Posted on 12/03/2012 10:26:14 AM PST by Colofornian
SAN DIEGO The man who planned to be president wakes up each morning now without a plan.
Mitt Romney looks out the windows of his beach house here in La Jolla...He devours news from 2,600 miles away in Washington about the "fiscal cliff" negotiations, shaking his head and wondering what if.
Gone are the minute-by-minute schedules and the swarm of Secret Service agents. There's no aide to make his peanut butter and honey sandwiches. Romney hangs around the house, sometimes alone, pecking away at his iPad and emailing his CEO buddies, who've been swooping in and out of La Jolla to visit. He wrote to one who's having a liver transplant soon: "I'll change your bedpan, take you back and forth to treatment."
The defeated Republican nominee has practically disappeared from public view since his loss, exhibiting the same detachment that made it so difficult for him to connect with the body politic through six years of running for president. He has made no public comments since his concession speech in the early hours of Nov. 7, and avoided the news media last week during a private lunch with President Barack Obama at the White House. Through an aide, Romney declined an interview request for this story.
After Romney told his wealthy donors that he blamed his loss on "gifts" Obama gave to minority groups, his functionaries were unrepentant and Republican luminaries effectively cast him out. Few of the policy ideas he promoted are even being discussed in Washington.
By all accounts, the past month has been most difficult on Romney's wife, Ann, who friends said believed up until the end that ascending to the White House was their destiny. They said she has been crying in private and trying to get back to riding her horses.
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I was referring to Romney retreating to California, not u personally.
Congratulations, you have demonstrated Godwin's law in less than 100 posts in this thread.
Now Mitt is being compared to Hitler. Oh, the huge manatee.
Now I know we're dealing with kooks, Gator. ;-)
Yes we are sure that Mitt nor his father ever marched with MLK, it is a 40 year lie that they have been telling.
You do seem to know that Mitt is pro-abortion, and that he rejects the Party’s pro-life platform, do you believe Mitt when he explains that he became pro-abortion in 1963?
Do you want to see Mitt’s various positions on abortion, and admissions of being pro-abortion, while other times saying that he was never pro-abortion?
The father of Obamacare also has a less than winning history on immigration.
Governor Mitt and wife Ann, were interacting with the Guatemalan illegals at their private home for 10 years. The landscaper that the illegals worked for, was a naturalized Colombian himself, personally chosen by Mitt, (A naturalized Colombian, Guatemalan illegals, and a sitting Governor during 4 years of that period), IDs better have been checked.
In December of 2006, the republican Governor was exposed, and suffered national embarrassment for using illegals for 10 years.
In December of 2007, in a national debate, Rudy Giuliani accused Mitt Romney of having run a Sanctuary Mansion. On national TV, Mitt Romney indignantly denied the claim.
A few days after the debate, the Boston Globe decided to look again at Mitts house, and guess what, they found Guatemalan illegals, they were working for the same Colombian, MITT HAD NEVER FIRED THEM!
Ten years and a national scandal, turned into 11 years, and into a second national scandal, with all the same players, the same contractor, Guatemalan illegals, and the same Mitt Romney and his wife interacting with them at their home during the week.
SoFloFreeper, do you not HATE statism? Do you not HATE liberalism? Do you not HATE a government that presumes to deny you your freedom?
I don't "hate" Romney. I KNOW him to be a liar and an opportunist and a statist and a liberal. I absolutely HATE what he advances and what he represents.
Why would I ping Jim. It’s no secret that folks are moving out of California
In droves. I am sure Jim is quite aware of what awaits those who have to,
Or choose to stay. Much higher taxes and over regulation.
Color me naive if you like. I heard Romney say over and over and over and over again on the campaign trail he wanted to build the Keystone Pipeline, he wanted to drill in ANWR, he wanted to drill offshore, he wanted to expand drilling permits on federally owned land, he chastized Obama in the debates for reducing drilling on federal lands, he enthusiastically embraced coal, natural gas, and nucleear power as well as new fracking technologies and had a plan to make North America energy independent.
Now if the whole thing was a whole bunch of lies, then you are right and I am wrong. The difference between the two candidates was irrelevant and it mattered not who won, if your view is to be believed. I DO think there ARE major differences between the Democrat and Republican parties. I DO think third parties would only guarantee continued Democrat domination of the nation.
No, this is untrue. Closing loopholes, lower rates, etc. are all part of the deal being discussed.
Ryan is in there as a negotiator. His ideas were part of Mitt's platform and much of the platform is classic conservative philosophy.
It's a shame that so many conservatives buy into the MSM "slam the GOP" tactics. They claim to be wise to the MSM but fall for the ruse every time.
Not the ones that are beyond wealthy.
A public man falsely claiming to have marched with MLK is kooky, a man who thinks that he is becoming a God, is kooky.
I see people now saying, "never again" will they vote for a liberal candidate and I say, yes you will, you'll fold like an accordian and vote for the lesser of the two evils next time by voting for whichever candidate the elite put before us. Watch and see, the word will be that Mitt was "too far right", We need an even more centerist candidate.
McCain was my last liberal, I said, "never again" and stuck to it.
Mitt should have lost 100% of the vote from people who claim to be conservative. If he had lost the general by 25 Mil votes, the party elite might have gotten the message as it stands they did not. After all, what difference would it have made if Mitt lost by 3 Mil or 25 Mil? Losing is losing and Mitt's a loser.
I would have cheerfully voted for any candidate from the primaries, with three exceptions, in descending order - Paul/Huntsman/Romney. Romney, so far under the heap that he was never even a consideration for me. On reconsideration, I might (only might) have voted for Paul.
The principle here is that if the economy is EVERYTHING, then all else becomes irrelevant baggage.
It's then on your shoulders to explain here how permanent RINOism, had Romney won, would be so better for the pre-born than hitler was for the Jews.
We've already had 40-50 million pre-borns slaughtered in the U.S. since '73. Does God the Creator see any uptick in the slaughter -- whether it be done under a 'liberal' umbrella or under a 'big-tent' RINO umbrella -- any distinctly than He did during the greatest accelerations of the 6 million Jews and millions of others who died due to Hitler?
Why do you and Gator113 continue to defend RINO pro-abortionism?
The other principle here is what you teach your children & grandchildren. As you teach them it's better to always pick the "alternative" to the economic nose-divers, then, indeed, they will one day pick Hitler II...or the anti-Christ...
Most people who trash Romneycare and compare it with Obamacare do not know what the hell they are talking about.
Romneycare was a plan crafted to meet the needs of just ONE state and one state ALONE. It has NOTHING to do with Obamacare. At the time Romneycare was implemented in MA, just 8% of the population in that state lacked health coverage. Romneycare addressed just those 8%. Period. It did not effect the 92% who already had coverage. Yes, Romneycare did require the 8% to go out and purchase PRIVATE health insurance policies——the reason——many of those folks were gaming the system——walking into hospitals, clinics, and doctors offices, receiving care and treatment, then leaving the bill to the TAXPAYERS. Romneycare required them to take responsibility. For those who could not afford private health insurance, Romneycare received a waiver from the Bush Administration, allowing the state to REDIRECT MEDICAID FUNDS ALREADY ALLOCATED to the state, to help low income people purchase PRIVATE health insurance.
By the time Romneycare was fully implemented in MA, nearly 100% of the people in that state had health coverage, all done WITHOUT raising a penny in taxes or expanding the size and scope of the state government. Can ANYONE say that of Obamacare. I would glady compare and contrast any day of the week Obamacare to Romneycare.
Well, let's see. I heard it from Boehner's lips just yesterday that negotiations were "nowhere." He said: "We are nowhere."
And yet, we have it on your authority that deal discussions and negotiations are supposedly somewhere.
Hmmm...who to & the Democrats... or Boehner?
So sorry Mittens. You were sacrificed for Jeb in 2016
The owner of Chic Fil A is a Baptist Christian and Baptists have correctly discerned and declared L.D.S. to be a cult, As has the Catholic church and most other Christian churches. Why would Mitt stick his political neck out for them.
His L.D.S. declares all other religions except his own to be apostate and thereby damn'd.
are you unable to understand “with” in more than a literal sense?
are you willing to believe the Boston Herald and by extension the rest of the liberal media?
Best to believe the facts.
Do you not know the House position? It has been discussed all over the airwaves for months.
Just because Obama is not wanting to go there doesn't mean it's not being discussed.
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