Barred Owl; Image courtesy of
“Some animals are more equal than others.”
I had a barred owl as a pet when I was a kid. He had a cute trick. Just before sundown he would start patrolling the neighborhood. When he passed over our yard he would dip down and graze the top of my head with his talons, kind of like running a very sharp comb through my hair.
By now, I’m sure, having an owl for a pet is illegal.
Libs embrace Darwinism.
Until they see it in action.
Then they labor to counter it.
Egad - survival of the fittest in action - stop it, stop it now!
So, how much does it cost for the government to kill a barred owl? Seriously. How in the heck does one hunt barred owls, and what is the success rate? It’s not like you can decoy in flocks of them to shoot.....
So we will have hunting teams of feds, roaming the woods at night, getting overtime and per-diem pay.....
First the FEDS KILLED LOGGING (they thought the logging was the problem)....because of the “spotted owl” ....NOW they are going to kill the barred owl...feds can go screw themselves....seems Oregon will never recover.
Looks like sometime in the future we will be able to resurrect that old joke. Here’s the punch line:
“The good news is that the Spotted Owl is no longer on the Endangered Species List. The bad news is that there aren’t any more Spotted Owls.”
Another Obama stimulus and jobs program. More busy work for useless dead weight Federales. More jobs for the owl “hit men” this is contracted out to.
There is no hunting season on ANY bird of prey in the USA and territories.
The Barred Owl is also an endangered species.
The problem is that the food source for the Barred Owl has been reduced, so they prey on whatever they can catch, kill, and eat.
The questions for the feds then are as follows: 1.) If the increased attacks on the much smaller Spotted Owl are due to a reduction in food for the Barred Owl, then what can be done to increase the food for the Barred Owl?
2.) Does the decline in the population of the native Band-Tailed Pigeon correspond to a decrease in the Barred Owl population?
3.) Does the decrease in numbers of mature Cascara trees correspond to the
decrease in the numbers of Band-Tailed Pigeons? (Cascara berries are an essential food for the Band-Tailed Pigeons).
My point is that the Feds are going to kill off the top predator that is dependent on a foodchain far more complex than their shoot-now-and we’ll-find-out-the-truth-later policy.
BTW, since the main market for Cascara bark is with companies who refine Cascara bark into diarrhea medicine for humans, the end result may be that the food chain collapses, and we humans were the base cause, in the end.
Without endangered spotted owls, there is no budget for protecting them. However, given that barred owls do interbreed successfully with spotted owls, the two are NOT separate species but are in fact different races of the same species.
That makes this policy racial genocide.
We have seen barred owls on our farm. We currently have a pair of great grey owls that will probably have little ones about 100 yards from our house. Those things are huge!
We see bald eagles daily and golden eagles every other day this time of year. Majestic birds! I have considered putting in a telephone pole nest in the pasture below our back deck. The cows won’t mind and it’s neat to watch them catch mice in the pasture.
No surprise there - the Dims are also willing to destroy the middle class to expand the bottom feeders.
Obama/Holder application of preferred species. This is getting pervasive in their entire administration.
I didn't think so.
Next he’ll be passing an EO to kill all the humans with X colored eyes to save the Y colored eyed ones. Heil, Hussien!
Remember whe the leftists attacked Sarah over her wolf policies?