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Tax penalty to hit nearly 6M uninsured people (OBAMACARE)
Drudge Report ^
| September 19, 2012
Posted on 09/19/2012 1:13:23 PM PDT by GeorgeWashingtonsGhost
WASHINGTON (AP) Congressional budget analysts are now estimating that nearly 6 million Americans most of them in the middle class will have to pay a tax penalty for not getting health insurance once President Barack Obama's health care law is fully in place.
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TOPICS: News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: 2012; 47percent; bhofascism; bhohealthcare; corruption; democrats; liberalfascism; nobama2012; nodemocrats2012; obama; obamacare; obamacaremandate; obamacaretax; obamacarewaivers; obamatax; obamatruthfile; penalty; socialisthealthcare; taxes; tyranny
Main header on Drudge now!
To: GeorgeWashingtonsGhost
To: Sacajaweau
Tax, my azz.. They’ll FINE 6 million people x 1,200.00 ea will raise $6.9 Billion??? That’s not nearly enough to pay for much of anything and it sure puts our over $16 TRILLION federal debt in perspective, doesn’t it..
To: GeorgeWashingtonsGhost
Does it count if a person is on their spouse’s insurance? I assume it does, but wasn’t sure.
posted on
09/19/2012 1:19:28 PM PDT
To: GeorgeWashingtonsGhost
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said today the penalty will raise $6.9 billion when fully in effect in 2016.Taxes just swarm around this debacle of a bill don't they?
posted on
09/19/2012 1:19:52 PM PDT
(Trust in God, question everyone else)
To: madison10
If you are than you are insured. However, under 0bamacare I see most employers dropping health care coverage. That’s one of the goals of Obamacare, to “TRANSFORM” or “CHANGE” into Single Payer System. THAT’S the goal.
Taxes just swarm around this debacle of a bill don't they? That's because it's a tax bill, not a healthcare bill.
To: GeorgeWashingtonsGhost; Tax-chick
I would think for them to pull this off as a tax, they would have to design a form that would tax EVERYBODY $1200 and then have you claim a credit for having a policy that passed muster and / or some sort of income-limited credit. Otherwise I’d think they would fall into a semantics trap. Then there’s the whole issue on how to document compliance. The bottom line is that it will prove to be so cumbersome that people will see that single-payer is inevitable.
posted on
09/19/2012 1:28:45 PM PDT
(Taranto: "The whole point of the metaphor is that if you can hear the whistle, you're the dog.")
To: GeorgeWashingtonsGhost
and the cost goes up year after year after year in fines. It’s a dirty bloody secret. Thanks for placing out on the board, for some to see, a truth.
posted on
09/19/2012 1:29:58 PM PDT
(Please God, Protect and Bless Our Men and Women in Uniform with Victory. Amen.)
To: GeorgeWashingtonsGhost
and if that 47% of voters LET this happen by re-electing him so we can’t repeal it . . . then I will not have one ounce of sympathy for them. not one ounce. let the IRS confiscate their usual “refund”. let them feel some pain in their wallets for a change.
posted on
09/19/2012 1:37:17 PM PDT
(Romney/Ryan 2012 The Future of Our Children and Their Children are at stake.)
To: GeorgeWashingtonsGhost
Am doubting that is the ultimate goal. I believe the goal to be much more sinister. We will have to not give it (zer0care) time to find for ourselves for this legislation passed based on a lie, and was then upheld on a lie. Remember Americans were told this was not a tax, then the SC said okay, it's a tax. The truth maybe is probably worse than this; the touted cure. Lies never bring good, and the lies told to the public and the continuing lies being told to the public are certain to bring no good for Americans.
posted on
09/19/2012 1:37:22 PM PDT
(Please God, Protect and Bless Our Men and Women in Uniform with Victory. Amen.)
To: GeorgeWashingtonsGhost
Look on the bright side. They won’t be “middle class” for long and won’t have to worry about that. The debt machine that supports so many idle, “middle class” regulators and services dependent on debt isn’t magic.
posted on
09/19/2012 1:44:29 PM PDT
("Wanna cigarette? You're never too young to start." --Deacon, "Waterworld")
To: johniegrad
So if I operate a business that has a loss which offsets the insurance penalty, do I still have to pay it?
To: sanjuanbob
Sorry, Bob. Don’t know the answer to that one.
To: GeorgeWashingtonsGhost
posted on
09/19/2012 2:48:09 PM PDT
(The Right to Life came before the Right to Pursue Happiness)
To: NonValueAdded
I agree - it would be a much more realistic “tax,” rather than “fine,” if it were handled on a credit/refund basis.
However, as you observed, “It’s not a bug - it’s a feature!” The point is for it to be unworkable as passed, so that we end up with a National Health Service disgusting mess.
posted on
09/19/2012 3:52:34 PM PDT
(Use the nukes, Bibi!)
To: GeronL
2014 with full effect of the penalties in 2016. It’s in the article, you know.
posted on
09/19/2012 6:14:12 PM PDT
(Election night is 47 days away.)
To: newzjunkey
"I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes."
posted on
09/19/2012 7:10:17 PM PDT
To: newzjunkey
reading articles is for wimps. I like rushing headlong into ignorance!
posted on
09/19/2012 8:33:30 PM PDT
(The Right to Life came before the Right to Pursue Happiness)
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