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Indonesian Citizen Barack Obama Writes School Essay Calling Himself Barry Soetoro ^ | 2 june 2012 | Daily Mail Reporter (UK)

Posted on 06/02/2012 7:04:49 PM PDT by ebysan

Indonesian Citizen Barack Obama writes school Essay Calling Himself "BARRY SOETORO"

'My name is Barry Soetoro. I am a third-grade student at SD Asisi. My mom is my idol. My teacher is Ibu Fer. I have a lot of friends. I live near the school. I usually walk to the school with my mom, then go home by myself. Someday I want to be president. I love to visit all the places in Indonesia. Done. The eeeeeeeeend,' the essay reads.

If Obama Called himself Barry Soetoro in Indonesia,...... Where are the court papers that he changed his name to Barack Obama when he re-patriated to US????

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

KEYWORDS: alteredsource; alteredtitle; barrysoetoro; birthers; bsoetoro; duplicate; hawaii; indonesia; kenya; obama; obamaessay; obamaindonesia; tomfife
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To: GreenLanternCorps
When a child is adopted by a citizen of another country then yes, that child can "renounce" his US citizenship

Especially if the country of his adopted parents does not recognize dual citizenship (ie, Indonesia)

However, if this occurred to a minor who was a bona fide US citizen before adoption, then he may ask to have his US citizenship reinstated - if he does so within 6 months of becoming 18 yrs old

Barrys adoption has not been a secret, though the records of who he was before adoption and what he became after turning age 18 are missing or sealed. An adopted child is issued a new birth certificate. Hawaii MUST have this on file. His previous records are sealed. fwiw, I have adopted a child from abroad.

I find it entirely plausible that Barry Soetero/Sutoro (choose a spelling) became an Indonesian citizen and had his name legally changed to “Sutoro” (choose a spelling) upon adoption by Lolo Sutoro - his mother Ann was contemptuous of America and could not wait to leave

but that lil Barry who was sent back to Hawaii at age 10 probably never legally changed his named back to “Obama” or formally asked to have his US citizenship reinstated upon turning 18

Why would he want to go to all that legal stuff to be a US citizen? Given that his family was so contemptuous of America and that Barry was “probably” registered in school and college under a foreign nationality to derive prestige or affirmative action and loan/scholarship benefits

Now, how he got a Connecticut SSN and a US passport- we leave it up to history to determine. Too bad Toot died so suddenly and fortuitously so she can never tell

81 posted on 06/03/2012 4:43:52 AM PDT by silverleaf (Funny how all the people who are for abortion are already born)
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To: ebysan

I can speculate (only guesswork) on how newly-elected IL Senator Barry Obama got his official US “black” VIP passport, perhaps his first US passport, when he was elected to the Senate in 2007

Newly elected Senator obama (D-ILL) was designated at the last minute to go on a Senate delegation trip to Russia, leaving from Andrews that weekend

I can see someone from his staff (an officious black im’potant Senate staffer) calling ahead and then being sent over to State Department to get “Senator Obama” a VIP black passport issued same day for VIP “CODEL” official USG travel that weekend

and Barry stating in the passport application that any previous US passport was “unavailable” due to being lost, perhaps also begging off providing any substatial proof of birth or citizenship in the rush to get his official US govt passport for Senate delegation travel within 48 hours

You think some State Dept clerk in the VIP travel office is going stall a newly elected US Senator from CODEL travel by insisting on rules about presenting proof of “citizenship” and a previous passport?

Remember when John Brennan (contract spook and current obama nat’l security advisor) used surrogate contractors to burgle the US State department passport office before the 2008 elections? Consider what records went missing. Consider that the Chief of the State Department Section was reassigned. Consider that the DC lead detective on the case was “tapped” in the head on the streets

82 posted on 06/03/2012 5:00:21 AM PDT by silverleaf (Funny how all the people who are for abortion are already born)
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To: silverleaf
Too bad Toot died so suddenly and fortuitously so she can never tell

So, was it a hit, or did Soebarkah wield the pillow himself?

83 posted on 06/03/2012 5:08:00 AM PDT by ROCKLOBSTER (Celebrate Republicans Freed the Slaves Month.)
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To: SvenMagnussen


84 posted on 06/03/2012 5:10:29 AM PDT by InvisibleChurch (i a m t h e m a r g i n o f e r r e r)
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To: ebysan


85 posted on 06/03/2012 5:11:49 AM PDT by InvisibleChurch (i a m t h e m a r g i n o f e r r e r)
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To: ebysan
Done. The eeeeeeeeend.

Done = arrogance

eeeeeeeeend = cheating to fill up the page

86 posted on 06/03/2012 5:24:48 AM PDT by bgill
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To: SatinDoll
I have a lot of friends

Another lie. Unless he counts all those neighborhood kids who called him names and who he threw stuff at. Then there was some kid he beat up in an alley.

87 posted on 06/03/2012 5:32:50 AM PDT by bgill
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To: Graewoulf

The Illinois Bar application asked if he had ever used another name.

88 posted on 06/03/2012 5:36:27 AM PDT by bgill
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To: Graewoulf

Not sure you can say that he falsified his name.

I was born with the name “Smith”.

My Mother divorced my father when I was about 18 mos old.

She either married or cohabited with a man named “Jones” when I was about 4. When she registered me for school, she registered me as “Jones”.

She left “Jones” when I was in 5th grade.

In my next school, I was registered again as “Smith”.

When I was in 7th grade, she either married or cohabited with a man named “Doe”. When she was registering me for 9th grade, she asked if I’d like “Doe’s” name.

I detested “Mr. Doe” and said, “No, I want to be called “Smith”. And I was.

The name change from “Smith” to “Jones” and back was not “legal” so there was no paperwork changing it in either direction. I was not responsible for that change.

Don’t think we can hold him responsible for this one.

89 posted on 06/03/2012 5:41:15 AM PDT by FrogMom (There is no such thing as an honest democrat!)
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To: ebysan

Madelyn is the old lady on your right. SAD is the mother holding the baby Maya. The other old lady is unknown.

90 posted on 06/03/2012 5:45:59 AM PDT by spacejunkie2001
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To: antceecee
Obie apoligist???? He is not a NBC....... sorry buddy... he is NOT a natural born citizen.

Never call me that. That is nothing less than a personal insult.

Not agreeing with the contention that Obama was not born in Hawaii, does not make me a liberal.

Not agreeing with a possible definition of Natural Born Citizen, that may or may not have been used by Vattel, depending on which translation you consult, does not make me a liberal. Seeing as the definition by Blackstone, which is from the Common Law our Constitution is based on, is the correct definition and the one the founders would have meant.

I'm a strict constructionist of the Constitution. The Constitution means what it says even if I don't like the result.

Nobody has proved Obama was not born in Hawaii. To the contrary he has two hard copies of his Hawaiian birth certificate, and a letter from the State of Hawaii authenticating them. Unless you have positive proof that those hard copies are forgeries. Those copies will trump any other proof I have seen offered.

The only body capable of defining "natural born citizen" for presidential eligibility is the Congress, not Article III courts created by the Congress. The Congress did not address the issue in January 2009. Making the point moot until January 2013. Until then, Blackstone's definition is the one rooted in the Common Law, not Vattel's possible definition which is foreign to our laws.

91 posted on 06/03/2012 5:58:07 AM PDT by GreenLanternCorps ("Barack Obama" is Swahili for "Jimmy Carter".)
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To: InvisibleChurch
Why the name change to barry then back to B Hussein O?

It was the chameleon act again. When Barry Soetoro's step dad got tired of him or whatever it was that split the happy little Indonesian family apart, he needed a different hook. Typical white granny's bank boss was on the board at Punahoa school where it just so happened that their pet project was Kenya. Enter Obama Sr. stage left. Remember how supposedly the Dunhams footed all his bills for a month or two when he made that trip back to Hawaii shortly after the new and improved 10 year old Barack Obama, prince and future king of the Luo tribe, arrived back at their doorstep. I suspect Sr. was dragged kicking and screaming back to his old stomping grounds to "fix" the legal paperwork, hence the long stay on the island. Coincidentally, his Punahao teacher just happened to do summers in Kenya every year and his classmates remember Sr. coming to talk with them about Kenya. Of course, Punahou would have jumped at the chance to brag about their newest student. Being the stepson of Lolo Soetoro wasn't exotic enough but being the son of Obama the Kenyan was the ticket.

92 posted on 06/03/2012 6:10:24 AM PDT by bgill
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To: Fred Nerks

The boy right above the woman in the glasses looks like that kid who’s in so many other pictures. Anyone know his name and his info?

93 posted on 06/03/2012 6:19:01 AM PDT by bgill
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To: Flotsam_Jetsome

Both of my sons were born in the Army Hospital at Camp Zama, and their births were registered at the U S Consulate in Yokohama. No questions here. My daughter was born in a British hospital. Her birth was duly recorded at the U S Consulate in Liverpool. She was a dual-citizen until age 21 when she became a full U S citizen since both parents were both natural-born U S citizens.

94 posted on 06/03/2012 6:22:03 AM PDT by Ax
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To: john mirse

Maybe that’s Lolo’s mom? The two proud grandmothers with their newborn grandbaby Maya and Stanley is snapping the picture? Stanley may have also snapped the Indonesian family picture, too. I’m “assuming” these came from the Dunham’s album.

95 posted on 06/03/2012 6:26:02 AM PDT by bgill
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To: ebysan

Thanks for the URL. Yes, I read UM/WHI.

Jarrett has been mentioned on these threads quite often. Being the de facto President doesn’t astonish me and, IMO; 0b0z0 would have never run for a second term if it were up to him. Jarrett and the Wookie are scaring the crap out of him.

His manhood, or the lack thereof, isn’t in question anymore. He’s bisexual at best, lazy and never had any responsibilities in his life.

Since the day 0kaka was elected, I always said that it’s like a ghetto kid who woke up in the WH. All of a sudden, he’s faced with things he doesn’t know how to handle, doesn’t know how to make decisions and really doesn’t have the time to think about it, especially with his low IQ. (Education records are sealed, the most important of ALL his sealed records, IMO.)

0b0z0’s terrible psychological profile and playing God with the drones is part of it. Sitting in his second floor office watching ESPN and smoking all day then going to gym to have Reggie time, is nothing but a confirmation to what we know about him.

For 0b0z0 to be reelected, the Communists have one of two ways:

1- The summer polls are so much in his favor that a clean election plus a little fraud here and there for good measure will do it.

2- The summer polls are pointing out to some deterioration and showing that 0kaka may lose will unleash the prepared Communist violence and the MSM’s drumbeat demanding government response to “protect the citizens,” IOW, Martial Law and postponing the election “indefinitely.”

I believe the latter is the most likely scenario that we have been talking about for years. Enter the drones for domestic service, at least to watch any organized resistance that if far enough from urban areas (0b0z0’s strongholds) they could fire at will with nothing mentioned in the media through normal collusion and/or under Martial Law restrictions.

Pray for our beloved Republic.

96 posted on 06/03/2012 6:37:30 AM PDT by melancholy (Professor Alinsky, Enslavement Specialist, Ph.D in L0w and H0lder)
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To: azishot

Upon magnification, I see SAT scores flying in the wind!

97 posted on 06/03/2012 6:40:14 AM PDT by melancholy (Professor Alinsky, Enslavement Specialist, Ph.D in L0w and H0lder)
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To: Fred Nerks

Soebarkah family; I remember a photo of him with a totally different family.

98 posted on 06/03/2012 6:41:15 AM PDT by little jeremiah
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To: thecodont

You’re very welcome.

99 posted on 06/03/2012 6:41:49 AM PDT by melancholy (Professor Alinsky, Enslavement Specialist, Ph.D in L0w and H0lder)
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To: SatinDoll

Calvinball is from “Calvin and Hobbes” and is a game in which the rules are made up on the fly.

100 posted on 06/03/2012 7:04:27 AM PDT by little jeremiah
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