Not sure I can stomach Lindsey Graham, but he will probably talk about Benghazi. Line ups on the other programs seem geared to the election.
Obama has secret talks with Iran. Or he doesn't.
Dueling announcements coming soon:
Alread’s announcement vs Trump's announcement.
[I am holding my breath. Yeah, right.]
With many versions and several re-versions of the Benghazi story, Romney should have plenty of ammo for tomorrow night's debate -- if Schieffer doesn't keep interrupting and trying to change the subject.
Chris Wallace pre-FNS promo on F&F: Romney got messed up on the Benghazi response in the debate.
[What???? Did Wallace have his head in the sand? Crowley was the one who messed up. Romney was correct that Obama did NOT call the Benghazi attack 'terrorism' until days later.]
Boy I’ll say.
Axelgrease may give us a preview of the Libya spin for the debate.
How many of these POS politicians will aid and abet TREASON on state-run propaganda shows today?
Er, I mean...
Good Morning Everyone!
Looks like a Great Sunday (despite Linda and Turban Durbin)
Thanks for the thread and ping AB.
Excellent op-ed as usual Mr Bray.
Wow what a morning,I’ve had my Kona coffee ready to rock!! Hope everyone else is as well.
Good morning Alas Babylon! and everyone!
Marco Rubio is handling David Gregory. Har!
On Oct 9, 2001, about one month after the horrible terrorist attacks in NYC, the Pentagon and Pa., George W. Bush’s approval rating hit its high-water mark, a mind-blowing 92 percent.
One of the reasons for this is that Bush cut out all political personnel from anything related to 9/11. Bush, for all his flaws, had NO political strategy regarding 9/11. NONE. He would not even let Karl Rove into the room when 9/11 was being addressed by him and his national security team.
And THAT is how you end up with a 92 percent approval rating in the immediate aftermath of what was otherwise a complete national security failure. You play it straight with the American people, roll up your sleeves and get busy fixing what you admit was very broken.
Obama could have easily won next month’s election in the aftermath of the 9/11/2012 attack in Libya. He could have won 60-40, if not better, by merely galvanizing the attention of the American people on what was really an attack on all of us.
But in the immediate aftermath of Benghazi Obama sent out Stephanie Cutter and other hacks to attack Mitt Romney for his comments regarding the Cairo emabssy’s absurd apology to Muslims (as if Romney had caused Benghazi to be attacked) and then began a pathological series of awkward deceptions and lies regarding the death of 4 Americans at the hands of al Qaeda.
And ever since, Obama’s approval rating has been sinking like a boulder in a tranquil sea.
If Libya sinks his candidacy as it has his approval rating, it will be in part because the lamestream media led him into certainty that he could blame Romney and skate away from any responsibility. For three days following 9/11/2012 the “big story” was that Romney had “politicized” the violence in the middle east.
But nobody ever bought this. Romney isn’t the commander-in-chief. Eventually, the people simply wanted the straight-up truth about what happened to our ambassador and his team. Every person voting this year was alive on 9/11/2001, alive during the weeks and months afterward, and there is a simple standard we expect our president to meet.
Tell us the truth. Tell us what we need to do.
But Obama has completely ignored that standard and chosen instead to continue lying about Benghazi—at the UN, in debates, on talk shows...
No matter how the election goes, somewhere along the line we’ll hear again about what a “great politician” Obama is. Are you kidding me? Even a “simpleton” like George W. Bush could have turned Benghazi into four more years.
Durbin is using the same ole canard: whenever they get in trouble and cannot defend their actions, they revert to ‘we are investigating’ yada yada yada.
Graham: [Benghazi attack] was a complete break down in security. ... After the attack ther were various narratives to deceive and distort. [paraphrasing]
Durbin: It was ‘days’ before they could be investigators on the ground.
Wallace: Isn’t that proof that Benghazi was a dangerous place [implying: so why remove rather than increase security?]
Wallace shows a clip of Obama in the Rose Garden speech. [Speeds up Obama’s head to move the clip along — funny].
Graham: This admin leaked details on bin Laden and many other foreign activities. Don’t want to admit it was al-Qaeda because they said al-Qaeda was finished with the death of bin Laden.
[Graham is doing good this morning. He is bringing up things are are making the Dems/Obama squirm.]
THIS WEEK (ABC): Chicago Mayor Emanuel
Someone want to inform Mr Chicago Mayor the Democrats ask for the War in Afghanistan, Obama choose to engage in a Surge in Afghanistan, and if you want a good economy, you don’t choose the guy who lost the economic debate.
Speaking of who’s talking about personal and operations they shouldn’t, how about the Bin Laden story? How about bragging about all the drone attacks? That’s your Democrats. Have you had a good look in the mirror lately Mister?
Sens. Lindsey Graham did very well discussing
the Second Obama Libyan War.
Not mentioned, by him and Dick Durbin [who glibly
compared the atrocity to a "football game"]
is that during the attack, the ringleader,
Abu Sufian Ibrahim Ahmed Hamuda bin Qumu,
had been employed by Hillary Clinton and
was released from Gitmo to Qaddafi in 2007.
Linda is swinging his purse and hitting it out of the park on Obama’s horrendous foreign policy disasters.
Mr George, the vocabulary of Obamas campaign, “Romnesia” “sketchy deal”, is intended to appeal to those with a low mentality. The Obama campaign wants to seem in control to cover up Obama’s mess.
Juan provides cover for Obama by saying that the cries for more security were for the US Embassy in Tripoli, rather than the US Consulate in Benghazi.
[Juan apparently is ignoring the memos from Amb. Stevens asking for more security.]
Kristol says facts prove the video had nothing to do with the Benghazi attacks.
[Several new articles THIS WEEK show that ObamaAdmin are STILL trying to link the video and are walking back the narrative of ‘terrorists’ (as in al-Qaeda) — now referring to them as ‘extremists.’]
Lebanon Live Protest
Lindsay Graham did much better than I thought he would. Dick Durbin “Ministry of Truth’ed” us - no you didn’t hear and see what you heard and saw after the 9/11 Libya attack (it’s the video), but he was subdued. I think they know the BO is toast.
a) sounds like a man
b) hairlike Medusa