I swam and played in polluted water as a child. My husband claims that that is responsible for my relative longevity lol.
It is all those vaccines governments require, they’ve damaged the genetic strenth of people in industrialized nations.
It is the germophobic nature of our culture and all the chemicals we use trying to protect ourselves/children.
It is all the chemicals used in our food both to protect us and to make us thinner...
It is not affluence.
FReepmail me if you want on or off my combined microbiology/immunology ping list.
Stay healthy: Eat more Dirt
Or at least that's how the papers summarized it.
We do not accept the infant mortality rate of the Third World. The kids in the article are survivors.
“He soon became a specialist, specializing in diseases of the rich. He was therefore able to retire at an early age.” - Tom Lehrer
What doesn’t kill ya makes ya stronger!
From my understanding, the theory is that our immune system is so primed to attack infection, that, lacking what was a normal barrage of infectious enemies to attack, the immune system becomes hyper sensitive, and over reacts, or even begins attacking the bodies own cells (autoimmune diseases, which are becoming rampant).
Interesting, but I’m not going to voluntêr to be infected by parasites.
In nutrition literature, there is currently extensive discussion of various foods which are purported to cause inflammatory responses. This is viewed as a negative. Should this be reconsidered?
I’m skeptical.
Only one in three kids survives past the age of 5? There were no adults over the age of 52 to test?
There may be less chronic inflammation, but maybe that’s because they don’t live long enough to get it. Or it could be a result of their diets—there probably aren’t a lot of fast food places down there. Or maybe it’s a result of more active lifestyles.
I really detest studies that show correlations, and then run with them on the assumption that correlation = causation. It doesn’t! Sorry, but showing a correlation only identifies an area that warrants more study.
yes, but how long do they actually live?
they don’t die of degenerative diseases but maybe that is because they die of TB, malaria, bronchitis, croup, diarrhea etc. instead.
and, of course, it’s nice for rich outsiders to shrug off the many babies and children who die at a young age.
While autoimmune and inflammatory disease may be more prevalent in the industrial world, compared to the Third world, the Third world's infant mortality rate is, as the article states, 3 times higher.
Perhaps those people who would have died in the Third world are those very people who would get the autoimmune diseases we have in the West.
So one might say the parasites, viruses and germs may strengthen us, but one could ALSO say that those same germs just kill off those with faulty immune systems. We manage to keep them alive in the industrial world, so that as they grow their autoimmune and inflammatory disease can manifest themselves.
Is there anything that can cure eczema, which will not trigger an OCD episode?