I make this point not as an adverse criticism; rather in recognition that you do, in fact, "get it." Because you do understand, you need to preach to others than the choir--that is my point.
William Flax
I absolutely have no “anger”. You misread everything I state if you “detect” anger where none exists.
I have a profound faith and love of God and hate evil and love the “Truth”. That is what I try to get across to the people who live in a “fog”. I know most people here—this is my choir—so I can be direct. Every word I choose is chosen because of the deep research and understanding I have of this long war between Good and Evil (God and Satan) which has been going on since the beginning of man.
I am very careful with ideology in contact with other people in life. I understand that “anger” people have when they realize they have been in Plato’s Cave—chained—for decades and have been lied to all their life. Their “Reality” absolutely shattered is hard to swallow and I know I am the target for that “anger” if I am the one who tries to “enlighten” anyone and drag them into the Light. I read Plato’s Cave.
I know this—I was there for decades in the fog and I have worked with children and saw the formation of Worldview—and that nature of man—pride—in “thinking” they know everything when in fact they are totally ignorant about the most important things in life.
When all my perceptions were shaped by the MSM and the university, I lived without understanding Reality. Coming out of the fog-—I WAS full of anger for a very short time —until I finally understood God’s Plan and this war between God and Satan. It took tons of reading and time and reflection, though.
I am like CS Lewis was after becoming a Christian-—Full of Joy. But, I am never fooled by evil anymore and can spot evil ideology in a nanosecond-—just by a “word” here and there or attitude. I immersed myself in the ideas of Marx and Baal and de Sade and Nietzsche and Vatican II—so that I can understand the enemies of Christ.
All the evil in the world originates from Satan. It is who unifies all evil. I recognize it and it needs to be pointed out explicitly, so people can grasp what is the Reality and what direction adopting evil leads to, which is spelled out in thousands of books on history. Culture shapes the minds of the young.....It is important to control that culture when it affects your children and teach Logic and Reason in the Aristotle/St. Thomas tradition.
The problem escalated when people refused to call Evil, evil. Pastor Bonhoeffer stated this was the end of Christianity in Germany. Children grow up with warped worldview—thinking evil is “good”.
We can just be like the Amish, which I am considering now with the reelection of the anti-Christ and our Satanic new “laws” which mock the Rule of Law (Higher Power and the concept of Justice, which is a Virtue).
As I read her piece, it didn’t seem angry to me. Did the multiple “?” make you see anger? I didn’t read it that way.