty to Obama. One third of the Senate will be up for election again in less than two years, and an aroused populace is powerful. Republicans/Conservatives need to take a page from the Democratic/Socialist playbook: go after each individual opposition Senator—tooth and nail. Use every bad, ugly, and questionable move they've ever made against them and their reelection. Out their sexual habits, mistresses, and under-the-table political contributions. Keep it honest and legal, but spare no feelings. Let's give them a taste of their own medicine and save our republic.
38 posted on
01/15/2013 7:41:49 AM PST by
(Remember the price paid for your freedom.)
To: madison10
Impeachment would be doable. Conviction would never happen. It would be an impotent move.
39 posted on
01/15/2013 7:43:05 AM PST by
Vermont Lt
(We are so screwed.)
To: madison10
... and given that Eric Holder has yet to be served a subpoena on Fast and Furious, even with the GOP in control of the House.
40 posted on
01/15/2013 7:44:36 AM PST by
To: madison10
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