Give ‘em heck time.
If it’s so overblown, why does Holder seek exec privilege? Sounds to me like the appropriate amount of attention is being given to this matter.
Who is Peter Bergen, and why should I consider him credible?
The media’s been trying to confuse the public with the stories about the leaks with the F&F story.
When is the Esquire fashion spread coming?
Barack Obama is a treasonous leaker of National Security secrets.
The Plame leak scandal was wildly overblown - and CNN was right there, helping to overblow it.
...and Watergate was just a “two bit burglary”
CNN is made great strides to be less relevent than MSNBC.
I think they have succeeded in that mission.
CNN has made great strides to be less relevent than MSNBC.
I think they may have succeeded in that mission.
CNN should do some objective reporting or get lost.
Waiting for someone to care...besides us.....
So some Mexicans and border agents got killed. So what?
Who are they in the grand scheme of things? We need to get the Messiah re-elected.
Now go pay your taxes - we’ll need the money for the campaign. :)
Peter Bergen is without doubt a functional idiot who cannot envision that leaks of government ‘kill’ lists is far more substantive than, say the media-hyped outing of Valerie Plame, for instance. I’m sure Peter can remember the significance and import of such a travesty - outing a deskbound clerk in the CIA who falsely claims she was ‘under cover’......yes, Peter, you’re an effing idiot.