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1 posted on 06/11/2012 5:31:20 AM PDT by Kaslin
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To: Kaslin
An entrepreneur believes in himself and his idea enough to take the risks, sometime to use his life’s savings, to create a better life.

Let us not forget that an entrepreneur must also have enought faith to not only take risk that relate directly to his business but also to willingly take local government on his back in the form of excessive & arbitrary start up fees that amount to nothing less than extortion.

Those who have not started a business of their own can have no idea how those who do are being robbed.

2 posted on 06/11/2012 5:45:13 AM PDT by skeeter
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To: Kaslin

The Kenyan has faith in marxism.

3 posted on 06/11/2012 5:46:22 AM PDT by muir_redwoods (I like Obamacare because Granny signed the will and I need the cash)
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To: Kaslin
True. His "Black Liberation Theology" is a communist front, bogus church movement.

The Real Story Behind Rev. Wright's Controversial Black Liberation Theology Doctrine
Monday , May 5, 2008
FoxNews/Hannity's America
[special Friday night edition--original airdate May 2, 2008]

(some key excerpts)

["(Jose) Diaz-Balart is the son of Rafael Diaz-Balart y Guitierrez (a former Cuban politician). He has three bothers, Rafael Diaz-Balart (a banker), Mario Diaz-Balart (a US Congressman) and Lincoln Diaz-Balart (also a US Congressman). His aunt, Mirta Diaz-Balart, was Fidel Castro's first wife."]

JOSE DIAZ-BALART, TELEMUNDO NETWORK: "Liberation theology in Nicaragua in the mid-1980's was a pro-Sandinista, pro-Marxist, anti-U.S., anti-Catholic Church movement. That's it. No ifs, ands, or buts. His church apparently supported, in the mid-'80s in Nicaragua, groups that supported the Sandinista dictatorships and that were opposed to the Contras whose reason for being was calling for elections. That's all I know. I was there.

I saw the churches in Nicaragua that he spoke of, and the churches were churches that talked about the need for violent revolution and I remember clearly one of the major churches in Managua where the Jesus Christ on the altar was not Jesus Christ, he was a Sandinista soldier, and the priests talked about the corruption of the West, talked about the need for revolution everywhere, and talked about 'the evil empire' which was the United States of America."

REV. BOB SCHENCK, NATIONAL CLERGY COUNCIL: "it's based in Marxism. At the core of his [Wright's] theology is really an anti-Christian understanding of God, and as part of a long history of individuals who actually advocate using violence in overthrowing those they perceive to be oppressing them, even acts of murder have been defended by followers of liberation theology. That's very, very dangerous."

SCHENCK: "I was actually the only person escorted to Dr. Wright. He asked to see me, and I simply welcomed him to Washington, and then I said Dr. Wright, I want to bring you a warning: your embrace of Marxist liberation theology. It is contrary to the Gospel, and you need, sir, to abandon it. And at that he dropped the handshake and made it clear that he was not in the mood to dialogue on that point."

Source: The Real Story Behind Rev. Wright's Controversial Black Liberation Theology Doctrine:,2933,354158,00.html

Obama's Church: Gospel of Hate
Kathy Shaidle,
Monday, April 07, 2008

In March of 2007, FOX News host Sean Hannity had engaged Obama’s pastor in a heated interview about his Church’s teachings. For many viewers, the ensuing shouting match was their first exposure to "Black Liberation Theology"...

Like the pro-communist Liberation Theology that swept Central America in the 1980s and was repeatedly condemned by Pope John Paul II, Black Liberation Theology combines warmed-over 1960s vintage Marxism with carefully distorted biblical passages. However, in contrast to traditional Marxism, it emphasizes race rather than class. The Christian notion of "salvation" in the afterlife is superseded by "liberation" on earth, courtesy of the establishment of a socialist utopia.

Catholics for Marx [Liberation Theology]
By Fr. Robert Sirico | Thursday, June 03, 2004

In the days when the Superpowers were locked in a Cold War, Latin America seethed with revolution, and millions lived behind an iron curtain, a group of theologians concocted a novel idea within the history of Christianity. They proposed to combine the teachings of Jesus with the teachings of Marx as a way of justifying violent revolution to overthrow the economics of capitalism.

The Gospels were re-rendered not as doctrine impacting on the human soul but rather as windows into the historical dialectic of class struggle. These "liberation theologians" saw every biblical criticism of the rich as a mandate to expropriate the expropriating owners of capital, and every expression of compassion for the poor as a call for an uprising by the proletarian class of peasants and workers.

4 posted on 06/11/2012 5:47:23 AM PDT by ETL (ALL (most?) of the Obama-commie connections at my FR Home page:
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To: Kaslin
"God D*** America, U.S. to Blame for 9/11"
--Rev Dr. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's pastor for twenty years


"America’s chickens... are coming home... to ROOST!"

"Their founding document [the Weather Underground's] called for the establishment of a "white fighting force" to be allied with the Black Liberation Movement" and other "anti-colonial" movements[1] to achieve "the destruction of US imperialism and the achievement of a classless world: world communism."..."-Berger, Dan (2006). Outlaws of America: The Weather Underground and the Politics of Solidarity. AK Press, 95.

Outlaws of America: The Weather Underground and the Politics of Solidarity (Paperback) by Dan Berger

From the New York Times, August 24, 2003

"they [the Weather Underground] employed revolutionary jargon, advocated armed struggle and black liberation and began bombing buildings, taking responsibility for at least 20 attacks. Estimates of their number ranged at times from several dozen to several hundred."

Article: Quieter Lives for 60's Militants, but Intensity of Beliefs Hasn't Faded

Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright and Dr. William Ayers
are greeted by Rebekah Levin with the Committee
for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine.
(Chuck Berman/Chicago Tribune / May 17, 2009),0,6689521.story

5 posted on 06/11/2012 5:49:31 AM PDT by ETL (ALL (most?) of the Obama-commie connections at my FR Home page:
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To: Kaslin
he has faith

6 posted on 06/11/2012 5:49:43 AM PDT by Vaquero (Don't pick a fight with an old guy. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.)
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To: Kaslin
Barack Obama does not seem to have faith in the American system

Obama believes in Black Liberation Theology and Critical Race Theory. To him, America is based on a system devised by and for white Europeans and he is against it.

In his mind (and according to BLT and CRT), only Marxism can spread the wealth in a way that is just. Meritocracies tilt the scales in the favor of the high achievers (i.e. Europeans, Indians, Orientals)...and that is unfair in Obama's world.

7 posted on 06/11/2012 5:50:50 AM PDT by RoosterRedux (Sow the wind...reap the whirlwind!)
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To: Kaslin

He has a lot of faith. His faith is strong in the belief that America, capitalism and white people are evil. He believes he will destroy it and so far he’s acted on that faith to great effect.

He believes in everything an American scoffs at.

8 posted on 06/11/2012 5:51:49 AM PDT by Norm Lenhart
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To: Kaslin
"Black theology will accept only the love of God which participates in the destruction of the white enemy. What we need is the divine love as expressed in Black Power, which is the power of black people to destroy their oppressors here and now by any means at their disposal".--James (Jim) Cone,
African American Religious Thought: An Anthology (Paperback)
by Cornel West (Editor), Eddie S. Glaude Jr. (Editor)

SEAN HANNITY: But Reverend Jeremiah Wright is not backing down and has not for years and in his strong stance on the teaching of black liberation theology is nothing new. He had the same things to say last spring when he appeared on "Hannity & Colmes:"

WRIGHT: If you're not going to talk about theology in context, if you're not going to talk about liberation theology that came out of the '60s, systematized black liberation theology that started with Jim Cone in 1968 and the writings of Cone and the writings of Dwight Hopkins and the writings of womynist theologians and Asian theologians and Hispanic theologians, then you can't talk about the black value system.

HANNITY: But I'm a — reverend

WRIGHT: Do you know liberation theology, sir?,2933,354158,00.html


Malik Zulu Shabazz, chairman of the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense (NBPP):
"We believe in a Black first philosophy and a Black Liberation Theology."

“Although it [The New Black Panther Party] says it sees capitalism as the fundamental problem with the world and “revolution” as the solution, the new party does not draw its influences from Marxism or Maoism as the original party did. Instead, in a carefully-worded, roundabout form of ethnic nationalism,[8] they say that Marx based his ideology and teachings on indigenous African cultures, and that the NBPP therefore need not look to Marxism or Maoism as a basis for their program, but can look to ideologies that stem directly from those African origins.”

10 posted on 06/11/2012 5:54:57 AM PDT by ETL (ALL (most?) of the Obama-commie connections at my FR Home page:
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To: Kaslin

Not true, he has faith in government power under Dems like him to reshape society to be ‘fairer’, as long as only he gets to control what voters see and hear.

12 posted on 06/11/2012 6:05:44 AM PDT by sickoflibs (Romney is a liberal. Just watch him closely try to screw us.)
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To: Kaslin
In short, Obama doesn’t have faith in us.

And he said it as clearly as possible with his "In five days we will begin to fundamentally change America". Change it to what? His idea of a social dictatorship with bennies for his buddies and crumbs for the rest of the plebs? He HATES FREE ENTERPRISE. He was raised to hate it and he will die cursing it.

19 posted on 06/11/2012 6:28:10 AM PDT by Don Corleone ("Oil the the cannoli. Take it to the Mattress.")
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To: Kaslin

"I find your lack of faith disturbing..."

23 posted on 06/11/2012 6:47:16 AM PDT by Cincinatus (Omnia relinquit servare Rempublicam)
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To: Kaslin
Obama has no faith in America, or in God. And, he has set out to destroy American's faith in themselves, and their belief and faith in God. His goal has been to tear down Judeo/Christian beliefs, their celebrations and practices, and to make everyone dependent on some form of socialistic/communist government instead of having trust and faith in God.

I believe he wants to institute a new "ism" which is his own and based on principles of Socialism, Communism, Marxism. He knows those failed, so he is not a Socialist, Marxist, Communist, per se. I am sure he studied them all, has been schooled by those who support those "isms," but has never really adopted any one of them specifically.

My opinion is that Obama thinks he can do better - remember he is a narcissist with a huge ability to believe in the fantasy that he is superior to anyone. He doesn't feel he is bound by any of our existing laws, and that he is above them. So why would he follow a governmental policy that stymies his power, or adopt an "ism" that has proven to be unsuccessful? I believe he has formulated his own "ism" (yet to be named)but it is a unique combination of theories of other dictators that he evaluated and wants to incorporate to rule this country...and one which he envisions as a perfect dictatorship to replace our form of government.

I am certain that Obama studied our Constitution as a step in preparation for plans to do away with it. He disrespects the Supreme Court; has installed 40+ czars answerable only to him; he has shown his disrespect for all of our core religious affiliations whose belief in God guides them (Jewish, Catholic, Protestant) yet supports Islamic practices; he has set out to divide the people of this country by exacerbating unrest, anger, and distrust among the races, the rich and less fortunate, women vs men; gays vs straight, and has caused widespread resentment and jealousy in our country rather than promoting respect, cooperation, and pride in individual success. Those are all tactics used to tear apart a country from within. They are steps a person follows who wants to become a dictator and puts in practice in order to cause chaos to the point where the government must take control. (ala...supporting the #Occupier movement and hoping for the chaos to escalate to the point where the military must be called up to ensure safety and protection--"martial law.")

The thing is...all of this has been done in a little over three years.

Obama will complete his plan if allowed to serve another term. During that, he will change our government totally and institute his...and place himself at the head...with no hope for a future "election" and he will remain a dictator for as long as he wants. His plan cannot be allowed to proceed. No who the GOP has who we can install in the White House ...Obama must be defeated.

28 posted on 06/11/2012 7:04:40 AM PDT by CitizenM (Obama - The architect of the decline of the U.S.)
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To: Kaslin
“He who lives on a diet of Hope will die Fasting’’.— Ben Franklin. Obama is a Godless Marxist who is afraid of people of real faith(Judeo-Christian faith) because people of faith know there is a higher authority than the laws of men and with faith comes the knowledge that each individual is made in the image of a Loving God, not the all-powerful state.
32 posted on 06/11/2012 11:20:11 AM PDT by jmacusa (Political correctness is cultural Marxism. I'm not a Marxist.)
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