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New Black Panthers to RNC: Our 'Feet Will Be On Your Motherf***ing Necks'
Breitbart ^
| August 14, 2012
Posted on 08/14/2012 5:16:55 PM PDT by Beaten Valve
Michelle Williams, New Black Panther Chief of Staff, threatens the upcoming RNC convention.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Extended News; Front Page News; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Florida
KEYWORDS: 2012; 2012conventions; 2012election; 2012electionbias; 2012electionviolence; 2012rncconvention; blackfascism; blackhate; blackidiots; blackkkk; blackliberation; blackracism; blackseparatists; blacksupremacists; blacktrash; blackviolence; commieobama; communism; comradeobama; corruption; democrats; dncbrownshirts; election2012; elections; ericholder; gopconvention; hatecrime; hategroup; holderspeople; injusticedepartment; intimidation; kenyanbornmuzzie; leftistmilitants; mediablackout; militantleft; mittromney; nbp; nbp2012election; nbpp; nbpthugs; newblackpanthers; nwa; obama; obamabrownshirts; obamascandals; racewhore; revolution; rnc; stalinisttactics; thugthevote; voterintimidation
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To: All
Again, these guys are basically commies, not too unlike the original Black Panthers. They, like Obama, his "reverend" Wright and Bill Ayers, are proponents of communist "Black Liberation". During the 70s, the Black Liberation Army (BLA) often collaborated with the Weather Underground. Several police officers were killed or maimed in the process. They notoriously worked together in the bombing of a San Fran police station (one cop dead, another maimed for life) and in the 1980s Brinks truck robbery (2 cops dead, one Brinks guard dead, another maimed--he later died at the WTC on 9/11).
Although it [The New Black Panther Party] says it sees capitalism as the fundamental problem with the world and revolution as the solution, the new party does not draw its influences from Marxism or Maoism as the original party did. Instead, in a carefully-worded, roundabout form of ethnic nationalism,[8] they say that Marx based his ideology and teachings on indigenous African cultures, and that the NBPP therefore need not look to Marxism or Maoism as a basis for their program, but can look to ideologies that stem directly from those African origins.
posted on
08/14/2012 7:48:24 PM PDT
(ALL (most?) of the Obama-commie connections at my FR Home page:
To: Billthedrill
This pair of candy-asses in a gunfight? Puh-leeze. I wonder which one owns the tactical girdle laying on the sofa?
To: Hotlanta Mike
Comment #144 Removed by Moderator
To: Beaten Valve
You go girl! Now, a little less talk and a LOT more action. Do something. Don’t just talk about it.
posted on
08/14/2012 7:58:33 PM PDT
(Freedom is the freedom to discipline yourself so others don't have to do it for you.)
To: Beaten Valve; LucyT; null and void; Candor7; patriot08; SatinDoll; Polarik; left that other site; ..
Wonder if this female New Black Panther ranting racist is going to be working in cahoots with the Obama campaign to try to sabotage the GOP National Convention. If so, it wouldn't be the first time the Obama campaign and the New Black Panthers have been known to collaborate on their efforts, as the infamous voter intimidation incident in Philadelphia in 2008 proves.
It's been whispered for quite some time that the Obama organization might try to resort to racial violence in the streets in a last ditch effort to head off defeat at the polls in November.
It's sick out there and getting sicker!
To: Beaten Valve
Please notify Holder and the DOJ.........oh, never mind.
To: Beaten Valve
obama-”I approve this ad.”
To: Beaten Valve
Have the newborn black pussycats moved out of grandma's house yet?
posted on
08/14/2012 8:37:00 PM PDT
(Anticipate their arrival...they won't.)
To: Billthedrill
See post #149. A slightly better version of that one. (hehe)
posted on
08/14/2012 8:39:08 PM PDT
(Anticipate their arrival...they won't.)
Comment #151 Removed by Moderator
To: Billthedrill
” This pair of candy-asses in a gunfight? Puh-leeze.”
True, but I want the video rights to that gun fight. In the picture one clown is pointing his revolver at his fellow clown. One squeeze and fellow clown will be making threats in a much higher pitched voice.
And that is just in the press release picture! Imagine the trainers? If those clowns were issued Basic Pistol certifications by an NRA instructor, said instructor would be disqualified STAT.
Oh, wait . . . only point a gun at what you want to shoot. Hmmmn, one can hope.
posted on
08/14/2012 8:50:17 PM PDT
(In a society predicated upon freedom, it is necessary to examine principles."...the public interest)
To: justiceseeker93
Make my election day. Violence will wake up Americans. The Democrat Media could not hide or disappear video of Black Panther members attacking Republicans. It would be the best thing for the country. Let the sheeple see the racist left and Black Supremacists in action. The elites are anti-white oikophobes and stand to lose if this happens.
posted on
08/14/2012 9:09:12 PM PDT
("Mosques are our barracks, minarets our bayonets, domes our helmets, the believers our soldiers.")
To: Jet Jaguar
Four chins. Holey Carp!
Hilarious comment from a woman who probably hasn’t seen her feet since she was a pre-teen...
posted on
08/14/2012 9:14:06 PM PDT
Hotlanta Mike
(Resurrect the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC)...before there is no America!)
To: LibLieSlayer
Not only that but the NBP should be a considered a terrorist organization.
posted on
08/14/2012 9:44:50 PM PDT
Yeah, a pic of the “spider woman” with the spider motif on her revolutionary-colored dress, raising her fist in a “revolutionary wookie” pose. Hateful, disgusting woman...makes me glad to see there are such organizations as the Young Black Republicans..check out their website...there is hope, there is always hope.
Moral of the story....there are vicious hateful, disgusting aholes in every hate group...they can't get enough of the hate word.
posted on
08/15/2012 12:15:17 AM PDT
To: madison10
“Wonder if Rolling Thunder's calendar is full?”
A show of protection/offense would be a good thing to see at the Convention. It's obvious that biden’s “slave” comments and obozo’s support of this statement is an attempt to start friction between the races..they're itchin’ for a fight. Oh that Rolling Thunder could show their presence...we need this show of strength and protection...don't acknowledge these aholes, keep your eye on them, and don't allow any thuggery.
posted on
08/15/2012 12:30:34 AM PDT
Comment #158 Removed by Moderator
Comment #159 Removed by Moderator
To: Post5203; All
Obama’s probably hoping for something really bad to happen to one of the two candidates. ANYTHING that’s severe enough to have to delay elections at least until the GOP finds another candidate.
I know that sounds horrible but I do NOT trust that man.
And if Obama does not get “lucky” in Tampa, there’s always plan B.
If Obama’s poll numbers are too low he will pull the Biden’s too sick to be on the ticket card. This could happen sometime in late October.
Elections will be delayed until Obama feels he’s had enough time to find a replacement for Biden to be on the ticket and if the poll numbers are still too low Obama will request equal campaigning time (with the new VP) which could last 6 months or more. When Obama sees his numbers rise to a satisfactory level it will be then and only then that he will declare a date for elections.
posted on
08/15/2012 3:01:15 AM PDT
(Voting for Obama/Biden is like purposely swallowing two tapeworms)
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