I noticed that too, and in that connection I remember Ann Coulter’s half-serious idea that we might want rethink woman’s suffrage. Somewhat more than 1/2 of men have generally correct conservative/libertarian political views, and somewhat more than 1/2 of women hold Statist views, and it’s been that way for over 50 years.
As an aside, if a criminal reads this edition and know’s these people have guns don’t you think they would think twice about invading these homes.
Just sayin’
As a woman, I agree that giving women the vote was a huge mistake, and I have been saying this for years. I am inspired by a quip by Alice Roosevelt Longworth:.”any woman who can’t get her own husband to vote the way she wants isn’t worth much.”
I love the ladies.... I really do. But, it's hard to deny that politics in this country has been going the WRONG direction ever since we allowed them to vote.
Still though, I think we'd be OK if we simply limited voting to people who are Net Payers of taxes.