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WELL JIM, ENJOY THE BED YOU HAVE MADE: Quix's latest Opus Installment
TrueBlueRINOs antifreeper site ^ | « on: Today at 11:38:49 AM » | Quix

Posted on 07/04/2012 1:16:13 PM PDT by Jim Robinson

Wellllllll Jim, Enjoy The Bed You’ve Made . SUMMARY: . IN COMPLEX INTERPERSONAL SITUATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS—WHO CAN KNOW WHAT IS “REALLY REAL?” APPEARANCES ARE WHAT IS REAL TO THE OBSERVER CONCERNED. So, in many respects, the REAL might be the opposite of the statements below. However, the statements ARE PERCEIVED TO BE—APPARENTLY REAL ENOUGH for evidently thousands of FREEPERS that only idiots would fail to give such assertions fitting prayerful pondering.

1. Your leadership and leadership culture are consistent with those of a fairly complex person—like many of us.

2. Your leadership and leadership team CAN be quite generous, forgiving, kind, patient, understanding, compassionate, stalwart, tough, durable, endearing, perceptive, sensitive, thoughtful, persistent, occasionally self-effacing, prefer peace and peacableness; . . .

3. Your leadership and leadership team CAN also be quite arrogant, mean-spirited, harsh, abusive, very foul-worded, hypocritical, mercenary, spiteful, !!!CONTROLLING!!!, narrow, rigid, brittle, prickly, vengeful, judgmental, erratic, flip-floppy, irrational, arbitrary, hypocritical, petty, shallow, prefer flailing about in bitter harsh ways . . .

4. Like all of us with such disadmirable traits, such junk MUST come from your early history and less than ideal fathering (or possibly mothering and/or both).

5. For whatever reasons you have failed to work such junk through very far or very thoroughly.

6. Which might be largely neither here nor there in the larger scheme of things—EXCEPT THAT—you HAVE BEEN GIVEN OF GOD an incredible honor, opportunity, calling, gift, mandate—which you have appeared to increasingly squander to alarming degrees on arrogance, greed, foul, petty, dishonorable ugliness and ineffectual chaotic nastiness, conflictedness, unnecessary contentiousness and the like.

7. As I’ve often said—it’s fine with me if FREEPERS make you rich every day. If a million FR users and lurkers wish to give you a dollar or 5 dollars a day or a month the rest of your life—GREAT. FR gives lots of usefulness, pleasure, relationships and community to many thousands of people daily day in and day out; year in and year out.

7.1 Given the importance of the financial aspect to so many people . . . here’s some comments I posted earlier:

7.2 There is FARRRR tooooo little transparency and candor in terms of finances generally and specifically.

7.3 There is FARRR TOOOOOOO much abuse of even long time users and big time donors. What kind of management brilliance does it take to run off for petty shallow reasons folks who donated $2,500 PER FREEPATHON . . . and folks who donated $500 PER FREEPATHON . . . folks who just left in disgust if not hurt and anger over the petty abuse they took (or their friends or people they respected took) for no good reason. There's evidently some sort of spiritual and psychodynamic sickness at the deep root of such nonsense. And it appears to be getting worse instead of better.

7.4 Begging for funds with various kinds of shallow manipulations and funky hogwash could just be harmless fun among friendly family . . . except that . . . those giving such funds faithfully for more than 10 years are NEVER REALLY SECURE in the RELATIONSHIP and not even in being able to enjoy the FR HOME THAT THEY PAID FOR AND HELPED BUILD from virtually the ground up.

7.5 At some point, the arrogant dogmatic !!!CONTROL!!! freaque domineering fist pounding that "IT'S HIS HOUSE!" "IT'S HIS LIVING ROOM!" is outrageous, hypocritical and just plain factual nonsense. It is FREEPERS who have built up the readership of FR. It is FREEPERS' creativity and writing skills and interesting personalities who have build up FR's once great attractiveness to a wider audience.

7.6 Who paid for the carpet? Who paid for the paint? Who paid for the furniture? Who paid for the pics on the wall? Who pays for the electricity? Who pays for the heat and air conditioning? Who pays the insurance? Who pays the other utilities? Who pays for the internet service? Who pays for the gardening? Who pays for the groceries? Who pays for the transportation? Who pays for the "coming soon servers" that never quite seem to arrive?

7.6.1 Just who is the guest of whom?

7.6.2 It appears that with readership down 16-20% over the last 6 months or so . . . an increasing number of people are flushing the 'guest' out of their lives.

7.7 Clearly, it's the FREEPER SHEEPLE who have been paying through the nose in the face of erratic, arbitrary, irrational abuse year in and year out--never knowing when the mean-streak is going to strike out and slap them hard or even ban them--sometimes in the foulest language any "Christian" was ever known to utter or write. And then their EXTENDED FAMILY that has become so dear and precious to them—sometimes their literal life-savers--will be suddenly flushed out of their lives with absolutely no recourse whatsoever.

7.8 It is ACTUALLY ABOUT AS REASONABLE to say that JR and family are the squatters in the FREEPERS' HOME. . . . you know . . . that old founding documents thing . . . OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE?

And even that wouldn’t be soooooo outrageous IF a REPRESENTATIVE sample (REPRESENTATIVE—AS IN “REPUBLIC”!!!) of the FREEPER COMMUNITY had a seat at the table to offer input and advice THAT WAS OBVIOUSLY THOUGHTFULLY AND FAIRLY CONSIDERED each quarter. But, NOPE, the fist pounding, insecure, arrogant !!!CONTROL!!! freak domineering junk always rules.

8. HOWEVER, the mean-spirited, arrogant, hypocritical etc. junk has APPEARED to poison your well from the beginning. There have been gross hypocrisies. Early on you were reportedly utterly convinced (with good reason, actually) that Bush was complicit in drug running through Arkansas etc. Yet, fairly early on, you became convinced or persuaded that any discussion of conspiracy stuff on FR had to be forbidden—and mocked as absurdly untrue.

9. You would pontificate at length about maintaining a CONSISTENT stance as a Republic on the unchanging values and foundation of the founding fathers and founding documents. You claimed therewith to be the Premier Conservative website etc. in support thereof. All this was repeatedly stated with great pontifical emotion and fanfare while your leadership and leadership team APPEARED TO BE an erratic, irregular grossly inconsistent, grossly petty, shallow, flip-floppy and often a pathetic chaotic, haphazard, directionless mess.

10. Some folks have documented that few of the political figures you have ended up supporting have won. I don’t know that THAT means a huge lot, given the globalists insuring that the whole SElection/voting mess is 98% farce, charade, futile. However, there’s been a great deal of emotion, energy, expense, time, angst UTTERLY AND TOTALLY WASTED on !!!DEMANDING!!! that loyal FREEPERS support person XYZ and NOT ABC under pain of banning. Only to wake-up the next morning and have to flip-flop with the FR leadership team—too often—seemingly 180 degrees. And to do that with a straight face as though it were rational, made sense and was of benefit to the Republic has been more than a little off the wall and mystifying to thousands of FREEPERS. I don't know where folks were supposed to check their brains and integrity as they complied with the FR Pied Piper in following that nonsense lock-step.

11. You have evidently repeatedly and reportedly from the early years--returned evil for good. That’s been true toward individuals and toward classes and groups of individuals. There’s no excuse for that. None. There’s dozens of ways to avoid that in any kind of disagreement. SOMETIMES it has APPEARED that you and/or your leadership team have gone out of your way to do that—SOMETIMES SEEMINGLY in the meanest, harshest ways handy. Scripture is quite clear about the consequences of that kind of sowing.

12. You can be glibly self-effacing and disarmingly dismissive of the quality of your own Christianity, your leadership, your understanding . . . a list of things in that paragraph that ON THE SURFACE sounded and appeared impressive. Sadly, shortly after, it appeared to be merely propaganda for the FREEPATHON. It became quickly unclear how much of an earnest, heart-felt confession it really was—largely because there was no follow-up fruit of such a confession. It soon rang hollow and a farce. The arrogance, harshness and arbitrary and erratic !!!CONTROL!!! freak stuff quickly returned.

13. You and your leadership team have pontificated, exclaimed and wailed about !!!LOYALTY!!! and !!!BETRAYAL!!! while demonstrating the most petty and absurdly based disloyalty and outrageous betrayal of anyone who was ever a part of FR. You have absolutely no room to talk or complain about either one of those issues. You have merely reaped A PORTION of what you have so chronically, persistently and often mean-spiritedly sown in such regards. And your reaping is far from finished on such scores.

14. You have rightly and honorably claimed Christian values as a hallmark of your personally held priorities as well as FR’s priorities. Sometimes you have followed through—such as with your very admirable and honorable tenacious insistence that prayer threads be allowed in the main NEWS forum. By the same token, you have frequently demonstrated a hideous tendency to lapse into harsh, abusive, foul-mouthed communications publicly and privately—which would make many a sailor blush. None of us is 100% free 100% of the time of 100% of all hypocrisy. However, the frequency and ruthlessness of such foul-mouthed and arbitrary harshness out of clearly a mean-streak is NOT AT ALL a fruit of Holy Spirit. AT some point, perceptive, thinking and discerning folks have to ask themselves: Where is the real JimRob and just how much of an authentic Christian is he? And what game is he REALLY playing for what goal(s)? And doe HE even know or have a clue who he is and what he's about?

15. Many of us have been prayerful and seriously concerned about your health problems for a long time. However, sadly, even there some of us are troubled. Given the relationship between the MIND, BODY AND SPIRIT, one has to wonder if your health would be significantly better if your spiritual health and persistent demonstrations of your spirituality were more consistent with the advertising. In short—mean-spiritedness produces a troublesome harvest in the body, in relationships, in the psyche and certainly in the spirit. At some point, all the prayers in the world will not force a STUBBORN, mean-spirited ARROGANT soul to be better, healthy. As Scripture notes:

1 Samuel 15:23

For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. . . .” I don’t know if the rest of that verse applies to you at present, or not. I know you’re on slippery ground on that score.

16. And IDOLATRY will NOT WORK for anyone—even the king of FR. It doesn’t matter if one nurses one’s own bitterness as idolatry; or if one idolizes one’s country; or one’s own press releases; or one’s FR baby or whatever. Idolatry is a deadly poison.

17. I’ve agonized for many months over how to write the compassionate but stern rebuke I felt pressed so strongly in my spirit to write. People either seem to suck-up to you in fierce psychophant fashion—or to trash you as a minion of satan. I see you more as a typical Attachment Disordered man hung up on some serious spiritual and psychodynamic flaws like most of us in our era. So what. However, to stubbornly cling to one’s arrogance, stubbornness, meanness . . . and to ALLOW, much less seem to exalt in spewing such all over the thousands of folks who give money for your support and the support of your baby . . . that is at best unwise and at worst a pretty hideous example of human excess.

18. I don’t know what God intends to do with you and/or FR. I know you are NOT indispensable. I know that FR will NOT significantly influence the corrupt farce of a November SElection process—if we get that far in any kind of functional shape as a Nation.

19. I know that you have been given a priceless gift and honor of ENORMOUS potential good for the Nation, millions of individuals and the Body of Christ. And you & your leadership team have appeared to squander horrendous chunks of that potential on pettiness, personal pique, arrogance, stubbornness, meanness, willful blindness and willful ignorance. I know that many thousands of people in and out of the Body of Christ who COULD HAVE BEEN FITTINGLY AND USEFULLY WARNED about the spiritual and practical hazards of satanic globalism as well as the fallen angel UFO stuff have not been warned because of y’all’s junk and the junk of the likes of JeanS and Dirtboy and their cadre of harpies. To the degree THAT is true, there will be embarrassing amounts of blood on such hands, come judgment day—unless confession and repentance are heart-felt effected before then—and even then, though it may cover such sins redemptively with Christ’s blood—it will not save thousands who would have otherwise been saved had such a sobering responsibility been carried more fittingly and Biblically earlier.

20. Yet again, as all of us every day—have a choice. You can continue as is most likely—as you have for decades. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. And, I am well aware that you have rarely to never demonstrated, to my awareness, the least bit of a constructive response to negative feedback. It’s more likely that such a msg will result in a hardened heart, more arrogance and more stubbornness. That will be however it will be, with the responsibility for individual choices resting with each individual on your leadership team as well as on your supporters.

21. I only know of one priceless brilliant Christian in the upper levels of FR respect, who could likely help pull FR out of such a mess. You know who that is. You probably know they would be highly unlikely to ever say anything—particularly unasked. And, even if asked, they would likely be very sparse with their words—and it would be easy for you to discount, dismiss and ignore their wisdom. They would not push it. Shoot, they likely even would help you circle the wagons unless God made it clear they needed to do otherwise for your spiritual and other health.

22. Time is running out. Your options are shrinking daily in a list of ways as they are for all of us--unless we abide in Christ. I don’t know if Fresno is at a high enough elevation to escape coming traumas for California. I don’t think it is. Besides, the Chinese are not likely to be kind to Californians when they arrive to take possession of so much that they now own. I don’t’ know if HumbleGunner’s place in Texas is far enough from the coast and from Mexico to be wise either. I just know, you and all on the planet need to do MUCH BETTER at getting your spiritual house and your practical house in order--faster.

22. The question was raised in the FREE QUIX thread you closed yesterday about whether I’d like to return to FR. (A) I don’t feel the freedom to do that without your confession, repentance and evidence that you are going to sincerely back such confession and repentance up with “fruit” as the Bible might put it. Confess and repent about what? Whatever of the above that God would confirm as having validity and truth in your life. I suspect hell would freeze over before you’d humble yourself sufficiently to confess and repent. BTW, it needs to be public because your junk was flung about so freely publicly. (B) I don’t feel the freedom to return unless my posting options would cease to be curtailed by mindless, ignorant boundaries. That would include about globalism AS WELL AS the fallen angel UFO topic. I miss the relationship connections but God is God and always will be God and makes even that OK. Besides, folks can find me on this TBL forum.

22.1 Yes, THIS TOO is done as I’d want done toward me IF I’d demonstrated the junk you and your leadership has demonstrated for 11+ years. I’d want someone to care enough to try and starkly but caringly get my attention about such horrors in my life and turf.

23. I do thank you for the years I had on FR of many fulfilling and meaningful exchanges with very interesting people of great diversity but a lot of shared values. May God richly reward you for the humble part I had in all that.

24. I do pray that you earnestly do what you can to, by God’s Grace, truly get your act together. Reaping what we have sown can be a troublesome challenge for all of us. Given your evident current bent, I’d much hate to see any further reaping what you have sown.

« Last Edit: Today at 12:43:06 PM by Quix »

TOPICS: Cheese, Moose, Sister; UFO's; Weird Stuff
KEYWORDS: aliensarecoming; bugzapper; crazy; freerepublic; freerepublichistory; logorrhea; opus; quix; trueblueliberty; truebluerino; zot; zoticide
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To: Kevmo
But since you choose to sow discord among conservatives by browbeating them into voting for a librul, you have revealed that you ain’t a conservative.

Well said.

1,561 posted on 07/07/2012 8:54:42 AM PDT by greyfoxx39 (Until the 52K LDS missionaries claiming Christian faith is bogus quit, I will post LDS truth.)
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To: Star Traveler
For the time being, I have to apologize to you and say this is a very good post.

#1550, this thread

I still don't agree with your tactics, but I suggest you pick a thread and repost it in the Religion Forum for more exposure.

I'm going to have fun watching you and Quix compete for bandwidth on TBL, especially since he has come out as a committed "911 truther".

1,562 posted on 07/07/2012 9:27:26 AM PDT by greyfoxx39 (Until the 52K LDS missionaries claiming Christian faith is bogus quit, I will post LDS truth.)
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To: Poser

Would it be pathetic not to vote for obama because you hate islam?
Or is that a rational choice?
Or is a choice not to vote for a liberal because they are a liberal (whether D or R) a rational choice regardless of their religion?
What is fascinating are the people who are absolutely convinced one can not be opposed to Romney’s record of liberalism, without being accused of hating mormons.
That sir is irrational.

1,563 posted on 07/07/2012 9:30:12 AM PDT by svcw (If one living cell on another planet is life, why isn't it life in the womb?)
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To: Elsie

1,564 posted on 07/07/2012 10:16:09 AM PDT by JoeProBono (A closed mouth gathers no feet - Mater tua caligas exercitus gerit ;-{)
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To: Star Traveler

You type faster than God.

1,565 posted on 07/07/2012 10:36:44 AM PDT by JoeProBono (A closed mouth gathers no feet - Mater tua caligas exercitus gerit ;-{)
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To: greyfoxx39


1,566 posted on 07/07/2012 10:43:21 AM PDT by JoeProBono (A closed mouth gathers no feet - Mater tua caligas exercitus gerit ;-{)
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To: JoeProBono

Is this sarcasm? Why?

1,567 posted on 07/07/2012 10:48:14 AM PDT by greyfoxx39 (Until the 52K LDS missionaries claiming Christian faith is bogus quit, I will post LDS truth.)
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To: All
I just signed up at TBL to claim my name. If anyone else has been targeted over there, you might consider doing the same.

Bowed out with the comment, "YAY! FREE REPUBLIC.

I was really aiming to be member #500 but missed it by four.

1,568 posted on 07/07/2012 10:54:49 AM PDT by greyfoxx39 (Until the 52K LDS missionaries claiming Christian faith is bogus quit, I will post LDS truth.)
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To: greyfoxx39

1,569 posted on 07/07/2012 11:01:32 AM PDT by JoeProBono (A closed mouth gathers no feet - Mater tua caligas exercitus gerit ;-{)
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To: Lakeshark

Sorry Lake. Just as you have on every other thread, you stom your feet and act like that kid throwing himself on the floor kicking and screaming when mommy won’t buy you the candy bar.

The only ‘silliness’ is you trying to justify your shame in voting for a liberal. That is something anyone with a sense of morality, decency, right and wrong cannot do. And let’s not forget YOU came HERE. YOU don’t get to exercise your liberal instincts and direct where I post. And if you were to not rrepond at all, here or anywhere else on FR, that would suit many of us just fine.

1,570 posted on 07/07/2012 11:08:14 AM PDT by Norm Lenhart
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To: Norm Lenhart
Nice try Normy, but you pinged me to this thread to a smarmy post of yours, so after this one you can stop pretending.

I suppose you think that Palin, Newt, Santorum, Perry, Rush, Levin, and virtually every other conservative you have once expressed great admiration and support for has lost their sense of morality, decency and ability to discern right from wrong too.....doesn't say much for your judgment Normy......

Of course Norm IS THE ONLY ONE who has kept his purity.

Congrats. You're just so, you know....irrelevant....pure.

1,571 posted on 07/07/2012 11:31:34 AM PDT by Lakeshark (I don't care for Mitt, the alternative is unthinkable)
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To: Norm Lenhart
I forgot, Quix thinks he's pure too.....


1,572 posted on 07/07/2012 11:33:44 AM PDT by Lakeshark (I don't care for Mitt, the alternative is unthinkable)
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To: Lakeshark

I repeat Lake, YOU came HERE. If I were so mindless, I’d think the smart thing to do would be to ignore me.

But you just keep coming. I wonder why that is? And why do you ping me to your Count of Sesame Street threads?

AH! I get it! Logic is thrown out the window when voting for a liberal becomes one’s Holy Grail. I understand now!

1,573 posted on 07/07/2012 11:40:01 AM PDT by Norm Lenhart
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To: marbren

Just WAIT ‘til the MORMONs find out!

1,574 posted on 07/07/2012 12:44:05 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going)
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To: JoeProBono

LOL ... that’s funny, but I wouldn’t bet on that ... :-)

1,575 posted on 07/07/2012 12:46:53 PM PDT by Star Traveler (Remember to keep the Messiah of Israel in the One-World Government that we look forward to coming)
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To: JoeProBono
More MONEY???

1,576 posted on 07/07/2012 12:47:03 PM PDT by Elsie (Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going)
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To: greyfoxx39

AND ALSO FOR ALL ... just to note this from that other site ... the admins there will help you reserve and keep your name - so that no one else uses it to your detriment.

You don’t have to participate there. They just don’t want anyone to use your name and get you falsely accused of anything!

1,577 posted on 07/07/2012 12:54:36 PM PDT by Star Traveler (Remember to keep the Messiah of Israel in the One-World Government that we look forward to coming)
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To: Norm Lenhart
You and Quix remind me of this dog. You keep trying to make sense.....

But you just don't, because you can't.

1,578 posted on 07/07/2012 12:56:34 PM PDT by Lakeshark (I don't care for Mitt, the alternative is unthinkable)
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To: greyfoxx39

Thanks ... and I will take your suggestion and do that. I’ll set up a thread to itself - and hopefully that will do it. Probably later on tonight ... :-)

— — — — —

Oh ... about the 9/11 Truthers ... since I deal with Islam and Sharia Law a lot —and — since the public awareness of the dangers of this totalitarian and oppressive and violent IDEOLOGY was heightened after the 9/11 attacks ... I feel no need to “let Osama bin Laden off the hook” with his responsibility for this and sidetrack people’s attention away from the dangers of this backward, retarded and violent ideology - by making up (or perpetrating) false stories about the USA (and/or the Jews and the Mossad) DOING IT - and thus framing bin Laden to make it look like he did it.

These 9/11 Truthers say that Osama bin Laden is innocent. He didn’t have anything to do with it. That’s ridiculous and he had everything to do with it, along with several others that worked with him, too.

And when I deal with Geert Wilders (on his page on Facebook) and this topic comes up, it’s just shut down and deleted. There’s simply NO DISCUSSION OF IT AT ALL. We won’t entertain it. Our attitude is to let others entertain themselves with it - if they want - but not with those of us who are fighting against this totalitarian, oppressive, violent and murderous ideology of Islam and Sharia Law - pushed on us by Islamists and Jihadists!

SO ... all that to say ... I don’t think it’s worth it to go into it with anyone who takes that position, and I basically don’t, but simply ignore that sort of explanation. And that means you won’t find me diving in the middle of all that, to argue against the 9/11 Truthers. We simply maintain what we know is true - go with that - and ignore the conspiracy theories.

I don’t care who it is ... if it’s a close relative, a good friend, a kid of mine, co-worker, a boss, or whomever — I’ll simply tell them, “Tell it to someone else and not to me. I won’t talk about that and that’s the end of the story for me!”

Now, in Quix’s case, I did write a personal note to him, explained my position - more from a Biblical stance, as he understands where I’m coming from, too - and simply left it at that.

I may engage on some other topics that are talked about (especially in the Christian sphere and with Genesis 6, and the book of Revelation and the Anti-Christ - in general — but I won’t go into that. Therefore, past my personal note to Quix - you won’t find me engaging in any such talks over there on this subject (aside from perhaps an occasional or periodic explaining that I won’t talk about it).

— — — — —

And let me say one more thing about that - and in relation to why I would bother talking about “false doctrines” and “false teachings” in the religious area - and NOT TALK about the 9/11 Truther conspiracy.

It’s actually pretty simple, really. No matter what one thinks or speculates on or maintains on the 9/11 attack - nothing there impinges on one’s PERSONAL SALVATION. You can think one way, or another way, or be as nutty as you want - and still Salvation is a separate issue from that.

But, when someone talks about false doctrines and false teachings that tie DIRECTLY INTO SALVATION and “who” the Savior is and “what secures salvation” - and how one can lose their SOUL and be ETERNALLY DAMNED in the lake of fire - that’s something that MUST BE TALKED ABOUT ... or one is simply contributing to throwing other people’s lives away.

Okay ... that’s about it ... :-)

1,579 posted on 07/07/2012 1:18:26 PM PDT by Star Traveler (Remember to keep the Messiah of Israel in the One-World Government that we look forward to coming)
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To: Lakeshark

Try harder Lake. For those of us with principle, I make perfect sense. Again, explain to the class how voting for a liberal means you are ‘really’ a conservative.

Come on Lake, if you are so convinced of my stupidity, you can come up with something better than “The alternative is worse’. The Alternative may be ‘worse’ depending on how you look at it but it STILL isn’t in any way shape or form ‘conservative’.

I know your guilt drives you to come on these threads and try hopelessly to justify your decision to not only campaign for a liberal, but harangue anyone whose ethics are not as ‘situational’ as your own, but SURELY you can point to a logical reason to claim that a vote for the most liberal Republican ever put up bu the GOP is a ‘Conservative’ thin to do. Hint: Voting for a liberal is NEVER a conservative thing to do, no matter what twists of language you invent.

So try again. Or better, don’t. The only thing you are convincing anyone of is that you’ll vote for a lib any time you get scared.

1,580 posted on 07/07/2012 1:36:37 PM PDT by Norm Lenhart
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